Stupid-face gym people

The rules of this board won't let me use the words I'd like to... but I want to vent about tonight's gym experience. Hopefully you can relate.

So, the wife and I are using one of the squat racks, just starting our sets. There is an older but obviously very dedicated man next to us. He's half my size but lifting twice the weight I currently am. Impressive. He's quietly getting his work done. I tell my wife to watch him for pointers on proper form. So far, so good. Then, in walks a couple of feminine hygiene products. You know the type, early 20s, crooked/tilted hats, tank tops to bro off, I mean show off their muscles. Talking very loudly about inane crap that nobody cares about but them... One approaches the older man "how many sets you got, bro?" There's an open rack right next to him. No need to break this man's concentration... he replies calmly "quite a few"

The conversation can be heard throughout most of the spacious gym, even though they are 5 feet from each other. "Dude, you gotta get you a naturally aspirated v8, not some Honda ****. Chicks like fast they don't care how cheap..." etc etc. "Man I *wish* that dude had done it in front of me, I'd be like..." ugh. STFU... I'm trying to focus on my own workout and help instruct my wife with hers. "going for a nice set of 20 here, bro. push it man, do it! nice bro, nice"

On to the bench, and now we're even closer to them. They've moved on to some odd looking leg lifts machine, and one is "spotting" the other. He's counting the other guy's reps out loud. very loud. "20, 21, c'mon bro that's it. 23. 24. 25. ok my turn let's do this". I sit up for a quick rest between sets and catch the eye of another man nearby. We exchange knowing, frustrated looks. Back to my next set and he's at it again. "10. 11. 12" grrr... I'm pushing a new weight for me (at least new for this decade), and the distraction is getting to me. I wait for him to finish: "24! 25!" OK, now I can get back to work. I get one rep in and "YEAH BRO!" nearly makes me drop the bar. My wife is actually stifling a laugh over that one. Moreso at how ridiculous they sound than my near failure to hold the bar up. At least I hope that's true. I finish my sets with a bit of renewed vigor. My adrenaline is pumping a bit more so I finish them more easily than I probably could have normally... maybe these idiots actually helped me. I'd rather do it without any perceived help, though.

After the bench sets I decided to try and find an open lat machine before we head over to deadlift. Just to get away from these punks. All machines are taken. We wander back towards where we really need to be and find them flexing their sweet pumps in the mirror. *sigh*... at least they appear to be done with their 15 minutes of work. We knock out our deadlift sets and head for the door. I somehow resist the urge to say something to gym management. Not sure what I would have said, anyway.

If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to open a gym with a strict no-bro policy. I'll even hire some retired offensive linemen to be bouncers. This crap has got to stop... it's as bad as talking in a movie theater. What gives these morons the right to disturb the workouts of others with their nonsense? Ugh... Am I alone in this? Surely someone else has a gymbro story to share. Let's have em :)


  • underworld58
    You are definitely not alone. This is one of the many reasons I despise going to the gym– the obnoxious people. I'm ashamed to say that many of said loathsome "bros" come from my generation. I have no idea why they were spawned that way. Most of them are making up for a lack of something or other– like self esteem. One of the many examples of humans going backward in evolution.

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading your experience. It was well written, haha (:

    I hope your future gym outings are less irritating.

    The part about offensive linemen bouncers made me smile :smile: I could use a few of those. :wink:
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    They sound like choppers, but apart from that it doesn't seem like they're actually doing any harm.

    If they're a bit too loud, just ask them if they can be a bit less loud, or tone it down a bit. If they get aggressive about that, then for sure, take it further and speak to staff\management, but just a couple of guys being loud and not physically or probably even intentionally interfering with other peoples workouts is not really something that would bother me personally.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    25? What weight were they using? Were they pink?
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    This is a perfect storyline for a Planet Fitness commercial. "And, this is why I don't like going to the gym". With that said, I can see your frustration. Sometimes, I zone people out or think they're cheering each other on. From what you've described, it sounds like the alpha male brigade has come to visit and desperately seeking admiration/envy via attention from others. I'm assuming they were trying to size up the older gentleman and was attempting to intimidate him by distracting him. I've seen that all the time and frankly, that's a weak person's action. My advice is, don't let them take away your gym time by their antics. They're not worth it.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    If you can weather the storm you'll usually find these guys drop off the radar pretty quickly. I think they have short attention spans and the lack of improvement in the 10 minute sessions they did for two weeks puts them off.
    I think the bravado wears off quickly if you are serious because you quickly realise there are guys lifting twice what you can who are not at all impressed or interested in what you're doing anyway.
  • hopwoods1
    hopwoods1 Posts: 41 Member
    I get more annoyed with guys that start their work out by collecting all the weights they will use in their session regardless if they are using them in 5 minutes or 50. The free weight area in my gym is very small and there is only one 20kg barbell for example.

    I collect and return each set of weights after each of my exercises so others can use them. Other guys use the bench of the lateral machine while doing dumbell curls or such exercises, and not actually using the machine!

