No one cares what I'm accomplishing



  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    I kind of get where you're coming from. I get the same feeling when I go food shopping with my mom. I'm vegetarian and she gives me looks when I choose the organic things/meat substitute options to put into the cart, which I can understand. Yes they're more expensive, but I don't make them the primary thing that I eat because of this. I know we're on a budget, so I only get a few things, but I still wish that she wouldn't be a complete ***** in how she goes about doing things because honestly, I'm not going to change my eating habits. I'd rather just eat peanut butter and bread then go back.

    But like the others have said, you have to do this for yourself. If you continue to seek your families approval, you will continue to be unfulfilled.

    are you able to buy your own stuff?

    I have a job, but right now I'm spending every single penny I make on college lol So no. So right now I bow (somewhat) to whatever my mother says when it comes to food, but I still won't eat meat or anything like that; I refuse.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Today, I sliced 5 minutes off my best time on a run

    Awesome job!

    Add some MFP friends on here - they are VERY motivational!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Blog about it. I myself like to get the "wow awesome work!!!!!" But in saying it, I haven't been bothered to look for that recognition this year. Not from my family or friends. I post my workouts here and I get the "good work", my fpf may mean it but in saying it it is never going to mean anything unless your proud of it and get people you love to feel that same feeling.

    I for a year did great things and gloated about how far I came and wellah, people were bored with listening......
    So I did what any sad lonely hopeful achiever does.
    I pretend I am lazy on face book and post about nasty food and my friends will see it and go oh. No one comments. So when they see me...they will be like what have you been doing!

    You work hard, just remember the praise will only be once off.....think about what you want and what your going to strive for and will it make you happy in the end.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    OP: You are doing really well. Congratulations!
  • I agree you have to set your own goals and dreams and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Seeking gratification from others often leaves us feeling ignored and unappreciated leading to poor habits, eating and exercise. (Speaking to self)

    I agree that there are those of us here on MFP who understand your hard work and struggles. We can relate. I hope you find the support you need here.

    I'm not always perfect. I don't always meet my goals when I originally set them. But, this time, I'm doing this for health demands it. My children and grandchildren will see the results and perhaps benefit from me living longer. In the end, it is the realization that I only have one life and I better take better care of myself if I want to do some of the things I've always dreamed of doing. Having goals is one things. Goals can change. Having a dream motivates me and when I'm feeling alone in my efforts, sustains me (US!).

    I hope you will stay close to those who love and care about you. I hope you will reach out to those of us who are traveling a similar if not same road to fitness and better health or weight loss. You obviously have it in you to go all the way! You're doing it! Cheers to you! Someone care and anyone else who cheers you on your way is ... Icing on the cake!
  • Hey guy's. Lately I've realized that my own glee when I accomplish some diet or exercise feat is not enough to get me to push myself more.

    My entire family has no problem exercising, so when I come to them saying something like 'I just reached a goal I've been trying to accomplish for a month( a 5k run)' They act bored and say 'good for you, now go stretch'

    Today, I sliced 5 minutes off my best time on a run. When I got home I told my father, and he didn't even look away from his game of solitaire or make any acknowledgment of me saying something.

    Why am I doing this if no one cares? I honestly don't want to only bi*ch about my family, but I need another venue to get motivation from. Even if someone smiled and nodded when I mentioned something I've been working super hard on would be nice.
    well your MFP friends should be encouraging you! All of mines encourage me on a daily basis. I'll add you and encourage you to keep it up because it sucks when your own family doesn't pay your accomplishments any attention.
  • Good for you! I think it's great that you are making strides. But what really matters is that YOU think you are doing great. It's not about getting approval or acknowledgement from others. Trust me, been there, done that. This is not an easy road to travel, but you are doing it and doing it well. Bravo.
  • Who cares what other people think? You know what you've accomplished.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Aim to please YOU. :glasses:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm surprised that your family is so fitness-oriented and doesn't get excited for your victories. In my experience, it's usually less fit people who act ho-hum about this sort of progress. I'm very into fitness and I'm always high-fiving or giving atta-boys whenever someone I know puts in the effort. Even small victories deserve acknowledgment. :drinker:

