How do you meet sugar gol?

The sugar goal is 28g per day. I eat nothing with no baked goods. I eat no fruit...too much sugar. But a glass of skim milk has 12 g of sugar. So if i eat my 3 servings of dairy to get my calcium, I have over 30g of sugar. I just don't see how to stay below 28. My numbers are 54, 44, 68... Numbers like that. :(. Suggestions are wlcome.



  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    As far as I can tell from the forums, MFP's default sugar goal is way too low and basically there's no reason to kill yourself trying to meet it unless you have diabetes or a similar health concern. The problem seems to be that MFP uses a goal based on sugar added to food, where things like dairy and fruit have sugar in them naturally.

    I just took it off my diary so I wouldn't need to look at it, because I was never coming close.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.

    Pretty much me as well ... I don't go out of my way to mainline chocolate/coke but I'll eat anything that fits into my overall caloric goals while providing some variety to my day.

    "Sugar" from fruit? No point in worrying about it IMO.

    Ice Cream? I have it daily.

    I hit the deficit weekly, eat what I like and try to get me protein in.
  • _firecracker_
    _firecracker_ Posts: 185 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.

    ^ this. I only have sugar on my profile because I recently came back to mfp and its defaulted. I've been a little lazy on updating my profile. If anything, eat the fruit and forgo the candy, icecream, etc. or ignore the sugar all together and worry about the main 3 macros. I'm pretty sure I almost exceed the sugar limit with the 2 teaspoons I use in coffee.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.
  • I am gluten free because i have an intolerance, it makes me tired and gives me fog brain. I feel a lot better without it.

    I also am trying to cut out sugar because I tend to get yeast overload...I haven't quite gotten over it makes me very itchy, so bad that i wake up in the night bleeding because I was scratching so much. So, yes, I cut out all desserts and everything that has sugar, including fruit because it is so high in sugar. I really wanted to control it with diet, I hate taking drugs. If I ever get rid of this yeast I might be able to add the fruit back. That is why I was so surprised that I was over the limit on sugar with 44g in a day. It just seems that 28 is impossible to meet if you are going to eat any dairy.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I am gluten free because i have an intolerance, it makes me tired and gives me fog brain. I feel a lot better without it.

    I also am trying to cut out sugar because I tend to get yeast overload...I haven't quite gotten over it makes me very itchy, so bad that i wake up in the night bleeding because I was scratching so much. So, yes, I cut out all desserts and everything that has sugar, including fruit because it is so high in sugar. I really wanted to control it with diet, I hate taking drugs. If I ever get rid of this yeast I might be able to add the fruit back. That is why I was so surprised that I was over the limit on sugar with 44g in a day. It just seems that 28 is impossible to meet if you are going to eat any dairy.

    WUT?! :huh:
  • Did you really lose 158 pounds? That is awesome!
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    If you're having this bad of a case of Yeast infection that you're scratching yourself raw, then I'm sorry to say you NEED medication. Unless you can introduce enough bacteria to offset and balance it... Go see a damn doctor.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I am gluten free because i have an intolerance, it makes me tired and gives me fog brain. I feel a lot better without it.

    I also am trying to cut out sugar because I tend to get yeast overload...I haven't quite gotten over it makes me very itchy, so bad that i wake up in the night bleeding because I was scratching so much. So, yes, I cut out all desserts and everything that has sugar, including fruit because it is so high in sugar. I really wanted to control it with diet, I hate taking drugs. If I ever get rid of this yeast I might be able to add the fruit back. That is why I was so surprised that I was over the limit on sugar with 44g in a day. It just seems that 28 is impossible to meet if you are going to eat any dairy.

    WUT?! :huh:

    yeast overload FTL. TMI :noway:
  • I went to the doctor, she said that is"normal".

    I am not sure why the people on this list are so rude?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.

    Yeah, wait until you are diagnosed (celiac and gluten intolerance is extremely underdiagnosed) with a disease before addressing diet. Absolutely. Brilliant advice. (Prevention? What is that? Not possible! Food does not affect health!) :noway:

    I have no problem with keeping my sugar low. Much lower than 28 grams. Since you are avoiding wheat (I avoid all grains) you shouldn't be calcium deficient and even if you are, commercial milk is very unlikely to help. We've been lied to about dairy and the calcium in it is not very bioavailable compared to other less processed foods. I don't think you need dairy at all, but the full fat varieties will not have the sugar (lactose) that milk does. I would also argue that full fat dairy is healthier, if one must have dairy.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I went to the doctor, she said that is"normal".

    I am not sure why the people on this list are so rude?

    I'm sorry. Some people will do anything to make themselves feel better.

    If you really want to try the very low sugar thing, have you thought about a calcium supplement for your calcium needs? That way you could eliminate the dairy sugars. Just a thought!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you're having this bad of a case of Yeast infection that you're scratching yourself raw, then I'm sorry to say you NEED medication. Unless you can introduce enough bacteria to offset and balance it... Go see a damn doctor.

    Wow, I wonder what humans did before there were pharmaceutical companies to supply a pill for everything; oh yeah, we had natural food and plants. Most illnesses can be prevented and cured with diet. Been there, did it. I'm pretty sure that no one ever has had a deficiency for a prescription drug.
  • I don't use MFP for the sugar tracking. It does not seperate good sugar from bad sugar, so I have adjusted my macros so that it is not included.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    The sugar goal is 28g per day. I eat nothing with no baked goods. I eat no fruit...too much sugar. But a glass of skim milk has 12 g of sugar. So if i eat my 3 servings of dairy to get my calcium, I have over 30g of sugar. I just don't see how to stay below 28. My numbers are 54, 44, 68... Numbers like that. :(. Suggestions are wlcome.


    i took sugar out of my diary settings and replaced it with sodium. i have an apple and a glass of milk every day and those two things in and of themselves put me over 28g of sugar.

    my personal settings for carbs/fat/protein is 30%carbs, 30%fat, 40%protein. but on days i have a lot of fiber, i go WAY over my carb allowance, because MFP counts fiber in with your carb allowance, which i feel is something they need to correct.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    oh, put your hand in the sugar bowl and eat.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Are you diagnosed celiac? Otherwise, why no gluten?

    You don't eat fruit because it has too much sugar? Please tell me that you're kidding.

    I don't track sugar at all. That doesn't mean that I'm eating candy all day, but I get plenty of protein and fat, fiber, and micronutrients from the variety of foods that I eat so the sugar in the fruit, milk and ice cream I eat doesn't matter. And I certainly don't waste my time tracking it.

    in respone to your gluten comment--- i don't have celiac disease, but i know i have gluten sensitivity, and a lot of people do. my arms and back will break out in a rash if i eat too much gluten and my skin will go to ****. i'll also generally feel like crap. you don't have to be condescending about it, maybe try educating yourself it.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I don't have a sugar goal (or gol).
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I didn't think I was being rude, but okay.

    She didn't say she'd already been to the doctor, and when she's scratching herself to the point of bleeding, then something is obviously off. I said, get some meds IF you can't introduce the proper bacteria to fix it. So yeah.