How often do you weigh yourself?

I have an annoying little habit of weighing myself first thing in the morning, every morning :/ I'd like to aim for once a week but I guess I'm worried not weighing in everyday will have some sort of negative affect on me (Maybe not keep me as motivated?). Just curious to see how often you all weigh in?


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Every day.

    BF %age, too.

    Measurements I only do weekly, though.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Like 5x a day
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    Every morning and when I get home in the evening from my walk so twice a day.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    every day... just as a habit really. I dont take much stock in the figures so long as theres a generally downward trend.
  • EllieLarson
    I usually weigh myself everyday to keep myself in check. The only weigh in I use to base my weight loss is every Thursday night at my T.O.P.S. meeting. If I didn't weigh myself daily I would go off track. I have ocd so I have to.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Lately, once a month. I never cared and care even less now.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I just started weighing in every morning instead of once a week. I think seeing the fluctuations from day to day is helping me adjust my diet and exercise better.
  • smithed812
    Daily. A habit I can't seem to break.
    ISPEAKWHALE2 Posts: 36 Member
    Every Morning, before I eat.:happy:
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Once a week. Just don't see the point of doing it more often the way the human body fluctuates.
  • BeThatMiracle
    BeThatMiracle Posts: 8 Member
    Once a week to once every couple of weeks. I like to see big changes!
  • MerdiJune
    A few times a day. In the morning, at night, whenever I go to the bathroom. Probably too much.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I weigh once a week. More than that and I find myself getting too obsessed with numbers when this is supposed to be about my health.
  • portpaw
    Every morning, first thing. If I don't, then I worry about the result and start pushing off the weighing. Before I know it, I've gained a lot.....
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Last time I weighed was mid June at the doctor's office.... rude awakening for me, that's for sure! In the past, I would weigh myself numerous times a day. I would carry my scale from room to room to find the "skinniest" spot on the floor--that spot where I would weigh literally an ounce less than elsewhere. And then that damn number on the scale ruled my life for the rest of the day... either I would have a very good day... or a very bad day... and if it was a very bad day, inevitably, it would result in a trip to the vending machine at work...

    So.... July 1 I made the decision that there is absolutely no one in the world who could make the numbers on the scale reflect what I wanted them to be -- except for me. From that day, I have diligently tracked every morsel that has gone into my mouth since then including my two gummie vitamins (15 cal) that I take every morning. I walk no less than 5 miles a day -- a minimum of 10,000 steps/try to average 15,000 steps/usually hit 20,000 steps a day.

    My meals consist mainly of protein shakes, steamed or grilled chicken/fish/veges, fresh fruit, salads.... and, when I feel like it -- a glass or two of wine and an extra special treat for me : weight watchers single serving Whitman Dark Chocolate or Caramels (120 cal per pk)

    I have no idea how much weight I've lost -- but I can tell you that I've dropped 2 pants sizes; people have started noticing the changes in me; most important--I feel great and am very content with my food choices. I WILL eventually step on the scale--perhaps it will be my Christmas present to me.

    All I can say is that it is so great to focus on my overall health; my food choices; my exercise goals-- and not letting a few numbers on an inanimate object determine whether or not I will have a good day or a bad day...

    Not sure if this would work for everyone -- but it has worked great for me!
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    Toooooooo much, a leftover from my disordered days that I still cant get past
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Every day. Often multiple times per day. I like seeing how water/food/etc. impacts my weight, when I'm the most heaviest etc.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    I weigh once a week.


    1.) It keeps me from getting upset when my body naturally fluctuates
    2.) I don't freak out over every single little ounce day to day
    3.) I weighed once a day before and I did nothing but get upset and go off-track

    I never weigh on my monthly cycle, and when I DO I always make sure it's first thing in the morning before I eat or drink.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    I hadn't weighed myself for over 3 years before I hopped on the scales at the gym on June 8 this year. It wasn't a pleasant experience. Since then I've worked my butt off (literally) and weighed myself once a week (same scales, same conditions) for about a month...until I noticed that I was looking better but the numbers weren't plummeting as I'd hoped.

    I broke up with the scales at that point and may jump on once a month from now on just for curiosity's sake. That number isn't going to define me any more (particularly as it seems to have absolutely no bearing on how I look/feel in my skin).

  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Every few days atm, I just got a fitbit so I want to make sure everything's running smoothly :)