Early Risers here??



  • greglumpkin
    greglumpkin Posts: 24 Member
    About a month ago, I started getting up at 4:30 a.m. and working out. It's been one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I get my workout out of the way so in the evening, I can feel free to spend time with my wife and kids. Plus, I don't drink as much coffee in the morning anymore. Some mornings, I forget to even make it! :-) It really gets my day going.

    The only "downside" if you want to call it one, is that I have to go to bed a lot earlier in the evening. Not as young as I used to be. :-)

  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I hope everyone's weekend was a great one:smile:
    I didn't work out this morning like I usually do because I honestly didn't get to bed until about 3am and wanted to get at least an hour of sleep lol.
    I enjoy having the evening to either work out again at the gym or sometimes just spend time with my girls and then at night I am doing my 30 DS so by bed time I usually exhausted and sleep very well except for last night...not sure what happen!
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    90% chance, if my workout doesn't happen before 6:00AM at home, it just isn't going to happen. Luckily as I do HIIT, I can get up at 5:20 and have plenty of time to drink some water, warm up, exercise, and be done by 6:00.

    I also have 6:00 am Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practice 1-2 times a week, no half-*kitten* mornings when someone's trying to choke you unconscious!
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    I am really considering starting to get up and work out before work in the morning!
    I've recently started going to work earlier, so currently I get up at 6:30am and leave for work at 7am, but am thinking about getting up at 6am and going for a run.
    I've fallen out of the habit of exercising at all as I now start work earlier and can never be bothered to do it in the evenings!
    So amazed at all of you managing to get up at 4am-5am!! How do you do it?! How early do you go to bed?!
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Quite honestly I was feeling like the only one:) At least I am in my neighborhood. My alarm goes off at 4:00 on my running days, then weights are after work on the way to pick up my daughter. Weekends are whenever I wake up; generally 7:00 or so. The wife and daughter are generally just waking up on Saturday and Sunday when I am returning from the gym or the trails.
  • tirola
    tirola Posts: 74 Member
    This morning was a rough one. I think I must have hit snooze at least three times. It got to the point where if I didn't get out of bed immediately and get my butt out the door, I was going to be late for bootcamp. The thought of that had me rushing to the car since my instructor is not one to mess around and she doesn't do excuses!!! Once I was actually there and got moving, I was fine. It was just that initial get up and go that was tough this morning!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    After getting up to work out at 5 am ( to be at work at 7am) for so long my body is used to it now. No matter what day of the week it is or when the gym opens. I dont work till 11 or 12 now but my eyes pop open by 4am. So i still hit the gym early and get it out of the way before it gets crowded.

    That way, if the day gets hectic i know i got my workout in.....and if i just feel like an extra session i will go back later for cardio. But, its done!
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    Hello early risers. I made it up at 5:30 this morning, out the door at 6:03. By the way, I am on vacation. Hiking the hills of Rapid City, South Dakota. At home , in Utah, I walk along a river and wetlands. I love getting up just before the sun and walking or hiking.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    SVSi0928-Welcome here, that is cool you are doing powerlifts. Is it like crossfit? Welcome aboard.

    WinningAt50-Love the name. Nice that you are varying your workout types and getting into the pool. How is the walking workouts coming along?

    Jaxbeck-Hey girl, dont be so negative. You got it in right? That is the most important part. I love that you and everyone else is making the commitment to get up and get the workouts done. That is the important part.

    Kristyrenee11-lol on the tuesday smell. It's the sweet smell of progress =). As long as you stay consistent those feelings of grogyness will disappear. Keep up the good work.

    Gorilla-where did you go on vacation man? You know what vacation will do that to ya, I know and I am going to do my best not to fall into that trap when I go on vacation next month, so I will be brining my T25 dvd's and knock out the works. I say that now but the truth will show come next month...

    Bluebomers-hey as long as you get it done that is all that matters. My schedule is the same for the rest of this month and all of next month. Weekends are my off days. That is the best part, and I have an end date in sight!!! Welcome aboard.

    Greg-I cannot agree more. If you keep it up for 6 months they say it will be like clock work and that you will get use to it and be so engrained that your body will get you up and going. Let me know how you feel in 6 months. As for me I believe it to work as sometimes I getup 20 minutes before the alarm is set to go off. yeah we have to go to bed earlier but you know what it's a trade off and it's for my health and to be able to spend time with my family is the best part.

    Rose-Get some sleep!!!! If you get in the workout later in the day I am cool with it, but dont skip the workout ok?

