Running during work lunch break



  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I try to run during my lunch break, as I have a hard time fitting it @ home being a single parent taking care of house & stuff. Fortunately we do have a shower, but I still come back red faced and sometimes even with wild hair and no makeup, depending on if I can fit the time in to hair spray and put makeup back on. I think changing ALL of your clothes, and wiping down with wipes and using deodorant and maybe a scented and/or deodorant lotion should be adequate. My coworkers are all very supportive of each other but I am sure I get some whispered comments about the crazy look sometimes! :-) If folks @ your work are not supportive, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have to MAKE the time to take care of yourself. No one will take care of you but you.... It is too easy to find "reason" not to exercise, but we all know we need it.... Best of luck!
  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    I go to the gym and lift weights or run outside (if it's nice enough) or inside (if its' not) 3 times a week during my work breaks. I am in a very similar situation: no shower. So far, none of my co-workers have said anything. As far as I know, they have no idea what I'm doing during my lunch breaks :)

    Some tips:
    -Is there a park close to you with bathrooms you can change in? I've found it easier to change NOT at work. I leave work in my normal clohtes and change somewhere else. If a park bathroom is not available, you coudl try changing in your car, gas station bathroom, wherever you can make it work. I often go to my work bathroom to change into a sports bra under my nromal work clothes to make the process easier.
    -work with a messy hairstyle to begin with. Loose curls, braids, etc all hold up better than stick straight hair in my experience during a sweaty workout. Oh, and BRING DRY SHAMPOO. Best invention ever.
    -Leave yourself plenty of time to cool down after your run. You will be sweaty and your face will be red. Make sure you have time to cool down and recover so you look normal by the time you get back to work. You may have to stop 5 minutes early to make sure this is possible.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    Kind of ironically, yesterday was "my half hour lunch/leave at 4:30 go go train" day (I do boot camp 2 days a week). I was in the bathroom, having already changed and was putting my hair in a ponytail. Two "women" were in there washing their hands and they were whispering to eachother. Then all of a sudden one of them turned to me and said "Can't you do all of that after you get to the gym?" I quickly responded "Where I workout, we don't have locker rooms", grabbed my stuff and walked out. I felt like kind of a bad *kitten* :smokin:
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I prefer to go to the gym on my lunch instead of the evening when I get off work. I work out 30-45 minutes and definitely break a sweat. I dont have time to shower at the gym so I do as others have suggested . . . . . wipe down and change back into my work clothes.

    I'm fortunate that I have an office, but since I dont smell after my "bird bath" and deoderant, I would also work out at lunch if I had a cubicle.

    Forget what others think - do whats convenient for YOU.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I work in an office environment. At lunch I usually ride my bike for 45 minutes and get sweaty. No showers here either. I bring a wash cloth, towel and deodorant to work to clean up with. There is no odor for anyone to notice. I've done it for years.
  • I LOVE RUNNING. I run everyday during my lunch. We have treadmills here in our PT department, but I am sure you could run outside. Its just too hot in the summer. I come into work 20 minutes early and I run for 60 minutes. I sweat ALOT but I keep hydrated. I bring a change of undies, baby wipes, deodorant and whatever other necessities I need. I really dont care what my coworkers think, though I will admit lately there seem to be more people walking and using the treadmills downstairs. Hmmm I wonder why? No I dont stink! I shower before I come to work and I make sure to also bring a little bit of powder. Now mind you I live in the desert. I also run on the weekends outside so at this point I clock 24-30 miles a week. My advice is to do what is right for you. Your co-workers are not the ones that are going to take care of your health. You may even inspire others to make a change. I spoke with my CAO and asked if I could come in earlier to increase my run time. He was fine with it and guess what, he is now taking walks at lunch. PS When I get back from my run, Im ready to conquer anything they throw my way. BTW I eat after I run.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    At my last job, I used to run during my lunchbreak but we had showers. At my current job there are no showers hence I don't run at lunch. I wouldn't do it unless I could have a shower.
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I run almost every day during my lunch break. It is my thing...I've done it for over 3 years.... everyone knows where I go during lunch. I work in a financial institution with a very conservative dress code.... and it has never, ever been an issue when I return from my lunch break in my workout gear... sweating and looking like a wet cat before I hit the locker-room. In fact, I am admired for it. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people in my 3000 employee campus know me for my running at luch break routine and will talk to me about how much they admire the freedom I feel to get sweaty during business hours.

    Just be prepared. You will need an extra set of undies and you will probably need to shower, but baby/wet wipes can help you not to smell, but not so helpfull to cool down your body temp.

  • sarahroseconroy
    sarahroseconroy Posts: 37 Member
    I often run in my break and i feel the more often i do it the better i am at being in a routine with it, i run for 30 mins then spend the other 30 wiping, changing sprayng perfume and eating my lunch, if anyone says anything they are only jealous that they arent doing it :) the best thing is at 5pm you can head home and put your feet up! win win situation!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I would do it!!! I walk to work everyday (late mornings) and I sweat on the way. When I get to work, I turn on my desk fan to cool down and spray a little body spray and that about does it. I have also gone outside during lunch and completed 30 minutes of ball exercises and I come back in and do the same thing. I have a whole office of women who would tell me if I did not smell good. I would go for it.
  • trueliz
    trueliz Posts: 1
    Pro tip: After running and cleaning up, when nobody's looking, put your face in the freezer. Helps me get rid of my eggplant face!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I work out on my lunch break. If I just walk then I don't do anything, if I lift weights, then I will just do a quick wipe off, change, and deodorant, and if I run or do martial arts then I take a long lunch and shower/change/deodorant but only because I have that option.

    If you can manage to run then smell clean and nice and look put together in under an hour go for it! I'd do whatever your routine in leu of a shower will be, during the evening or weekend one day, and have a friend or family member give you an honest opinion of how you look/smell. Have you actually asked your boss? Get there half an hour early, and take a long lunch, half hour late or early and a shorter lunch? Whatever would make it work for you? That's one reason that I love my job. It only matters what you get done, not when. No clocking in or out.