Whats you goal weight and why?



  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Right now, my first goal weight is 200lbs. Once I get down there, I'll reassess what I want to be my final goal weight. I thought I'd go all the way down to 135lbs, but as I lose weight, I might think that's unrealistic for my build. But honestly, considering how long I've been morbidly obese, if I make it down to 165lbs and can stay there, I will be happy.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5 feet 8 Inches and starting weight is 154. When I first started, mentally told myself I want to be 120. Yah, that's at the lowest of the healthy BMI and even underweight. Not really hellbend on reaching that. I mean, I'm still a work in progress after all. Goals will change.

    After 3 months of counting calories and exercising, I finally reached the half way mark in the healthy BMI zone at 140. Last weekend I asked to use the body composite analyzer at my gym. Turns out, I have massive load of body fat (31.3%) and not enough muscle. The gym actually prints out a report and tell how much lbs of muscle I should put on and how much fat to lose.

    With that goal in mind, I'm now going to focus on strength training seriously. I still do my cardio but less intensely. As for my weight, I will try not to get fixated over it but look at the overall progress through the mirror. Eventually, I love to get my body fat to 20%.
  • LeviLeDoux
    LeviLeDoux Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'2
    SW 120
    CW 102
    GW 102

    My ultimate goal weight was 100 lbs, but after hitting it I felt I was a bit too small. I'm happy at 102 and currently trying to maintain.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm 5'2", and my current weight is 150lbs. My goal is 120lbs because thats right in the middle of the 'healthy' range for my height but its not written in stone - I'll reassess as I get closer to goal and once I'm happy with how I look I'll stop even if thats not quite the whole way to 120lbs. I want to look good and fit and lean and thats my priority, not the number on the scales.

    When I was younger I never worried about my weight so never knew what I weighed., I was always quite slim. Its only over the past few years that I've really bothered about it, and since I started weighing myself about 4years ago I've never been below 140lbs, so hopefully I'll be able to crack that this time with a better frame of mind and healthier approach.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    Looking to lose another 10 pounds which will take me to 200 lbs. Why? because it's a nice round number and will give me a BMI of 24.99 (25 is overweight!)
  • socialdeee
    socialdeee Posts: 87 Member
    numbers numbers numbers numbers

    Everyones goals are soo different, i think my aim has even confused me more! Even though im 143 lbs now at 5'6 i get told i look alot smaller, so its hard to to chose the perfect weight! I think I also have to focus on how my clothes fit and how I look. But ill aim for 135 for now and see how that goes. so i have 8lbs to go!
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    More numbers, sorry. I'm aiming for BMI of 20. Because I like the way my clothes look on me at that point. :-)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    155 has been my goal. Yesterday, I did the whole BMI thing, and come to find out, for my current age, 47, height, 5'9", and current body type, 155 is my optimum weight. Once I reach that, and hit the gym harder, my optimum BMI could change with the muscle mass increase. Yah!
  • BethR57
    BethR57 Posts: 6 Member
    Remember the same weight can look very different on different people.

    My goal weight is 126lb - I know that's on the low end of healthy for my height but I have a small frame so weight doesn't carry well on me!

    During my adult life I've been 115lb at my thinnest (which is too thin for me) and 171lb, which looked just as bad but at the other end of the scale!

    I've chosen 126lb as my goal weight because I felt my best at that weight, though I'm conscious I might not get that low. If I get to, say, 130lb and the weight loss stops then I won't beat myself up about it.
  • Snakesoul
    My hight is 6ft and my weight is 319.67 lb , the goal is 220 lb. why ? cuz it sounds like the voltage xD,

    the reason that i am doing this just to enjoy what left of my youth doing Kickboxing. for my bone thickness 220 should be just fine.

    also its not that bad to having some abs to be shred really tired of the one pack look :(
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    Hi guys,

    I have been on my weight loss journey for a while and ive always changed in my mind what id like my goal weight to be. I realised that ive always allowed my choice to be affected my celebrities, or what my friends look like or family instead of what a healthy weight is!

    im 5 foot 6 and now i know if I aim for 135lbs thats fair, i dont need to be 120 lbs because thats what is the 'ideal'. This has actually helped me control my diet more and actually shed pounds quicker. ive learnt to also focus on what I look like and not what the pound say!

    whats you guys experience with this topic?

    Ive also made a video about my current diet. Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any tips!



    I am aiming for 130lbs - I am just over 5' 7". I am aiming for that because it is supposed to be an ideal weight for my height when it comes to running.

    However, I am now 139.2lbs, it does not really matter to me how long it takes me to get down to 130lbs because the weight I am at the moment is just fine anyway.

    I am actually in a win-win situation here, if I do not lose anything for a few weeks, gone is the frustration and the "I must be more strict" etc etc etc. Since I have taken on that mental attitude the weight seems to be coming off faster LOL, probably because I am relaxed about it all now and not worried.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Am 5'5" Start weight at the beginning of the year was 213lbs. Current weight is 188 (after seriously starting in June) and my goal weight is 140 with a BMI of 23.
    140 is a good weight for me, I look healthy and feel good about myself and it's the weight I was when I got married over 11 years ago and really want to be that slim again!!
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Was 70kg, now 65kg because pot gut.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I am 5'1". My starting weigh (pre MFP) was 189lbs, my current weight is 128 lbs.

