How often do you weigh yourself?



  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I only record once per week, on Monday to try to keep myself in check over the weekend. I do weigh everyday though, sometimes a couple times a day. For me, I do like to see how my weight fluctuates. If you are someone that gets freaked out or stressed out by it I wouldn't suggest doing it too often. It actually makes me feel a little better too because Monday's are usually my highest day (Thursdays my lowest) so I don't get too upset if I'm not showing a loss because scales do lie sometimes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I was wondering how often you weigh yourself? I weigh myself everyday (if not more than once a day) and have noticed that my weight fluctuates what seems like a lot. I started (re)tracking my weight again almost two weeks ago, and some days I am pounds lower than other days. How do I know if I actually lose weight, or if it's just fluctuating? Will I have to wait weeks and weeks to know if I have actually lost weight? 11 days ago I was 161.4, and today I am 158.8. A couple of days ago I weighed in at 157.8. I really haven't eaten a great deal more in the past couple of days, but it still says I gained a pound. I'm hoping I have actually lost weight and it not just being the fluctuation in body weight!

    Would weighing myself once a week be more accurate if I have lost weight a lot? Am I just looking too much into something that is just going to fluctuate?


    I weigh once per day...more than that is soon as you start eating and drinking, you're going to fluctuate all over the place. Food weighs something...liquids weigh should be obvious that that would show up on the scale.

    I weigh once per day because I can better see trends over the course of the week and month. If you don't understand or can't handle the fact that your body weight will fluctuate NATURALLY a good 2-5 Lbs day to day then you shouldn't do this. I understand these fluctuations and like having the data points...but that's all they are to points so I can view trends over longer periods of time.

    I'd also suggest that you really try to wrap your head around these as it's really going to be a ***** when you're at maintenance if you don''ll be one of those freak outs that goes crazy becaue they put 3 Lbs of water weight on over a weekend at maintenance and dive into a chronic state of diet and binge, diet and binge, diet and bing. Weight loss isn't linear due to these fluctuations and maintenance is most definitely not static.
  • davidlovy3
    davidlovy3 Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh myself every morning I get up after emptying my bladder (doctor's orders). I bought one of those old school professional scales with the slide weights. I found all of the bathroom type scales change readings by up to 5 pounds depending on where you stand on them, and the professional scale is very consistent. I also only track whole pounds, as fractions don't really matter to me at this time.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I weigh every day same time in the morning. Yes weight can fluctuate. Time of month,water weight etc. BUT keeping that in mind I can keep myself in check if I see the weight creeping up higher than normal.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    There's nothing wrong with weighing daily but I recommend charting it on something better than MFP so you can learn what's going on. There are a lot of free apps and websites out these for this purpose. Here's my chart...

  • HideyoshiKinoshita
    Once a week every Thursday morning~
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Every morning, I get up, use the rest room, then step on the scale before consuming anything at all. I track each day along with my weekly minimum, maximum, and average on a spread sheet. As long as the weekly numbers constantly go down (haven't had a week where they've bounced back yet) then I don't fret when my daily numbers bounce up (which they do of course).
  • OrionsBell
    I don't. Well, I have get started..and from now on, it will be once a week.
  • samammay
    Every day, but I am a math geek and I like charts and numbers. Regardless of what the scale says I dont change anything about my workout or diet plan though. Line graphs make me happy. :)
  • davewilliamadams
    I weigh myself once a week....on Sunday. I have friends who weigh themselves everyday and it works for them. I would rather weigh myself once a week.
  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm with the once a week's sometimes every two weeks depending on "circumstances"
  • ms_jen21
    ms_jen21 Posts: 61 Member
    I havent weighed myself since May.. but today I did a quick weigh-in at the doctors office, and I am proud to say I only gained one pound back since my previous weigh-in..

    I'm at 254.8 :)
    Starting weight: 281
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I weigh myself every Sat am completely naked... It's easier for me to track in a controlled setting
  • weightliftinggirl
    I understand food and water has weight to it. No need to be so condescending. I weigh myself every morning before I eat or drink anything. The same time every day. Then I might weigh myself at night. I only chart what I weigh in the morning. I just wanted to see if other people notice 2, 3, 4 pound differences from morning to morning.

    Thank you everyone!
  • spammarino
    spammarino Posts: 34 Member
    Once a week on Friday mornings.
  • ehorn625
    meh-whenever I feel like it but at least once per week.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    i weigh myself every morning around same time before bath and after peeing. The fluctuations dont bother me. I just observe the trend. If its water weight, i lose it in 2-3 days..if not, then its fat :)
    I also have a monthly weigh in with a i know how much average i have lost in a for me..
    I need to weigh daily, else i lose track easily and go back to my early ways of eating loads of food.
  • Every morning before breakfast.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. Somtimes twice. Whatever is the lowest weight, I record it.. The scale is my friend and keeps me accountable. Plus, I just think it is so facinating how your weight can fluctuate.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, but have found measuring to be a much more accurate way to track my actual progress.