A-holes on the road



  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member
    Very old men, wearing hats, driving Caddies with Florida plates!
  • pandamaniiiac2011
    Call me crazy, but I HATE when people start slowing down at a green light.
  • rebeccawwalters
    rebeccawwalters Posts: 37 Member
    I hate it when the person in front of me pokes down the onramp to get onto the interstate. Dangerous for all involved!
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    Oh how I wish MFP had a like button!!!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Driving 10-15 mph under the speed limit while left foot riding the brake.
    One should be allowed a cannon on the roof to take care of those.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I have a friend that doesn't use his turn signals. He's pretty good about not cutting people off when he changes lanes (leaves plenty of room), but it's still annoying.

    The super annoying thing is that he doesn't use his signals when he's actually turning a corner. Once again, if you're in the left turn lane, it's bad enough...but when he's in the right lane, turning right, I figure he pisses off a lot of people. I was following him one time and was constantly slamming on my brakes. I wanted to beat the $h!t out of him when we made it to our destination.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Call me crazy, but I HATE when people start slowing down at a green light.

    My fiance does this. Each intersection he slows down about 5 miles per hour. It's infuriating.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    People who pull out right in front of you, you slam on your brakes, and then they drive reeeeeeeeeeeeealllllll slow!!!!! If you were in THAT big of a hurry why aren't you speeding?
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    I hate it when the person in front of me pokes down the onramp to get onto the interstate. Dangerous for all involved!

    ^^^^^ this!!!!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Wide, sweeping turns.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't like it when they drive into me while I'm riding my bike and then just keep driving while I bounce all over their car, and fall off and bounce all over the road, and they keep driving and almost run over my head, then finally stop at the end of the road, but never come over to see if I'm ok, while I am in the road waiting for the ambulance. Luckily that only happened once.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    You know what they say: everyone faster than you is a maniac, everyone slower than you is an idiot.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    when people follow me way too close, and don't use their turn signals. my car is really low to the ground so whenever a bigger car rides up behind me, I get blinded and there's nothing I can do. like, I'm going the speed limit gtfo.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Aggressive tailgaters!

    Louisiana seems to be full of *kitten* in jacked up trucks or SUVs - riding people *kitten* and sliding into the next red light, only to gun it on green like gas is free....sigh

    I drive (at least) 5-10 over speed limit and never hover in fast lane, yet I consistently find myself bracing for impact when I have to brake for someone in front of me. It's ridiculous how aggressive people are around here!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't like it when they drive into me while I'm riding my bike and then just keep driving while I bounce all over their car, and fall off and bounce all over the road, and they keep driving and almost run over my head, then finally stop at the end of the road, but never come over to see if I'm ok, while I am in the road waiting for the ambulance. Luckily that only happened once.

    Wow. Do I cry or laugh at this? I have no idea.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't like it when they drive into me while I'm riding my bike and then just keep driving while I bounce all over their car, and fall off and bounce all over the road, and they keep driving and almost run over my head, then finally stop at the end of the road, but never come over to see if I'm ok, while I am in the road waiting for the ambulance. Luckily that only happened once.

    Wow. Do I cry or laugh at this? I have no idea.

    I'm Ok now, so it's ok!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't like it when they drive into me while I'm riding my bike and then just keep driving while I bounce all over their car, and fall off and bounce all over the road, and they keep driving and almost run over my head, then finally stop at the end of the road, but never come over to see if I'm ok, while I am in the road waiting for the ambulance. Luckily that only happened once.

    Wow. Do I cry or laugh at this? I have no idea.

    I'm Ok now, so it's ok!

    Lol SO glad to hear that! :)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Thanks! :happy:
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    What do you guys hate the most about A-Holes on the road? I hate hate hate it when people don't use their god damn blinker!!!! So when they switch lanes right in front of me, I have to slam on my breaks or else I would hit them. If they would have used their blinker than I would have givin him lots of room to move over, but did he? NO! What about you guys? What bothers you the most while on the road?

    This just happened to me yesterday! The lady cut me off (no blinker, of course!) and when I honked my horn at her, she gave me the bird! Then, I see the little hand of her 2 year old pop up doing the same thing. That's classy, lady! Setting a great example!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    Canadians!! Sorry guys, but you guys are horrible drivers! I live right next to the boarder and they flood our roads with horrible drivers!