What are you suppose to do when you're under but not hungry



  • juanitamwilliams
    Are you losing weight? I recently cut my calories to 1200 and I haven't lost any. I have lost an inch almost everywhere but I think that is from my exercise, not diet. Some days I have the same challenge as you, needing a hundred calories or so and not being hungry. I love the suggestion of eating a tablespoon of peanut butter or even honey would be good.
    I imagine if you exercised more, you'd have more of an appetite. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes always makes me feel good. Also, Heidi Powell has a great 5 minute workout plan that I do everyday. I do strength in the morning and try to get the cardio in the afternoon. Strength training will build muscle that will burn calories faster than fat. You can find it at http://www.elizabethstreet.com/living/heidi-powell-five-minute-workout-total-body-workout-exercise-at-home I know getting motivated to move can be difficult but if you keep it short, you will feel better. Make a plan to exercise before you sit down to watch TV. I know once I sit down, I'm done for the evening!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    But looking at your diary you're choosing the low fat diet versions of foods which are cutting your calories back. Eat the full fat cheese instead of the skim milk cheese. Eat the whole apple or add some protein to your breakfast. You get a lot of your calories from junk as snacks that could be better spent on the same quantity of good food. You don't have to eat more to get more calories in, just make better choices on what you do eat.

    I make it throught about 1/2 -2/3 an apple and I'm just not hungry anymore.

    Sounds like you don't like apples very much. Eat something else. Something that you can finish a whole serving.
    And as a whole, eat things you enjoy eating. I think that will help you meet your goals and make this lifestyle more bearable.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I wish I had this problem...:grumble:

    Peanut butter. A healthy, high-cal fat.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I will buy your extras. I really, really like to eat.

    And seriously, it'd really, really difficult to get all the macro and micro nutrients your body needs on just 1200 calories a day. if you're coming in 200-400 calories under that, there's a good chance that you are not providing your body with an adequate supply of some nutrients (probably ones not listed on mfp). Not to mention it's really hard to sustain eating that little for the rest of your life. Try finding ways to add in more calories in foods you like. Or have a treat regularly. Something.

    This. Is there a line for buying your extras?