No bashing or negativity....ten days late w/ period...

matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
I'm 10 days late. Took 3 pregnancy tests. Two the first day and another one three days in. All negative. Now have to wait until I am paid to get another one. No stress, no change in diet, nothing new. No huge pregnancy symptoms except for mild, random cramping occasionally and frequent urination.

My insurance doesn't kick in for three months, so blood work is out of the question for now. Just not sure what's going on. Has anyone else experienced this? Just randomly missing a period?


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Congratulations. :flowerforyou:
  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    I guess it depends on a few things! Clearly you had unprotected sex, as you think pregnancy is possible?
    By the date of your period the vast majority of people will be able to detect pregnancy via a test...the odd time though I've heard of it not showing, so its possible you're pregnant.

    My sister recently got her period inexplicably late by about 10 days as well...she wasn't pregnant. Fluke thing.

    Until you're able to 100% rule out pregnancy, makes sure you eat healthy & treat yourself well!
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Did you increase your exercise regime at all?
    I have heard that people who are training for marathons and things sometimes miss their period by a few months.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yes, it is completely normal to not ovulate for a month and then for your period to be very late or missed (there doesn't have to be a reason). It does happen. But, keep an eye on it, and see a doctor if it does not resolve.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    A. You wouldn't be having any pregnancy symptoms this early.
    B. I've had two periods on one month, but the only time I have ever missed one was when I was pregnant.
    C. You should be able to get a positive result by the time your period is late. It takes roughly 10 days for implantation and the necessary build up of hormones to take place.
  • I think that since you are 10 days late and still getting negatives, you are likely not pregnant. It is not uncommon to be irregular sometimes, don't sweat it.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    Are your cycles normally regular? Sometimes stress or change can cause it to be late (i.e. trying to lose weight, starting a new diet, fasting, new exercises).

    Could be possible that you are pregnant too. When my friend was pregnant with her son, even after blood test, they told her she was not pregnant because, even though she had the HCG hormone, the level wasn't high enough for them to conclude that she was pregnant. 3 blood tests later, they finally agreed with her that she was pregnant.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    I don't know your situation well, but it could be a few things.
    The obvious: you're prego. Congrats!
    Not so obvious: If you're over training you could have a condition called amenorrhea. Losing too much weight/being underweight can cause periods to stop.
    It could just be hormonal.
    Personal experience: My period all through my teens came every 21 days instead of every 28. Then just a couple months after I turned 19 it suddenly started to go every 28 days. No idea why. Probably just some hormonal changes.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I've done that before for absolutely no reason. Several of my friends have, too. Our bodies are not machines and are not perfect -- there will be an occasional blip. Before I started losing weight, mine was very erratic and now pretty normal. But have I had a month or two over the last couple of years that was weird? YUP. So, I wouldn't worry for now. Just keep doing your thing and give it another few days before you check anything. Hopefully it's a blip. Unless you want to be prego! In which case, that's a different reply! LOL Either way, good luck! :D
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I think that since you are 10 days late and still getting negatives, you are likely not pregnant. It is not uncommon to be irregular sometimes, don't sweat it.

    I agree with this, more than likely you would've gotten a + by now if you were, especially if your cycles were regular.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Thank you guys! I appreciate the positive replies :):)
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I go through strange cycles when I am losing weight. Breakthrough bleeding, missed periods, two periods a month... Every time my body fat % changes significantly it seems to throw my hormones off for a while. I would try not to worry about it, at least until you can test again.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I had two pregnancy tests both negative and a light period, then went for a blood test and found out I WAS pg.

  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I was married in September of 2011. My husband had a vasectomy in October (the earliest he could get it done, but not really ideal for newlyweds lol).

    Come February and didn't have a period for over seven weeks! I was sure I was pregnant and we were completely....well, there was lots of things going through our heads. :laugh:

    I had always been quite regular before that and have been since. Any idea why? Nope.

    But everything's fine.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    The times I've missed periods without being pregnant are due to stress and being pre-menopausal.

    If you're really concerned about finding out if you're pregnant or not, try Planned Parenthood. It's been 20 years since I went to one, but at that time they did a sliding pay scale for people who couldn't afford insurance or pay for a GP visit.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    You can buy a pregnancy test at the dollar store for $1.

    Just because you don't have insurance, doesn't mean you aren't worth taking car of your health. Doctors visits are not that expensive, and a blood pregnancy test is probably under $50.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Pregnancy tests are one of the top things shoplifted in the world (made this up), give it a whirl if you are that worried.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can buy a pregnancy test at the dollar store for $1.

    Just because you don't have insurance, doesn't mean you aren't worth taking car of your health. Doctors visits are not that expensive, and a blood pregnancy test is probably under $50.

