2011 - New Year, New Me (week 4)



  • tom5
    tom5 Posts: 3 Member
    what does "bump" mean??
  • what does "bump" mean??

    It just means someone is bumping the thread up to the top of the recent post list.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    No weight loss yet.................. Not sure what I'm doing wrong................ I have lost two inches, so far, but no other changes in the last week and a half. :grumble:
  • i'm still here and doin good. hopefully i'll be in 150's by monday oh, i hope. if i keep doing what i'm doing.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just got back from my lunch workout and did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill for a 466 calorie burn. I'm still working on getting up early to do a workout and am happy to finally be back home from travelling and eating home cooked meals. Don't get me wrong I love eating out, but after a while all those calorie heavy meals get old on me. I look for salads and even they are packed with high calories. I know Unos lowest calorie salad has 800 calories. On the last day of my trip I was happy to stop by a Whole Foods and we picked up a meal for us in the hot meal section, and we just ate on the bed and watched tv- since we don't get to do that at home. Lovely night- and picked up my greek yogurt with honey.

    I also realized that losing weight for me without a support system gets more difficult. I just get on here and I see how all motivated all of you are, and that's inspiring.

    Oh yeah, feels great to be back on track!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I am still here, I just switched over to using sparkpeople.com. I will try to check into the forum each day, and post my weight. I think I weighed in here at 162.6 the first week, my second weeks weight (sept 17) was 160.6 for 2 pounds lost, my third weeks weight (sept 24) was 158.6 for another 2 pounds lost. And I will weigh in again on Friday.

    Finished W1D2 of C25K today. Going to start a different workout plan on Monday. I am going to do C25K on MWF, and 30 day shred on TTHS, still keeping Sunday as a rest day. Will prob do at least 20min on treadmill on shred days. And I will still continue to my crunches, squats, and pushups. Will give this plan a go for the month of October and see how it goes.

    Hope everyone is doing well, I am off to catch up on the thread. Then pick my son up from school, then off to swimming lessons.
  • Glad to see people are still here reading, if not posting. I feel like I'm not talking to myself so much then, LOL!

    I'm hoping to be out of the 200's by Oct 8th. Normally I'd think that 6 lbs in 1.5 weeks would be a long shot, but the way I'm dropping lbs lately, I think it may be attainable. I guess working night shift is good for something (and it's not my attitude!).

    Off to another night of work. Packed my meals/snacks and I never have cash so I can't raid the vending machines when I get a snack attack at 2 or 4am. "See" you all tomorrow afternoon!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I'm here. I'm just working crazy hours. I haven't done so well eating this week...over my calories almost every day this week. On the other hand, I haven't gone to a fast food drive thru this week so at least what I'm putting in my system is healthier than what I would normally do on a week like this.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    A "bump" also means that you posted in the topic and will move it to the "my topics" in the message boards so that you don't have to go looking for it. I was to busy that night to write anything.
  • I'm hoping on Monday I will be 160lbs been doing my workouts and watching what I eat.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    if i missed you i'm sorry....please post your current weight in the week 4 thread and i'll update the chart....
    i'll post the new table this weekend before everyone starts reporting weights for next week....

    these are the people that have given updates on weight the week of 9/27/10 so far...

    these are the people i have no weight change since the beginning...

    these the people i have not heard from recently...they have posted weights at least twice so a "change" shows on my spreadsheet but are not current....
  • i weigh myself this morning 162.0 lbs. yay. it seems like everyone is doing great.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hey all,

    Had a staff meeting this morning with refreshments and breakfast. I didn't have breakfast at home and had room to have breakfast in the meeting. Then went to the gym at lunch time and did 35 minutes in the gym bike for a 300 calorie burn. I can already see all the bloating gone from the trip last week.
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    i am still very much here and reading posts i see ive been added too thanks, im in all the way guys and up date on mondays my weigh in day,
    cheers and good luck everyone and thanks for letting me join in
    D x
  • johndee
    johndee Posts: 25 Member
    My weekly weigh in...I'm happy to announce I lost 2 lbs from 188 to 186 :)
  • Nice job, johndee!
  • Great job johndee!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    weighed in this morning - down 2 pounds - 156.6
  • weighed in this morning - down 2 pounds - 156.6

  • Weighed in this morning for the first of the month and I am down to 161.2 I have decided to put insanity on the back burner and go for 30days with the shred so my month goals are to be down at least 10lbs complete the shred and focus on the Michi's ladder challenge!!
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