Grocery store HORROR!!!!



  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    They say to stick to the outline of the store: produce, grocers freezers, meat, dairy areas. Then strategically go get other necessities. Never go hungry.

    this is one of the dumbest sayings that passes for profound around here...

    if you only stick to the outside aisles of the grocery store, how are you going to find the toilet paper?!



    Get your TP at a drug store ;-P~

    Or send a minion (spouse, teenager with a license, supportive boyfriend) to get it for you.
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member
    I have to have a list when I go shopping. If I don't have one, I tend to get one or two "extras". I've gotten FAR better at self-control and willpower when it comes to the grocery store. I also don't mind taking my little kids grocery shopping - yes, they're begging for me to buy things...but those things are grapes and strawberries and apples (and green beans for my son)!! I'm rather proud of that...they could care less about the snacks aisle as we rarely go down it.

    Good on you, OP, for having the willpower to return that junk! I know I wouldn't have been able to once it got to my car.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    The first Rule in Shopping : NEVER SHOP WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY

    If you are hungry when you are shopping you may go for the high calorie foods, chances are you won't get buy the bakery and gobbling it down before you reach the cashier.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Good for you for returning all the junk.

    Grocery stores are masterpieces of marketing and manipulation and I keep reminding myself that I will not be manipulated. Think about the direction you always take around the store. Counter-clockwise, right? Of course. (I d be interested to hear contrary views.) "They" set it up that way. I look at the cases of individual servings of baked goods and know that they're made for maximum eye appeal. Look at that thick layer of frosting. They may taste greasy and leave a chemical aftertaste, but they sure look pretty, don't they? (Our supermarket uses neon-colored frostings. Complete turnoff for me.)

    Just remind yourself that they're playing mind games with you and if you buy on impulse, they won.

    Hmm both my local HEBs (Texas grocery store chains) go clockwise. Clockwise starts me in the produce, followed by the seafood, butcher, sandwich meat, packaged meat and cheese. Counter clockwise would start me in the pharmacy entrance. Come to think of it, all my local stores but walmart and a Randall's do, maybe I'm just doing it wrong =D any reason for this?
    You must be going to those southern hemisphere HEBs then. The ones I go to are counter-clockwise starting from produce, unless I want to walk past the cash registers to get to the pharmacy and the entrance by the pharmacy. I usually start at the pharmacy entrance and get all my non-perishable items first, so I go clockwise. Guess I'm just contrary.
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    People think I am crazy when I say this but this is part of what I call a culture of obesity. Most grocery stores I have been into have a similar set-up in which you have to walk through all the "junk" before you reach the healthy stuff. Why is this? Why not switch it around and have the junk in the back? It can be very hard to resist, especially if you go to the store when you are hungry or having a weak moment. I would often speed walk through these areas but it was quite the mind phuck if you know what I mean. These days I will actually stop and look at all the "junk", fantasize about it and I am able to move on without much thought ( I don't recommend this) because I have become particularly snobby about my what "junk" I will eat.

    Kudos to you for taking the stuff back! That takes some gusto. Way to assert yourself.
    LOL!! I daydream them grab i:laugh: t and run!!!
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Have you noticed all the junk candy bars and junk literature , that is gossips mags, are at the front of the store , right by the check out till, they are relying on impulse buyers.

    Have you noticed how much money goes into marketing and advertising to sell the junk food products,. I haven`t seen carrots, broccoli, lettuce, sweet potatoes, lemons , oranges, apples, and all fruits marketed with such a frenzy. The only other product I can remember being marketed that intensely with that type of big budget was tobacco.
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    Is it me or is the grocery store one of the scariest places on earth when you are trying to change your lifestyle:huh:
    Went grocery shopping and all of the treats were up front , (IT"S FOOTBALL SUNDAY) all of the chips, candy, cakes, pies at BOGO, soda etc. Once I broke through the crowd of delicacies I proceeded to the produce area and what do I see? well, it was more cakes, pies, chips and dips!!!!!!!:explode: My heart starts to race, I started to question myself, I tried to bargain with the God to give me some wiggle room and I walked out with one of each item listed above in my bag. Once I started to drive off, my phone buzzed and I was getting a post from MFP. I happily turned my car around and went back to the store, This time when I walked out I had $23.13 more in my wallet:flowerforyou:


    It's not just you, I too find the grocery store scary. At the store I go to they do the same thing. At the entrance they put all the tasty junk thats on sale. They put large signs so you know it's on sale. It's usually chips and soda. But during certain holidays they'll put what's in demand. Right now it's all about candy since halloween is coming up. Just when you think the junk temptation ended, you'll be tempted again at checkout where they put all kinds of small snacks like little bags of chips, candy bars, and now they've included a small freezer with mini ice cream cartons and ice candies.

    But I think the scariest part is that they have free samples throughout the store. Someone is always there with a tray of cheese and deli meat that smells so good it could be hard to say no to. And when I give in and taste a sample, I just have to buy the package which is always conveniently place behind the samples. I tried going to another grocery store without the samples but they don't have many good deals and their produce are crazy expensive. The store I go to is way cheaper and has a better assortment of food, especially healthy food, despite the junk they push on people.

    So I just don't go shopping when I am hungry and I listen to music while shopping to calm me down. I also buy everything I need for the next few weeks or month so I don't make too many trips there.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's kinda torture. It does get easier to leave the store without it, though, eventually.
  • hillarysmith21
    hillarysmith21 Posts: 25 Member
    Bump!! :D
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    But I think the scariest part is that they have free samples throughout the store. Someone is always there with a tray of cheese and deli meat that smells so good it could be hard to say no to. And when I give in and taste a sample, I just have to buy the package which is always conveniently placed behind the samples.

    I avoid sample counters with humans. They're pushy and they want to tell me how good the stuff tastes and offer me a coupon. I just say no, thanks. Most of the time it's unhealthy anyway. I was buying Greek yogurt and the pushy lady handing out samples of another brand told me "her" brand was on sale. I looked at the label. It contained cornstarch for thickener and high-fructose corn syrup. I don't buy yogurt with any more ingredients than milk and yogurt cultures. I told her, "That brand has additives. I don't do additives."
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    But I think the scariest part is that they have free samples throughout the store. Someone is always there with a tray of cheese and deli meat that smells so good it could be hard to say no to. And when I give in and taste a sample, I just have to buy the package which is always conveniently placed behind the samples.

    I avoid sample counters with humans. They're pushy and they want to tell me how good the stuff tastes and offer me a coupon. I just say no, thanks. Most of the time it's unhealthy anyway. I was buying Greek yogurt and the pushy lady handing out samples of another brand told me "her" brand was on sale. I looked at the label. It contained cornstarch for thickener and high-fructose corn syrup. I don't buy yogurt with any more ingredients than milk and yogurt cultures. I told her, "That brand has additives. I don't do additives."

    The lady frying the sausage in the pan with the grease and the bits of sausage at the bottom of the electric pan she is using - does not look very appetizing. i can pass up the wine samples. What gets me are the smells of the bakery wafting around the store and if they have pizza cooking.