If your dog died & you got another would it be same breed?



  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Definitely - I have a Papillon and would love to get another one.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    My dogs have all been mutts, but when my spitz mix died I wanted another similar mix . . . basically I think I just wanted her again. I did worry I would compare the new dog to the old dog if they looked too much alike. I ended up getting a totally different kind of dog because the opportunity just fell into my lap, but I can see the pros and cons of either side. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I'm on Saint Bernard #3.

    The first two were older rescues. The breed is much too short lived: too pure of heart for this world. I'll have Saints for life.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It will ultimately come down to your personal preference... When my German Shepard (my very first dog I had gotten when I was a little boy had to be put down in 1988), we decided a few months later to get another dog and ended up getting another German Shepard... He stayed with my folks the majority of his life ( I went into the service shortly after we got him and he was as much for my dad has he was for me) when I got out of the Army and got married I always wanted a Rottweiler so we got a female. She was our only dog for 10 1/2 years when she passed in 2002... a few months later we ended up going in a different direction and got a little female Bichon Frise but 6 months after that we did get a male Rottweiler. We took in my German Shepard (my folks had kept when I went into the Army) when he was 14 years old when my mother and father past away 6 months apart and he was with us a few more years until he past in 2004. During that time we added a Lab/Husky mix and 2 more Bichon Frise... (Yes we love dogs lol). 2 months ago we had to put down our Male Rottweiler (old age had caught up to him) and our Lab/Husky (do to cancer) so we have our 3 Bichon's now... As of right now we are not planning on getting any more dogs for the foreseeable future but we have talked and we have always want a Newfoundland so who knows lol.... My point is follow your heart....... You will know what is best for you and your family......
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Sure would! Have had staffies all my life just like most of my extended family - they seem to be our family dog and for good reason :)
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    My folks dog just passed and they are discussing same breed - lap dog.
  • wistera
    wistera Posts: 22 Member
    I've worked at several vet clinics - clients getting another dog of the same breed is super common. We even had a "Bear #4" - all of them being male Bernese mountain dogs and adopted/bought one after another.

    Although I've got to echo the suggestions to adopt! Mutt dogs are awesome, and you save a life. :)
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    We will always have a boxer. We had three at one time. Right now we only have the one. He has aggression issues or we would have more boxers.

    We also have a pug and have thought about a Frenchie or Boston. But Boxers will always be the top choice.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    if our dog died, I wouldn't get another one, I know that sounds bad but I'm just not a dog person like I used to be and I don't have enough time to give them the attention they need either

    I love your honesty ... Thats why so many pets end up in the pound or rescue ... :flowerforyou:
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,295 Member
    Can we have this thread about spouses?
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Our dogs are pound hounds.
    Whenever we need a new dog we got to the shelter and honestly the dog kind of picks us. It is an amazing feeling when you connect to them. It is sad because I would like to take them all. Breed isnt all that important to me, it is size and how well we connect. Right now I have a 14 yr old Beagle/border Collie mix who has seen better days and a 3 yr old maltiese and poodle mix. Both from the shelter. Best dogs in the world.


    Edit for cute pic
  • pabrinson
    Yes I would
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    I am a Chihuahua lady as you can see from my ticker above .

    This is my third chihuahua ... First one lasted 17 yrs ...2nd ...10 yrs ... and this little girl of 2 kg will be 3 soon .

    First boy died of a heart attack .... 2 nd Canine Cushings disease....And this little girl has food allergies , No grass No chicken, No beef .. Can only tolerate Venison ...lol .

    Would i buy this breed again , most definitely... We live in a unit so size does matter .

    But mostly they give us so much joy ... with their funny antics . :laugh:

    If you have an older dog already ... sometimes another senior will make your dog jealous... try for something a little younger and then will be accepted more easily ... :wink: From our experience .

    Paws crossed you find your best friend soon ... so many dogs are looking for love and kindness that you have to share .
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Whatever rescue dog that I connect with. I look for a friend not a breed.
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    I sure would. I am a dachshund lover. We currently have four and I couldn't imagine my life without them. They are little trouble-makers but they are so loving. Even though they are a small breed (miniature dachshunds), they think they are 6 feet tall and bullet proof. We also had two dachshunds growing up and they passed away by the time I moved out and knew that's the breed I wanted once I had a house.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I've never had 2 of the same breed through 40yrs of owning dogs and 5 of them
    We went from a Jack Russel to a Rodesian Ridgeback, to a Rottweiler, to a German Shepherd and a Bernese Mountain Dog/Lab cross (the one in my signature). besides the first one that was only 6 b4 he got run over the others all lasted til atleast 12yrs old :( lost the last 2 2 yrs ago to liver cancer.

    If we get another the only thing that'll be the same i'd say is the size, we prefer medium/large dogs
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Idk. Cannot even imagine how heartbroken I would be if my little baby died.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Idk. Cannot even imagine how heartbroken I would be if my little baby died.

    it does, even 2 yrs later i still remember him the Bernese and feel him around me, and out of nowhere i picture him acting like a loon in the backyard and cant help but smile, the Rottweiler had that same effect on me a decade after he passed aswell.
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    That's a difficult question to answer. I had a black lab who was quite passive (kind of the nature I think) and then had a border collie who lived to be 17 1/2 who we had to put down earlier this year (very traumatic). The border collie was a brilliant dog who did EVERY-thing with us. She was exceptionally smart, loving, and totally devoted, but also needed a lot of attention. I'm not sure if I could handle that energy level again, but to get another dog that isn't at that level would be hard. I think maybe a smaller dog possibly when I feel ready. I still shed tears over the loss of her...