How do you fit your workout into your daily routine?



  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    As soon as I get home from work I change into my gym clothes, put my sneakers on and leash up my dogs. If I dilly dally around, there is a good chance I wont work out so I just jump right into it.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    lunch break (1 hour). depending upon the weather i either use my office gym or go outside for a run. if i can't go at lunch i go for a run the second i get home from work (about 5:30/5:45)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Honestly I've been forming my routine around working out, the only thing that I put before working out is work and school.

    On sundays my gym is only open 1-6, i work 11-8 on sundays.. so I go on my hour lunch break. It actually feels amazing, gives me extra energy, and makes my second half of my work day more productive. I just don't care about going back to work sweaty.. haha
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    get up early or do it when you get home from work...

    if being healthy and fit is what you want, you will fit it in your day... its not a case of you 'cant' fit it in, at the moment you just dont want to.

    Comments like these kinda bother me. I'm a mom who works full time at a job and then full time at home. Is being healthy and fit important to me? YES ! I try to fit my excersize in where/when I can but I've stopped beating myself up about not being able to do it as often as I'd like. The reality of it is ..sometimes there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done and fit in a work out. I suppose I could NOT do homework with my kids, I could NOT make their lunches, I could NOT do my household chores, and I could NOT put them in any after school activities OR worse yet... sleep less in order to find time for a workout. All these things add up to waking up at 5 and crashing at 11. I can't sleep less than that. If I happen to squeeze a workout in I'm jumping for joy.

    The majority of working Mom's are not kidding when they say they are too busy and can't find the time. Some of them are like me. I don't sit in front of a computer or a TV at home. The only time my butt is in a chair is here at work.

    Yet I know working mothers who manage to train for marathons on top of raising their kids well and working full time.

    They don't "find" time, they make time.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I looked honestly at how I spent my time. I easily trimmed 1.5 hours of TV time out, joined a gym and stop there on my way home from work.

    Weekends my wife and I do one day of outdoor walking/hiking while the weather is still great, and the other day (usually Sunday) we hit the gym mid-day when there is almost nobody else there.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    get up early or do it when you get home from work...

    if being healthy and fit is what you want, you will fit it in your day... its not a case of you 'cant' fit it in, at the moment you just dont want to.

    Comments like these kinda bother me. I'm a mom who works full time at a job and then full time at home. Is being healthy and fit important to me? YES ! I try to fit my excersize in where/when I can but I've stopped beating myself up about not being able to do it as often as I'd like. The reality of it is ..sometimes there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done and fit in a work out. I suppose I could NOT do homework with my kids, I could NOT make their lunches, I could NOT do my household chores, and I could NOT put them in any after school activities OR worse yet... sleep less in order to find time for a workout. All these things add up to waking up at 5 and crashing at 11. I can't sleep less than that. If I happen to squeeze a workout in I'm jumping for joy.

    The majority of working Mom's are not kidding when they say they are too busy and can't find the time. Some of them are like me. I don't sit in front of a computer or a TV at home. The only time my butt is in a chair is here at work.

    So, you're a single mom, right?
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I go after work 3 or so nights a week and try to sneak in things on the's hard, but I HAVE to do it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    The same way I fit in a ****, shower, and's just a part of the daily. Also, contrary to popular belief, a good workout doesn't have to mean hours and hours of droning away on a cardio machine or in the gym...a solid workout can be had in 30-45 minutes easy....even less if you're doing some HIIT.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    My daily routine goes like this:

    6:00am - Get up, get ready for the day
    7:15am - Leave for work
    8:00am-4:30pm - Work in the morning and classes (in college) in the afternoon
    5:00pm - Get home, have a little energy pre-workout snack, get dressed for the gym
    5:30pm - Walk to the gym
    6:00-7:30pm - Working out (machines, weights, group classes)
    7:30pm - Walk home, cook dinner
    ~8:00pm - Eat dinner while studying or watching tv, then shower and relax :)

    I'm definitely not a morning person so I need to do my workout in the evening. The bad thing about that is that I eat dinner kind of late. But so far this routine has been working for me. I hope you find what fits your schedule best! Best wishes xox
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    I'm at the gym 2 - 3 nights per week, after work, and usually Saturday and Sunday. I don't get off the train until 6:30 pm and am exhausted, but I need to do it, so I do.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    i wirk out first thing in the morning..5.30am. this way, it is never in my way all thru the day, nagging me tht it has to be done. This way get to spend my evening with my family. Also, anything happening in the day has no chance of sabotaging my workout cos it is the first thing to beleft out if the day gets busy. And also, on the basis of my burn, i can plan my meals.