    It's nice to be noticed, but in the end, I do this for ME. The older you get, the more confident you'll get, and the less you'll care what other people think. Now go out there and succeed! :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The best acknowledgement is from the person who stares back at you in the mirror. Yours is all that matters.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I have MFP friends to tell about my fitness accomplishments, because IRL people don't want to hear about that shiz all the time. People that are already fit aren't impressed and unfit people feel like you're harassing them about their sedentary lives. Get with friends here, it will help your progress and your IRL relationships.

    ^ This. I tell MoreBean13 :laugh:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You shouldn't be doing this for anyone else but yourself.

    THIS. Why do you care so much what they think?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Hey guy's. Lately I've realized that my own glee when I accomplish some diet or exercise feat is not enough to get me to push myself more.

    You should work on that. Love yourself more.
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    When my mom came down to visit, I kept telling myself, "Oh man, it'll sound so great when she says something about my weight loss!!" I had three days of anxed up excitement.... When I finally saw her....nothing! It was such a let-down! But, then I did what I do in most situations in life, and just said F**K it! I don't care what others think...I don't need their approval. I have been kicking *kitten* and I'M the one who notices...well, me and my mirror. I am proud of myself for doing this for myself. You should be too! That's rockin that you took THAT MUCH time off your run! Obviously, with your excitement to tell someone, you felt the same. You need to remember those moments. Seriously, come to MFP and brag about it daily. We are all here for the same reason...we'll support you no matter what!
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hey Zorx,

    When they start to notice, you probably WILL NOT like their comments, you may hear " you are way too skinny" or "do you really need to exercise that much" or " you are going about this entirely wrong".........comments from family members may not be constructive
    good luck, stay your course and CONGRATS on what you've accomplished to date.

    ???????????? Linia

    Hey guy's. Lately I've realized that my own glee when I accomplish some diet or exercise feat is not enough to get me to push myself more.

    My entire family has no problem exercising, so when I come to them saying something like 'I just reached a goal I've been trying to accomplish for a month( a 5k run)' They act bored and say 'good for you, now go stretch'

    Today, I sliced 5 minutes off my best time on a run. When I got home I told my father, and he didn't even look away from his game of solitaire or make any acknowledgment of me saying something.

    Why am I doing this if no one cares? I honestly don't want to only bi*ch about my family, but I need another venue to get motivation from. Even if someone smiled and nodded when I mentioned something I've been working super hard on would be nice.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I get that you are excited and want others to be excited for you so you can have your moment to shine, but you are right, no one cares that much. Stop looking for others approval and just be happy that you are improving. If you need to, share it with online friends who are more apt to congratulate you.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    +1 to the MFP friends. Seriously. You could post that you just woke up this morning and feel great because you took a really deep, cleansing breath, and you will get responses from people legitimately happy for you!! It's a bit like cheering people on during a game or race and I sure like it :laugh:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL at this thread.

    No satisfaction for yourself that you just DID it?

    My BF doens't give a **** what I dead lift- so I tell my facebook friends- or friends at work. But I would do it even if I didn't tell anyone. Seriously. They don't care as much as you don't care they he is playing solitary.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hey guy's. Lately I've realized that my own glee when I accomplish some diet or exercise feat is not enough to get me to push myself more.

    My entire family has no problem exercising, so when I come to them saying something like 'I just reached a goal I've been trying to accomplish for a month( a 5k run)' They act bored and say 'good for you, now go stretch'

    Today, I sliced 5 minutes off my best time on a run. When I got home I told my father, and he didn't even look away from his game of solitaire or make any acknowledgment of me saying something.

    Why am I doing this if no one cares? I honestly don't want to only bi*ch about my family, but I need another venue to get motivation from. Even if someone smiled and nodded when I mentioned something I've been working super hard on would be nice.

    why should they? yes it would be nice if they said 'well done on the PB' but really, what difference does it make? or do you only exercise for thier approval?