Low Carb Dieting

For those of you who REALLY watch their carbs what does your day look like food wise? I'm charting anywhere between 100-200carbs per day and at this rate I'm never going to lose!
What kind of range do you guys try to stay in with your carbs? I'm thinking anything under 100 is going to help me at this point?



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    For those of you who REALLY watch their carbs what does your day look like food wise? I'm charting anywhere between 100-200carbs per day and at this rate I'm never going to lose!
    What kind of range do you guys try to stay in with your carbs? I'm thinking anything under 100 is going to help me at this point?


    Be smart about limiting your carbs

    I did that crap for the longest time, and I think I screwed myself more than anything.

    Last night before I went to bed, I had a bowl of white steamed rice.....1 cup. 600+ calories.
    I had 3 sweet potatoes earlier in the day........

    Define your goals and then research what you need to do to achieve those goals.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You lose weight by eating less than you burn. Unless you have a medical reason for limiting carbs it isn't going to help you. Stick to a balanced diet within your calorie budget and the pounds will come off. There's no reason to make it extra difficult by limiting certain macros.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    less than 30 grams usually.

    Zero at breakfast - omelette, bacon and egg. that sort of thing.

    Dinner - steak with two veg is maybe 8 grams of carbs. Another 5 grams in berries with double cream or 10% fat yoghurt.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    For those of you who REALLY watch their carbs what does your day look like food wise? I'm charting anywhere between 100-200carbs per day and at this rate I'm never going to lose!
    What kind of range do you guys try to stay in with your carbs? I'm thinking anything under 100 is going to help me at this point?


    I stay under 20-25 grams net carbs per day. The key is to make sure that you substitute with fat and not protein. Too much protein isn't good for your kidneys and you won't have a true fuel source.

    My day looks like:

    Shake or eggs and bacon for breakfast
    Iced coffee with 1T Heavy Cream per cup for snack
    Lunch is either a salad, or low carb/higher fiber veggies and full fat dressing with shredded cheese
    Snack is a sliced lunch meat (make sure not sugar cured meats) and 1oz full fat sharp cheddar cheese
    Dinners are some kind of meat like ground beef (usually 80% lean), sausages (no sugar in them), chicken (dark meat is better in this case), etc. and a low carb veggie. Cheese and/or cream sauces are great!

    A great site for recipes is http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/. But make sure that you are educated in low carb eating before attempting. If not done properly, it can cause a lot of problems. Learn more at http://www.dietdoctor.com/lchf.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Are you diabetic or do you have another medical reason to avoid carbs?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Got to disagree with the last poster, sorry.

    Do your protein.
    Chicken Breast, Fish, beef, cottage cheese.....

    Do your protein.

    Fats should be your healthy fats:
    coconut oil, avocados, fish, nuts, etc...
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Got to disagree with the last poster, sorry.

    Do your protein.
    Chicken Breast, Fish, beef, cottage cheese.....

    Do your protein.

    Fats should be your healthy fats:
    coconut oil, avocados, fish, nuts, etc...

    I didn't say don't eat protein, I said don't eat too much protein. All of the fats that I listed are healthy fats. Dairy fats are healthy. Fat in meat is healthy.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Chicken breast - useless food for a low carb diet.

    You don't have to contribute to a discussion of something you don't agree with, you know. Go and chat about chicken and rice to your gym pals elsewhere :-)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok...going by what you said about "not doing too much protein"....

    I currently hit over 220 gr of protein a day.
    If I can pack in more, I will.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Ok...going by what you said about "not doing too much protein"....

    I currently hit over 220 gr of protein a day.
    If I can pack in more, I will.

    pack it in, piss it out. Waste of time.
  • I agree. Though, if I ate a cup of white rice and two sweet potatoes in one day, I'm not sure I'd have the same success as Mr. Muscles ; ) Carbs fuel your body. Eat healthy ones. If you avoid carbs, you'll quit losing weight and digress from your goals. ESPECIALLY if you're exercising! Don't hurt yourself!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Chicken breast - useless food for a low carb diet.

    You don't have to contribute to a discussion of something you don't agree with, you know. Go and chat about chicken and rice to your gym pals elsewhere :-)

    Grilled CHicken breast and low carb don't go together?

    Would love to hear the logic on this one.....
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok...going by what you said about "not doing too much protein"....

    I currently hit over 220 gr of protein a day.
    If I can pack in more, I will.

    pack it in, piss it out. Waste of time.

    Or you could put it to use..... :wink:
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    For those of you who REALLY watch their carbs what does your day look like food wise? I'm charting anywhere between 100-200carbs per day and at this rate I'm never going to lose!
    What kind of range do you guys try to stay in with your carbs? I'm thinking anything under 100 is going to help me at this point?


    Be smart about limiting your carbs

    I did that crap for the longest time, and I think I screwed myself more than anything.

    Last night before I went to bed, I had a bowl of white steamed rice.....1 cup. 600+ calories.
    I had 3 sweet potatoes earlier in the day........

    Define your goals and then research what you need to do to achieve those goals.

    ^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    you need carbs to have strenght to exercise so dont get rid of them. eat more fish ang veggies.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Chicken breast - useless food for a low carb diet.

    You don't have to contribute to a discussion of something you don't agree with, you know. Go and chat about chicken and rice to your gym pals elsewhere :-)

    I"m curious to know how chicken breast is useless on a low carb diet too lol
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Veggies can be a source of carbs....but keep in mind they also contain fiber (typically).

    So for every 1 gr of fiber, you cancel out 1 gr of carbs

    So after you exercise, you will want some carbs to replenish your glycogen stores.....so potatoes, rice, etc....
    Are great sources of carbs.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Ok...going by what you said about "not doing too much protein"....

    I currently hit over 220 gr of protein a day.
    If I can pack in more, I will.

    pack it in, piss it out. Waste of time.

    Or like Max said you can put it to use and build some muscle!!!
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow thanks for the replies.
    I'm a 25year old female, I have hypothyroidism and cant seem to lose ANY weight. I eat good, but have not yet made it to eating completely clean and I notice I eat a lot of carbs. I do eat vegetables, fruits, some red lean meat, chicken, occasional fish, but I also still eat crap sometimes to. I am on day 14 of quitting mt dew, I was drinking anywhere from 2-4cans per day and haven't touched one and dont plan to ever again.

    For instance my meals today will go something like this..
    Boiled egg, oatmeal, activia yogurt w/fiber.

    Salad(Green leaf lettuce, shredded carrots, lwo fat cheese, chicken breast pieces, and italian salad dressing on side just to dip a little bit) (Sometimes I'll eat with a half of a whole grain tortilla with flax seed to)
    Some Mixed Nuts
    Grapes and Strawberries

    Healthy Choice meal (I work late today)...I found these to be one of the better 'lean' meals with less calories, sodium and carbs and they are actually good.

    I'm currently 193 and My ultimate goal is 130-140lbs, I am 5'2" but I am medium-large framed and this weight looks good on me. I'm honestly so confused with how to lose weight it is insane. When I was younger I just hardly ate and yes I lost weight but I was miserable, I want to make this a way of life and be happy its just hard trying to find what is going to work for my body.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Grilled CHicken breast and low carb don't go together?

    Would love to hear the logic on this one.....

    There's no fat there. You have to eat a bunch of one or the other, carbs or fat, and naked chicken breast lacks both.

    It's possible to dress it up to compensate, of course...