    Exactly how I feel, except I do my workout at 6am.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I try to get my exercise in when my kids are at practice or church. Luckily the school and church are all within a block or 2 of each other. So Mondays and Thursdays I drop my son off at football practice and then head to the Church for Aerobics from 6-7, my daughter will either go to my cousins or play at the park right next to the school with the other kids whose brothers are at practice. Then on Tuesdays (during practice) and Wednesdays (during Youth Group) I will go over to the high school track and walk for an hour. But of course since football season has started I have a feeling that there may be some games there that will interfere with my walking, so I may have to just walk around the neighborhood a few times.
  • nikix123
    I work out an hour after rising, after sorting my toddler out with breakfast and morning activities, so 8am ish. Next week I start uni part time, our routine is going to change slightly so I'll be waking up before my toddler to work out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    get up early or do it when you get home from work...

    if being healthy and fit is what you want, you will fit it in your day... its not a case of you 'cant' fit it in, at the moment you just dont want to.

    Comments like these kinda bother me. I'm a mom who works full time at a job and then full time at home. Is being healthy and fit important to me? YES ! I try to fit my excersize in where/when I can but I've stopped beating myself up about not being able to do it as often as I'd like. The reality of it is ..sometimes there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done and fit in a work out. I suppose I could NOT do homework with my kids, I could NOT make their lunches, I could NOT do my household chores, and I could NOT put them in any after school activities OR worse yet... sleep less in order to find time for a workout. All these things add up to waking up at 5 and crashing at 11. I can't sleep less than that. If I happen to squeeze a workout in I'm jumping for joy.

    The majority of working Mom's are not kidding when they say they are too busy and can't find the time. Some of them are like me. I don't sit in front of a computer or a TV at home. The only time my butt is in a chair is here at work.

    The OP never mentioned having kids though. And posts like this bother me.... People who have kids and then moan about what They CAN'T do because they have kids... But they made that decision....
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    get up early or do it when you get home from work...

    if being healthy and fit is what you want, you will fit it in your day... its not a case of you 'cant' fit it in, at the moment you just dont want to.

    Comments like these kinda bother me. I'm a mom who works full time at a job and then full time at home. Is being healthy and fit important to me? YES ! I try to fit my excersize in where/when I can but I've stopped beating myself up about not being able to do it as often as I'd like. The reality of it is ..sometimes there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done and fit in a work out. I suppose I could NOT do homework with my kids, I could NOT make their lunches, I could NOT do my household chores, and I could NOT put them in any after school activities OR worse yet... sleep less in order to find time for a workout. All these things add up to waking up at 5 and crashing at 11. I can't sleep less than that. If I happen to squeeze a workout in I'm jumping for joy.

    The majority of working Mom's are not kidding when they say they are too busy and can't find the time. Some of them are like me. I don't sit in front of a computer or a TV at home. The only time my butt is in a chair is here at work.

    Don't rationalize, just make it happen. Being a single parent, I can possibly see how these reasons would possibly make it inconvenient - but faaaaaaaar from impossible - to work out regularly. If it's important, you'll make time for it.
  • SHHitsKaty
    Not easily. I work 40 hours a week, go to school full time and also train 6 days a week either in the gym, the yoga studio or just out for a run outside. I MAKE the time though. Last night I didn't get out of class until 8pm after having been at work from 9am-5pm, of course, I'd have much rather went home and made dinner but I went to the gym instead.
  • .
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    I am a stay at home caretaker with limited resources and ability to exercise.

    I do my 20 minutes of yoga right after I put the kiddo on the school bus, then eat breakfast. When it cools down, I will cycle right after breakfast, but as it is still far to warm, I wait until after I've put him to bed to do my cycling in warm weather. Maybe a more flexible schedule would be easier for you?
  • Cieren
    Cieren Posts: 6 Member
    I'm pretty lucky - my husband and I are both fairly committed to working out. I get to work at 7am and am home by about 4pm - I prep dinner, we work out within about 15 minutes of my husband getting home (5:30), THEN we eat dinner and do our normal evening stuff - we work out 6 times a week, alternating strength training and cardio. Some days, he drags me through it, some days I drag him through it - we have entirely different weight goals (he wants to gain, I NEED to lose), but we have the same overall fitness goals: to be active, healthy, fit, and strong, and to eventually do either a Spartan Race or a Tough Mudder.

    I think for us it's less about making the time and more about realizing that we can't afford NOT to make the time, if we want to be healthy.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    For the past 2 days I have been off work and have found myself taking our beagle dog out for a walk around the apartment complex. Yes, we both need it - BUT it is so very humid and hot here (like everywhere else I'm sure). I go back to work tomorrow and work Monday - Friday 8-5. I usually leave my house around 7:15 to get to work about 7:30 (In reality). I would like to know how everyone else fits there walk/run/workout into their daily routine.

    I work 8-4 (or 5 depending on how busy it is) and wake up between 4:45-5:00am to go to the gym before work. Does it suck waking up that early? Hell yes. But I have realized (after years of trial and error in figuring out what works best for me) that mornings are easiest. After work I just want to go home to relax or work on school work and I am just not as motivated at the end of the day.

    If it's important to you, you will find a way to fit it in to your daily routine. It'll take some adjusting at first, but it'll feel like a habit soon enough