    This too. And you can go to planned parenthood (it's not just for 14 year olds) and get a test, exam, etc. without insurance.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    I have been ttc, this going on a year next month, so paying attention to my period is deffinatly something im USED to! lol. anyways i wanted to share with you my experieinces with this. There has been a few times this happend to me and was never pregnant :( very frustrating! but the first time it happend i was off bc for 4 months and was late, so i thought this was it! i took test after test and were all negative. 2 weeks later i started, then more recently i was 2 month late! yes 2 whole months!! it was agonizing, however every test yet again were neg. I had a few that even had evap lines (only the walmart 88 cent test). Finally started. I can tell you that if its negative more than likley your not and not to worry, i do have 2 children already and both times a nice dark positive when monthly was due!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Reading your profile...sorry I checked it, you have a fiance and want that is a good thing :smile:

    Just buy a testing kit from the supermarket.

    It could be a change in diet/stress or it could be that you are pregnant hope it works out the way you want it to :smile:
  • I have been 10 days late without being pregnant a few times. With the pregnancy tests available today, it is VERY rare to get false negatives that late. The two times that I was pregnant, I received positives before my period was even due.

    And I agree with everyone else who suggested Planned Parenthood. They're a wonderful organization, and you can get a blood test there very cheaply.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    From your ticker, you look to have 100 lbs to lose? This can cause hormonal imbalances and even PCOS.
    Altho, I had PCOS before I was overweight and was very irregular. Had several ovarian cysts that mimicked pregnancy at times.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    Your local health department should be able to give you a test as well...ours does (this does vary from place to place) for a nominal fee (or even free) And as others have stated Planned Parenthood is a good resource.

    Definitely see a medical professional
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Not sure exactly why you thought you were going to get bashing or negativity as this isn't really a controversial topic, but just a helpful hint: asking for people to not be mean in an internet forum is pretty much an open invite for trolls who may have otherwise ignored your topic.

    Anyway, it looks like you've received some mixed advice so good luck wading through it all. My two cents is that I've had several times where I was late by more than a week but I've never ended up pregnant. Several people have said that usually by the time you're a few days late you should have enough HCG in your system for it to show up in a test. Since every one you've taken has turned up negative I'd advise you relax and give it another week or so.
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    A lot of things can affect your period. I miss periods all the time. Sometimes I miss them when I'm under a lot of stress, have recently traveled somewhere, have exercised a lot, or increased my daily activity. Also, if you've recently moved into another house with more females or have started hanging out a lot with another female friend, that can affect it as well because, by nature, your cycles will try to sync. Sometimes even a change in your diet can affect it as well.

    You wouldn't have any pregnancy symptoms yet, though. So I wouldn't count on those to give it away. However, having a late period or even missing one completely is a pretty normal thing and you shouldn't be too worried. If there's a direct reason why you're worried (like if you had unprotected sex) and you're really unsure, than I would just wait until you can go to the Doctor and get the blood test to be 100% sure. Sometimes pregnancy tests don't work right for some people, I've seen it happen a lot on I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant (whether they didn't use it properly or what, I don't know).

    I hope this helped you! Good luck! :)
  • Are you taking any medications or drinking A LOT of water by chance?

    I do know a person who got several false negatives. She has been taking medication for a sinus infection and drinking a whole lot of water and the doctor told her that probably gave her the incorrect results.

    As others have suggested, try to locate a planned parenthood. Or, depending on where you live, you can call the local social services office and speak to somebody about medicaid. Often times, that criteria for expectant mothers are more relaxed than criteria if you are not. Also if you have a regular doctor, you can call and explain the situation and they might have other resources to direct you to.
  • Kowent
    Kowent Posts: 40 Member
    When I was 20 mine stopped completely. I ended up going to the women's health clinic because of the sliding scale payment fee also. So basically it was free. It took six months or more for them to get it to start. I had to take birth control pills to kick start my hormones and it has been working fine for the last 30 yrs. ButI know how scary it is. Don't worry this is more common than u think. But until you r sure treat your body like you are pregnant. No drugs alcohol etc just in case!
  • I know that for myself I took 4 pregnancy tests that all turned out negative over a 1 week and the 5th one turned out postive. My baby girl is now 9.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    A. You wouldn't be having any pregnancy symptoms this early.
    B. I've had two periods on one month, but the only time I have ever missed one was when I was pregnant.
    C. You should be able to get a positive result by the time your period is late. It takes roughly 10 days for implantation and the necessary build up of hormones to take place.

    Just have to disagree with "A" above. Everyone is different. I think in the majority of times that may be true. But not EVERY time. I started throwing up and fainting within days. This was confirmed when i went to the doctor and they calculated the dates of conception and delivery. And they were spot on.
  • Sporks42
    Sporks42 Posts: 44 Member
    Make sure when you can afford a test to get the early test, it's more expensive, but a lot more sensitive, and follow the directions carefully. I've had this twice now, but no babies. The stress of boy knowing makes mine later. Ultimately it's just going to be a waiting game! Good luck!