How can I combat hunger without ruining any progress?



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Your diary is closed so its really hard to provide good suggestions. If you have calculated your calories and have made sure that you are actually eating ENOUGH in terms of what your body needs..

    Look here if you need help with that:

    Assuming you are eating enough then as others have suggested.. PROTEIN is sovereign. Check my diary if you wish - its open. I average at least 100g each day. I'm starving in the morning so usually I eat most of my calories before noon. The past couple days I have been pigging out on cookies so you may be better looking at last week :P
  • Portioning and eating all day long. Limit all your food to the suggested serving size. I search for foods that are 100 or less per portion. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet. That means I can eat up to 12 times a day. I portion out the food into bags. Put about 800 calories worth of food in my backpack and eat something every hour or so. It sounds like a lot of work. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months. I found that when I go away from this trick, I started to slide and put on weight. I am again portioning and and have lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. It's hard to find what works for you. I have struggled with weight for 25 years. I am 47 and for the first time in my life I am thin.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Water with lemon and a bowl of air popped popcorn, with a little bit of salt on there. Like kettle corn? sprinkle little bit of stevia on there. Then I write a list to remind myself why I want to lose weight and end it off with looking at the before and after pictures, on this website. There we go.....binge hunger passed.!! Hang in there.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I had that issue and only two things helped me.

    #1. Coffee and lots. This is actually good for your liver etcetc.
    #2. It was VERY hard for three days, then... the hunger just stopped. I still know when I am hungry but I don't get the ravenous pangs anymore and I can easily control it now.
  • bahbahox
    bahbahox Posts: 10 Member
    i find zero sugar energy drinks fill you up, try monster zero or monster rehab taste good and are low in everything
    not very nutritional but fills me up for a while :)
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Water water water :)
  • amyljl77
    amyljl77 Posts: 43 Member
    invest some time into finding things under 100 cal that are nutrient dense and you actually like to eat. My go tos are bananas, grapes, hummus and hard boiled eggs. I stay away from processed crap (FiberOne bars, nutrigrain bars, protein bars etc.) because I notice I'll be hungry again in an hour. Good luck!
  • MaxxieTibbyMom
    MaxxieTibbyMom Posts: 16 Member
    If I am in the snack mode, I brush my teeth. If I am truly hungry, I make myself a green smoothie with lots of chia seeds. Or I eat an egg, something with high protein content. Green tea actually makes me feel hungrier. Does that happen to any of you?
  • NinjaMaid
    NinjaMaid Posts: 48 Member
    Loading protein early in the day helps. I have Special K protein or a Greek yogurt in the morning. Both are low calorie and high in protein. Items high in protein keep you satisfied longer. I usually go to the cereal or yogurt as a snack as well. Don't eat those 100 calorie snack packs. Those are just a waste of calories and the are not filling.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Don't be afraid of fat! It is so filling, especially when mixed with fiber or protein.
    Beans! Apples and peanut butter! Eggs (whole)! Yogurt and granola! Tuna and hummus! Popcorn (plain)!

    If you know you aren't really hungry but just want to eat, drink water, black coffee, plain tea, chew gum, eat a big bowl of lettuce, cucumber, celery. Go on a slow walk, meditate, take a nap, talk on the phone, read a book, do something to distract your from the craving like knitting or other hand crafts. You might just be bored.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    How many calories do you eat in a day? How much exercise are you doing?

    I was hungry, a lot, when I was eating low cal and exercising a lot...

    There is very few times that I am actually hungry now, because I eat to sustain myself and my workouts. I no longer eat to lose weight.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    "Protein and fiber at every meal makes losing weight no big deal."
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    Water and fiber! Glucomannan fiber works best for me. I also chew gum, so I'm not tempted to snack.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    You might need to eat more protein. That usually helps me feel full longer. Also if you eat a lot of veggies you can have larger portion sizes that fill you up, but still low calorie. Also get lots of fiber! & like other people have said, drink lots of water! If you want anymore ideas you can checkout my diary or message me :)
  • make a shake with whey protein it will keep you full for hours and you can tailor it to your liking. If you like creamier shakes use non-sweetened coconut or almond milk if not then use coconut water which is full of good stuff. Add a banana, spinach, strawberries, beets, avocado, lemon juice whatever combo you like of veggies and fruits as its a great way to hide veggies and not even taste them but also getting the benefits of them and being full but satisfied. It's also thick so it lasts long. I find I can work 2-3 hours while sipping on a shake in the mornings and not even realize how fast time flies. I used to be hungry all morning but not anymore :)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 65 Member
    An apple is the best thing for me when I feel like I'm starving. I'm a teacher and eat lunch at 10:45 and don't have a break the rest of the day, so by 3:30 when the kids leave I'm SOOOOO hungry. I have an apple at that time almost everyday. It fills me up until dinner and quiets my sweet tooth.
  • teamstanish
    teamstanish Posts: 274 Member
    Keep healthy snacks on hand!

    Apples (great for energy slumps)
    Veggies (Carrots, broccoli, celery, etc) you can have them with 2 Tablespoons of hummus
    Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of 100% maple syrup or honey, add some cinnamon and fruit
    A serving of nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts)
    Nut butter with fruit or on a slice of whole wheat toast
    Salad with lots of veggies

    Those are some idea, also drink water when you feel hungry, wait 30 minutes, then if you're still hungry eat! I also love green tea with honey when I feel hungry or want to snack.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I make something I call Nothing Soup. Veggie or Chicken broth (I save my scraps every week and make that myself). 1 can of diced no salt tomatoes, celery, onion, carrot, green or red pepper or both, parsley, rutabaga and 1/2 cup of unhulled barley, pepper and a bay leaf. It is warm, filling and I can eat it all day without gaining an oz.
  • snaptom
    snaptom Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks again everyone!

    So the main responses seem to be protein and water. I'll give these a try :)
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