    Finally I hate guys who do not remove weights from the smith machine after using it. Usually its the younger guys that do this.
  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    They're a plague at my gym in the afternoons. Guys that wear trucker hats all workout, drop weights, use machines and benches to lounge and chat on, ask about your sets and hog equipment, Bunch of tossers
  • rileyhall00
    yeah I know the type. I was doing my workout and these two came in for just 15min to just do minor things and flex in the mirror?
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    So glad I don't get them at my gym. The price is prob to much for them anyways.
  • tihi18
    tihi18 Posts: 102 Member
    Hmmm. I don't know. I work out in a gym on a Marine Corps base and it's like that. We call it encouragement :) Also you get alot of loud oohrahs! I can understand how some might be annoyed though, loud conversations can be distracting.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Much of physical endeavor is mental. If it's what they need to psyche themselves up to it, it's cool. In martial arts, it's called "Kiai".

    It is, simply, a battle cry. Sometimes it's bravado.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    There are stupid faces everywhere. Good luck enjoying life if you let them bother you this much :flowerforyou:
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Bouncers? Hire snipers.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    Finally I hate guys who do not remove weights from the smith machine after using it. Usually its the younger guys that do this.

    Not at mine. It's the people that think the rules don't apply to them, regardless of gender.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    Music. Earplugs. While I'm doing sets, nobody will ever get me out of my concentration saying whatever they want. You have those idiots everywhere :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Music. Earplugs. While I'm doing sets, nobody will ever get me out of my concentration saying whatever they want. You have those idiots everywhere :)

    This too, they're everywhere.

    I've had people say that they thought I was an a-hole because I don't answer's because I didn't hear them with my earbuds in.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Get an Ipod - find what music makes you get AMPED. TURN IT UP!!

    Here's a scenario:

    So Metallica's Master of Puppets is loud enough in my ears for the guy next to me to sing along (I know thats a lil rude too, but we all have our hangups, right?) Young punk in tank top (to show off his skinny lil arms) with hat sideways (this is another MAJOR peeve of mine - Hats can be worn two ways - brim front to shield your eyes from the sun, or to the back if you're a catcher or if its cloudy - SIDEWAYS = NFG because its STOOOOOPID - wtf? is the sun on your left all day? idiots...)

    Punk: "How many sets you got left?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "How many sets you got left, bro?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "Bro, can you take your buds out so you can hear me? (or something like that - I had my music up so I couldnt hear him!!)
    Me: "What???"

    Works EVERY time! Also good for. "Bro can you give me a spot on this bench press with waaaaay too much weight on that I have no business trying to lift?"


    All Smiles over here.....LOVES me some Master of Puppets!!

    Oh yah, I see the kids who flex in the mirror for 80% of their "Workout" They make me giggle!! Once watched a young man (and he looked in great shape, I must admit) literally stare at himself in the mirror for an HOUR - he did three sets of curls, all with too much weight, all with crappy form - and the kicker? His girlfriend? She did ZERO sets, but was standing next to him fawning over him the WHOLE time (In workout attire too)!! His eyes were glued to the mirror; her eyes were glued to him...for an HOUR!! NO ****!! She gave me a dirty look when I got off the Spin Bike and dared to pass between them and their precious mirror....I paused dead in front of them, smiled, dripped a lil sweat on the floor, and flipped down my play list to Metallica...And Justice for All this time....TURN IT UP!!!

    Life is GOOOD!!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Quite a story! I will say that would drive me nuts to a degree. I usually workout solo and wear headphones that cover my ears. I blast my music so won't be hearing any nonsense.

    This scenario happens a lot when people workout together or in groups. I remember Gold's being noisy, but I liked it. It was motivating to me hearing grunts and spotters pushing lifters to get those last reps. Those were hardcore bros, tho, and not punk *kitten*. I have no prob focusing through noise as long as I have my 'space'. I currently work out at home so that's nice.
  • just_Jennie1
    Punk: "How many sets you got left?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "How many sets you got left, bro?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "Bro, can you take your buds out so you can hear me? (or something like that - I had my music up so I couldnt hear him!!)
    Me: "What???"

    So you'd rather be looked at as the rude person who hogs all the equipment and annoys everyone around them by doing that and having their music so loud I can sing along to it (that's not good for your ears btw. Good luck when you're deaf!)? It's a gym. You're supposed to share. I've asked people if they were done with equipment/how many sets they had left because I wanted to use it when they were done and they have nicely told me and vice versa. No need to be a dink about it.
    Also good for. "Bro can you give me a spot on this bench press with waaaaay too much weight on that I have no business trying to lift?"

    What if the guy really needed a spot? It works both ways too. I'd love to be there watching you walk around the gym trying to get someone to spot you or let you work in a set but no one lets you. :flowerforyou:

    Yes there are things that are annoying at the gym and things that make you go :huh: when you see people there. I get annoyed with loud talkers and just laugh when I see the 'bro's' there because they think they're awesome but they look like idiots but unless it's directly effecting my own workout in the respects that they see me using equipment and they just take it away from me I do my own thing, mind my own business, get in get it done and get out.

    Honestly if I let every thing that people did out there annoy me I'd never leave the house!!