    I had set my goal weight as 126 lbs, but honestly, i am fine where i am now. The lightest i have been in my adult life is 105, which was just before my wedding, I originally thought it would be nice to get to that but, in all honesty, i think I would look ill if i did that. My aim has always been to get healthy, not skinny ;)
  • smogmonster81
    smogmonster81 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm heading for 180, it's the weight I used to be in college when I was fit.

    I suspect I'll have to go a bit further to 170 and build back up to be get what I want though.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I'm in maintenance and my range is 120-123 (this morning I'm at 121.5). I'm 5ft 6in and will be turning 35 in a few days.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 22 (23 next month) 5'10. Started at 215lbs want to get down to about 160-165 which is in the middle of a health BMI. If I could get lower without looking like a skeleton I would be happy as well.

    The reason for the weight loss is I want to be able to wear my taste in clothes
  • MrsSpindler
    Hey Hey,

    I'm 27 y/o and I'm 5'4". I just want to fall in line with a healthy weight. Doctors say I should be around 130 - 145 for my height. I'd like to be within that. I don't want to be a skeleton. My husband would like me around 150. We'll see.

    My reason for weight loss is, I don't want to be held back by my weight anymore. I feel like there is another person inside here and I want her to come to out. Plus, little things daily. I hate pretty much every piece of clothing I own. Sick of spending $60+ on bras. I also feel like society looks at me differently because I'm over weight.

    Good luck to everyone in their weight loss goals!!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Remember the same weight can look very different on different people.
    ^^^ THIS. My partner and I are about the same weight (I outweigh him by about 5 pounds, and he is about 1 inch taller). He's in size 34 jeans, I'm in size 28s, even though I'm shorter and heavier.

    The OP used the phrase "ideal weight". I think she needs to get that phrase out of her vocabulary. There is no such thing, I don't believe. My target is constantly changing. My initial target was 175, which would have given me a BMI of 28.2. I got there and knew I needed to go lower. So I went to 165, then 155. I'm just a bit below 155 now. And I'm now at a BMI at the max of the normal weight range for my height. And I don't like it at all because I think I look scrawny. If I went to the bottom of the BMI normal weight range, I could pose as a Biafran relief poster child. So throw the BMI chart out the door, as far as I'm concerned. Time to start back up, but this time, sanely, slowly, with focused on adding muscle.

    I've come to realize that most of us pay far too much attention to the scale, and not nearly enough attention to the mirrior and what our eyes are telling us. The scale is but a tool. A highly variable tool that can swing wildly depending on time of day, water retention, TOM (for women), and a myriad of other factors. How you look in clothes, how you move, what your activity level is, what your quality of life is -- that is what is important. Not a number on a scale. I've told friends here who get upset at a scale number that one of the useful things about a scale is that it makes a great target when you beat the crap out of it with a sledgehammer -- and that burns calories too.

    So use the scale and a goal weight as a tool. Not the be all, end all. People obsess about those "last 5 pounds" after having lost 50, 75, 100 pounds. They are looking at the trees instead of the forest of what they've accomplished and how much better they feel and their life is. Don't focus on a single number. The happiness isn't in the number. It's how you feel being somewhere around that number, either higher or lower.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    I'm one of the people that you'll all hate ... that's because my current goal is to *gain* weight, not to lose it. That said, the goal is to gain it *properly*.

    I'm 45, 5'8" and "thin-boned" - I'm also not genetically predisposed to hulking muscles (which, by the way, is a good thing to a degree).

    I have been 145lb most of my life - I gained 10lb of weight when I stayed home for 8 months when we had our kids, but it dropped off once I got back into my walking routine - although, instead of being distributed properly around the body, it was concentrated around the stomach. That said, 155lb is probably my "ideal weight" if there is such a thing.

    As such, my goal is to increase the weight in phases, while combined with a strength-training regime.

    Phase 1: keep current weight, converting much of existing fat to muscle through aerobic/light strength training. The benefits of the aerobic work on overall health is also obvious.

    Phase 2: raise weight to 150 through increased strength training, appropriate diet, aerobic.

    Phase 3: maintain the 150 - 151 weight for a month or so, similar to phase 1.

    Phase 4: raise weight to 155 as per phase 2

    Phase 5: maintain 154-156 for life through diet, aerobic, strength training

    I have just completed Phase 2 (well...I had one day last week where I weighed in at 149.8lb ...) and have just changed my MFP goal to "maintain weight" at 151lbs.

    So - for those who are trying to lose weight, the *similarities* between you and I are this:

    * bite-sized goals (pun intended) - weight loss/gain is a marathon, not a sprint. Doing it in chunks is healthier for the body. Plus, you can celebrate smaller successes more often.

    * accept plateaus - they're naturally going to occur anyway, so building them in makes sense

    * carefully logging the food and exercise makes you aware of what you do and eat - yes, I am not usually "hurt" by having a Big Mac and a salad once a week in terms of calories ... but OH MY LORD does it ever do horrible things to my sodium intake!!

    * do it for yourself AND others: I want to be around for my grandchildren, and that's many many years away! Plus, I read somewhere that I should "not make my wife jealous of other women ... I should make other women jealous of her" - so, if I add "wow, he looks good for age 45 (then 50, then 55)" to the "he's smart and funny", it all works out for me too ;-)