    Alehmer-Welcome aboard and yep if I dont get the workout done first thing, there is a high chance that it will not happen later in the day. I like that you also vary your workouts. You better watch out for those chokes. What belt are you now?

    irobson-welcome. You are among good friends here so if you need some encouragement, post and you will hear back from us. If anything from me for sure. I cannot speak for everyone but I usually go to bed no later than 10:30 and up by 3:50 and workout in my living room to dvd's at 4. Best part is I dont have to commute to a gym, wait for equipment, drive back home and shower. It's literally wake up, splash water and 10 steps and I am in the living room and pushing play. Process takes less than 5 minutes and my current workout only lasts 25 minutes so I am showered and ready for the day come 4:50.

    recriger-Maybe in your neighborhood but in this community we are all up. Good job. Congrats on losing 20 lbs. Welcome aboard.

    Tirola-We all have those days but glad to see you pushed and made it to your bootcamp. What does it consist of?

    Ladyark-Nice that you go back for extra sometimes. Way to go. Congrats of the 76 lbs as well.

    GrandmaPerido-You are on vacation? Well congrats to that, keep up the good work and let us know how vacation is in Sout Dakota.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!
    I have started level 2 of the 30 DS and it's a bit more intense...the exercises mostly start with the plank and I am feeling it in my abs and legs but I love it! I also workout at a local gym but this DVD is having me build up my cardio and I didn't ever think I could do so many jumping jacks but I can!
    The best thing is that I am dropping not only inches but unwanted pounds.
    Take care,
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    And to Charlie - thanks for starting this thread and giving encouragement to myself and others:smile:
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Whats up everyone? Hope all is well with you all. I see it's been a tad quiet in here. Everyone ok? I hope you all are not falling in to the FALL trap of going back to the path of an unhealthy lifestyle. I know I have not been here to post much but I have kept up my part and worked out each day and it has been paying off. How about all of you? Have you kept up? Are you starting a new workout regimine? I'm still on my 25 minute program but am starting a new phase of it. Best part is that it is still 25 minutes. How about all of you?
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey all! Workout done! 30 min cardio, 20 min arms and squats. Love feeling this great in the morning, now off to work.
    Happy Monday!
  • tirola
    tirola Posts: 74 Member

    Tirola-We all have those days but glad to see you pushed and made it to your bootcamp. What does it consist of?

    I know you posted this awhile ago but I'm just now seeing it! I do bootcamp M/W/F and it's different every time. That's something I both love and hate about it! You never know what to expect. Some days are more cardio heavy (Friday was basically sprints. Lots and lots of sprints. Take a break, do some pushups/squats/etc and then do more sprints) and some days are more bodyweight exercises with just a little cardio thrown in. One day we ran down to the beach and then had to do all our exercises in the sand...not fun!!! Each day is different but they're all a pretty solid workout. I'm in my last week of the first session and I can feel myself getting stronger. I went from barely being able to do pushups on my knees on the first day, to being able to do 5 or 6 "real" pushups now (still not a lot, I know, but progress!). I actually just signed up for another 4 week session because I am enjoying it so much. Still not a fan of waking up at 4am, but it's getting easier everyday!
  • 5:00am WOs for me! I work Monday-Friday, so I am up every day at that time to get it in before work. I am not part of a gym, so I run every 2nd day and do cross training on the off days. Summer was wonderful as the sun was up before I was, and now it is sloooowly getting darker and I find it harder to get up. I WILL DO THIS!

    Weekends are a little treat- I sleep in until 7:)
  • nuvs
    nuvs Posts: 14 Member
    4:30-4:45 am If i want to work out with a 3.5 and a 1.5 year old that is the only time it will happen. Then its out the door by 7
  • retroheart48
    retroheart48 Posts: 36 Member
    i been trying for years to be an early morning person and i just struggle w/ it..oh how i wish i can run some trails around sunrise :love: :love:
  • obbycake
    obbycake Posts: 21 Member
    I live with someone that leaves for work at 5:30, which isn't a problem for me.. Because I always like to go to the gym early. I love waking up early (when I'm able to.. I've been slacking, since I am in school and work full time now) because I feel the most productive in the morning.

    I always feel a lot better when I try to work out first thing in the morning as opposed to later on in the day.
  • MrsCarpenter719
    MrsCarpenter719 Posts: 31 Member
    5am here! I work out for 45 mins before getting myself and daughter ready for the day and leave the house by 630am! :) I love getting up early now! :) Alot easier to work out while my daughter sleeps then to try to do it when i get home from work and shes running around all crazy! lol
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I keep on forgetting to post here, but I have started to get addicted to getting up at 5:20 a.m. so that I can be downstairs working out by 5:30. It's either circuit training, HIIT, or kickboxing. On average, it's 45 minutes. Then I go upstairs and help get my kiddo ready for school, clean up the kitchen, and then get myself ready for work.

    I take a break from work 3x a week in the early afternoon to go lift in my company's gym.

    PS Charlie--I am pinoy too!