40 pounds in 4 months: the end of the year challenge!



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Those of us who have been here a long time have seen these unrealistic challenges come and go. The people who jump on board are nearly always the same people who keep having to start over, time and time again. Far better to set a modest plan and stay with it. That 4.5 pounds a month that I lost for about a year? It's still gone nearly a year later.

    That's quite a generalization. Are you actually keeping track of those who have joined these challenges to the point that you see them starting over "time and time again"? That seems unrealistic to me. :)
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Please add me!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Thanks Rcotton :)

    I don't mind being aggressive and holidays come every year! I can't use that as an excuse to over eat!

    "Aim for the moon, even if you miss... you'll land amongst the stars!" Good thing about me is... I set my sights high and if I don't hit them exactly but still make progress, I count it as success!

    Best of luck to you too :flowerforyou:

    Being Too aggressive isn't an excuse to over eat. It's about having a healthy amount of weight lost... Too aggressive can result in a few issues such as skin not adapting to your weight change, gaining the weight quickly back as soon as you stop 'dieting' if not more than what you lost.
  • BrownSuga245
    BrownSuga245 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to join the group as well! I have about 48 lbs to lose total, to reach my goal. I'm 5'10, and 208lbs right now. As a stay at home, homeschooling mother of 2 and stepmom to a pre-teen I stay busy, and try to put my children first. I am also trying to start taking better care of myself. I eat pretty healthy, but my metabolism is starting to slow as I'm almost in my mid-thirties. (33) My family eats mostly vegan, ( I say mostly, because when we travel, we sometimes indulge in a dish that may have some dairy cheese in it.) We never eat meat or flesh of any kind, and gave up eggs and cheese on the regular back in January. I guess my biggest challenge is monitoring my portions of carbs! (I never met a carb I didn't like!) lol...
    *My youngest son has Cerebral Palsy and I need to be strong and healthy so I can continue to carry him and lift him when he is too weak to lift himself. I love the idea of joining a group for support and fellowship along the way!
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    I would really love to join!!
  • callaslily1
    callaslily1 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Bump For reference
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I would like to join.
    But - I would like to set a goal of 12 lbs by the end of the year. I am trying to lose slowly.

    Bring it on :-)
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    I'd like to join (:
    25 pounds by the end of the year.
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    I would love to join! Is it still open?
  • winsorsmom
    winsorsmom Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in!
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
    i'm in!
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks Rcotton :)

    I don't mind being aggressive and holidays come every year! I can't use that as an excuse to over eat!

    I love this response. I hate the "the holidays" excuse. Holiday's doesn't have to be a reason to overindulge.
  • trvlgrl47
    trvlgrl47 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm definitely in! I need that motivation!!!
  • kurtgtr
    kurtgtr Posts: 4 Member
    I'm In as well. I have been going for about 6 weeks and have lost 30 lbs. I would love to lose 40 by the end of the year! I am trying to loose 120 lbs altogether so this will definitely help me stay on track!
  • erikalynne87
    erikalynne87 Posts: 7 Member
    A 1250 calorie deficit per day is pretty aggressive IMO. That's why I called it aggresive because I actually did the math. A deficit of over 1000 calories per day is not recommended by MFP.
    G'bye Negative Nancy. You already expressed your opinion, now scoot.

    I don't know you but i think I love you!

    And please please please count me in!!! I really hope this will turn into an amazing lil group that is super motivated and willing to offer support to those who may struggle. (cough cough me cough)
    Overall I have a lot more than 40 lbs to lose but this would be an excellent short-term goal to start with.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    I think this is an aggressive goal, but really it depends on how overweight you are. If you already have a decent muscle composition and need to shed some fat this goal will be much more difficult than for someone who is morbidly obese and will cut weight no problem just by nailing down their diet and exercising properly. On that note, I'm in...it's a crapshoot but I would love to weigh 40 pounds less than what I do now and be chisled.
  • anieves815
    anieves815 Posts: 26 Member
    If there is room, can I be sent an invite? This is right up my alley and I have a sexy New Years dress to fit into!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone...

    I am SO SHOCKED at how many people want to do this challenge! I seriously thought I'd be lucky to get 5-10 ppl to join me! Glad to see you are all motviated. I've been adding you all one by one and it's taking forever... so unfortunately today SEP 5 at 5 pm is the cut off!

    Basically, sometime between 5-7pm I will come back to this post and add everyone new I see... after that I'm done adding people to the group. Sorry :( We are getting to be at capacity... I think 100 ppl is more than enough for a strong group and definitely more than the 5-10 I expected haha. Not trying to be mean but if I spend all my time adding people... how will I have time to get my workout on LOL...

    Best of luck to everyone! And if you happen to swing by afterwards there are many many GREAT challenges on this site and I'm planning to do another in January to "tone up" and/or maintain my loss!

    Keep rocking it!

    ETA: The cutoff will be 5-6 pm tonight OR 100 people whichever comes LAST ;-) One finaly sweel at 6 or 7 pm then I'm DONE! I want everyone who wants to do it, to get in... but I can only do so much computer work lol... I have charts and paperwork and a I'ldoggy that want my time too :-/ lol... oh and eating right AND working out! haha!
  • mom2finley
    mom2finley Posts: 3 Member
    I want in the group, please!