How do you fit your workout into your daily routine?



  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I get up an hour earlier and do it before I go to work. I work 10+ hours a day and have something going on most evenings and weekends. I finally figured out I had to make time instead of find time.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I keep all my work out gear in my car so if I get outta work by 7ish, I can bust *kitten* to the last CF class. Otherwise, I run when I get home about 8. I have to be at work for 12.5 hours starting at 6:45-- nooooooooo way am I getting up THAT early to WO.
  • I'm new to this. I'm around 320 and I start college in January coming up my weight loss goal is to get down to 240pounds I wanna play football not this year but the next year and I really REALLY need help. If you can give me any pointers please help and reply!

    #I'm 5'10 nd age 20
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    I work at a sedentary job in an 8 story building. Every hour on the hour I try to run the stairs....I work on the 6th floor. I climb to the top floor, take the steps to the basement....then all the way to the top again, and back down to 6. It takes me about 2 minutes, and it never gets easier, but it works for me. I do a 5K greenway walk/run three times a week....usually at night because I just can't do it before work.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Wake up at 5am to go to he gym. gym from 6-7:30. At work by 9.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    If you want to do it you'll make time not excuses. Something I am slowly learning myself.

    I have five kids, the eldest child is homeschooled, the youngest is still a baby, I run a business from home and still have to keep up with mountains of washing, dishes, homework, other housework, meals and quality time with my kids and my husband. I dont get to sleep till midnight each night and thanks to my health issues i dont sleep well so getting up at the crack of dawn is never going to work for me.

    So after my husband does school drop off in the morning for the middle two kids I head up to the gym which is 5mins away, I'm there between 1-1.5 hours and get home just in time for lunch. Works out well because I'm still feeling energetic enough to get in a decent cardio and weights routine or a class and I can come home and eat because I'm starving by then. I only have one Body Balance class of an evening which is more of a stretch/yoga/pilates so I do a shorter workout in the morning and go back in the evening, its the only thing that might clash but we're working around it. It's important that I lose weight and get healthy so making time around our schedules isn't a hassle, we just do it.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    The majority of working Mom's are not kidding when they say they are too busy and can't find the time. Some of them are like me. I don't sit in front of a computer or a TV at home. The only time my butt is in a chair is here at work.

    Totally disagree, I worked at home until my kids were 2 & 4, then returned to an office. I also maintained my home business, plus continued to work out. I make the time, and most importantly, my kids know I make the time. Mine are older now and heck ya, its much easier. My husband is gone more hours from the day than I am, I typically work a minimum of 60 hours a week and 6 days a week. You'd be amazed at the energy you can have when you exercise to get more done. The time I take for fitness really never makes me have less time for anything I need to do. I've completed 2 marathons and numerous half's. I'm presently considering a 3rd marathon. My kids are active in school and sports. So when you say you "hate comments" like that - there are just as many of us working moms who "hate comments" like I'm too busy for fitness. I made the choice to have kids, I make my kids part of my fitness, they run races with me, they are strong independent kids who work just as hard on their goals as their mom and dad do.

    I love the phrase - "Need something done?" Find the busiest person to ask, that person will get it done.