Low Carb Dieting



  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    If you want to talk low-carbing, maybe look up the low carb groups, under 'community' then 'groups' then write in 'low carb'. You'll get lots of support there. ;)

    Regular low carbing means staying around 100 carbs, and splitting the rest of your cals between your protein and fat. You should choose good proteins and healthy fats and monitor your calories of course.

    The best way to cut carbs is by avoiding sugar, processed foods, and starches. Good luck!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    >>>I didn't say don't eat protein, I said don't eat too much protein. All of the fats that I listed are healthy fats. Dairy fats are healthy. >>>>Fat in meat is healthy.

    Really. I can't believe anyone in this day and age actually believes dairy fats are healthy , let alone believes that fats in meat are healthy. Saturated fat is your enemy!!!! The primary fat in red meat (sausage, bacon, hamburg, steak, etc) is mainly saturated,. In full fat dairy the primary fat is saturated. This is not a healthy fat.

    Listen to the guy who is suggesting boneless skinless chicken breast and low/nonfat cottage cheese, he knows about healthy fats. If you don't want to eat protein then don't but don't eat an excess of sat fat and then tell everyone it is healthy. Please think before you post.

    Saturated fat is not the enemy. It is a necessary fat. If you are using fat as fuel instead of carbs, fat does not get stored in the system either way. I am not saying eat pure saturated fat. But dairy fats and meat fats combined with other sources like avocados, coconut oils, etc. it is part of a healthy diet, especially when eating very low carb!

    ^ What she said. It would be unwise if you are trying to low-carb, to take advice from a anit-fat perspective. Limiting both, you would feel like a slug swimming in cotton balls.

    Low carb (anti grain/starch/etc) is an excellent weight loss, weight maintenance and general health strategy.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    I believe I also mentioned avocado and nuts....

    Look at my food diary, I do 2 Tbsp of MCT oil (coconut oil) in my coffee every day.....

    Look to the OP, I am gonna stop posingt on your topic, I have given my view on it......and I wish you all the best going forward.

    Remember, balance in all aspects of life (including your diet) is the important thing. :wink:
  • keljones81
    keljones81 Posts: 3 Member
    I am currently on a low carb/high protein diet with the goal of staying under 40 grams of carbs a day and eating close to 100g of lean protein a day. Before I started this diet however, it was recommended by my doctor to get my blood levels under control. .My doctor then referred me to a weight loss specialist who has been tracking my progress since June. My advice is to talk to your doctor and meet with a dietitian. I see my doctor once ever two weeks to review my diet, my blood levels, and my vitamin intake. This is a very strict diet, but it is working for me. I am down 20 pounds since I started last June! However, what is working for me may not be right for everyone else. Too many ketones can be harmful too the kidneys. Many hospitals will host nutrient workshops for free and answer any questions you may have.

    Good luck! :)
  • I have been following the paleo diet pretty closely (well let me say, Monday-Friday lunch haha) and I have dropped about eight pounds and been able to stay eight pounds lighter with ease! I get all of my carbs from from fruits and veggies. I try to stay under 100g of carbs a day, and try to get my protein up to about 125g. Following the paleo diet it really has not been a struggle to keep my carbs under 100g, however I do struggle a lot with eating enough protein!! I work at a bagel cafe, so it was really hard for me to shun grains altogether, and I really didn't want to think that it would make a difference, but it really has! I am a believer!
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all so much for the replies, I hate that anyone would be arguing. We all have our own ideas about how to lose weight and what works for one might not work for another. This website was created for us to support each other not fight over what each of us think is right. Either way I appreciate all the comments and aligirrrl I found some more information on the paleo diet and really like the idea and clean eating is my goal anyway.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Less than 30g 6 days a week (get them from veggies)
    On carb up day which is a lot of fun