Am I "technically" starving myself? Open diary.



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member

    Yes, it was not the best way to start things out, but I do not regret it...nor am I ashamed of it...

    The day after, is when the NEW ME is beginning...

    SO KINDLY take that in consideration before producing word vomit. Thank you. xD
    If we are only to be looking at the past two days, then yes you are definitely eating far far too little. And, believe it or not, some of these people who you are now perceiving as snarky, are just trying to make that very point and are trying to help. Under eating is very unhealthy and completely unnecessary and sometimes people feel have to be direct in their disagreement about it. If you want to learn more about starvation mode go to this video here, it is an excellent explanation.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    OP: This is a public forum where people are free to post on anything, just as people are free to start threads. Many times people will start threads and not like the responses and resort to name calling etc. it happens all of the time. (this thread is a perfect example) Sometimes responses are straight forward and not sugar coated in any way. It happens. You are asking for opinions and help, which is what people are trying to do for you. You stated, "I'm pretty new to all of this so any advice would be most appreciated. :D" Keep your mind open OP.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    What I see is disordered eating, i.e., going from feast to famine.

    Learn how to eat in moderation, and learn how to incorporate fitness in your day.

    The only way I could learn how to do this was to buy a food scale and weigh my food. I prepare most of my food at home, and that helps me to control my intake. I use MFP to calculate my recipes, and this is a huge help.

    The best way to learn is through trial and error, ever learning from our errors. Good luck on your journey.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    In your past 3 days I see one day at about 3500, 1 day at 600, 1 day at 500. That averages out to 1533, which isn't a starvation number at all. If you constantly eat 600 and 500 every day without the higher days, then yes, you will end up starving yourself eventually. If you just weren't hungry that day due to eating a lot the previous day and sleeping in till 1, then I see nothing wrong with it. Just listen to your body. We can't avoid taking the iHop day into consideration because that probably had an effect on dampening your appetite the following day.

    I'm guessing you will want to eat more than 600 most days. As others have said, it's the weekly average that matters. Your body can utilize glycogen stores on low days, when it has been fueled by higher calorie days and has that to draw from.
  • kimswisher
    kimswisher Posts: 32 Member
    First, if you go to your biopage and fill in the questions about height, weight, age, and activity level MFP is going to tell you how much your calorie intake should be to lose a healthy 2 lbs. a week. I started out on weight watchers 360 program. I weighed in at a whopping 404 lbs. Sticking to the point counting system they gave me, I only lost 8.2 lbs in 10 weeks. The my daughter told me about MFP. In the 2 weeks since I joined MFP I have lost 14.2 lbs. I try to get as close to my caloric allowance as I can. If you are a larger size lady like myself you'll see that we actually are allowed a little bit more cals than the average person. My point is, that these are professionals that have worked out a formula designed for the best results for you. If you go to low on the calories, yes you'll lose weight fast but it probably won't last because miracle fixes never do. I suggest that you give MFP's way a chance and see what the results are. I measure and weigh my food. If you snack it, track it. If you bite it, write it. If you nibble it, scribble it. If you hog it, log it. Oh yeah, on my suggested 2150 calories a day, I lost 6 the first week and 8.2 the next.
  • MissRavenD
    In your past 3 days I see one day at about 3500, 1 day at 600, 1 day at 500. That averages out to 1533, which isn't a starvation number at all. If you constantly eat 600 and 500 every day without the higher days, then yes, you will end up starving yourself eventually. If you just weren't hungry that day due to eating a lot the previous day and sleeping in till 1, then I see nothing wrong with it. Just listen to your body. We can't avoid taking the iHop day into consideration because that probably had an effect on dampening your appetite the following day.

    I'm guessing you will want to eat more than 600 most days. As others have said, it's the weekly average that matters. Your body can utilize glycogen stores on low days, when it has been fueled by higher calorie days and has that to draw from.

    Thank you very much. :)
  • MissRavenD
    First, if you go to your biopage and fill in the questions about height, weight, age, and activity level MFP is going to tell you how much your calorie intake should be to lose a healthy 2 lbs. a week. I started out on weight watchers 360 program. I weighed in at a whopping 404 lbs. Sticking to the point counting system they gave me, I only lost 8.2 lbs in 10 weeks. The my daughter told me about MFP. In the 2 weeks since I joined MFP I have lost 14.2 lbs. I try to get as close to my caloric allowance as I can. If you are a larger size lady like myself you'll see that we actually are allowed a little bit more cals than the average person. My point is, that these are professionals that have worked out a formula designed for the best results for you. If you go to low on the calories, yes you'll lose weight fast but it probably won't last because miracle fixes never do. I suggest that you give MFP's way a chance and see what the results are. I measure and weigh my food. If you snack it, track it. If you bite it, write it. If you nibble it, scribble it. If you hog it, log it. Oh yeah, on my suggested 2150 calories a day, I lost 6 the first week and 8.2 the next.

    Thank you. :)

    That's a nice bit of inspiration there... thanks! :D
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    So, you've been actively changing your eating habits for the past 36 hours, right? The truth is that there is NO WAY we can give you accurate advice based on that little information. No, you should not eat the way you did yesterday regularly. And you'll get better results if your caloric intake is relatively constant because your body will come to know what it can expect each day, and thusly process food more efficiently. Other than that, we cannot predict if you're starving yourself or not, because we don't know what your eating habits will look like now that you're starting "for real". There simply isn't enough data there to tell us.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member

    The only way I could learn how to do this was to buy a food scale and weigh my food. I prepare most of my food at home, and that helps me to control my intake. I use MFP to calculate my recipes, and this is a huge help.

    I think this is really important, especially at the beginning and especially for people who started at a pretty high weight. Our portion control stunk or we wouldn't have gotten large to start with. If you weigh and measure for a month or two, you'll be amazed at how good you get at eyeballing the appropriate portion sizes for things and then you don't have to be quite as strict about it.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I was just wondering if it was so bad if i'm not meeting the 1200 calorie intake minimal.

    For example, I slept in till about 1:00 PM yesterday and only had like...626 calories clocked in for the day.

    The official start was yesterday so i'm really counting the calories and what-not now. :D

    Working extremely hard for my goal for fast results... haha
    So I am very determined to stay under the daily goal or at the very most AT it.

    Am I being too extreme though? Am I technically "starving" myself?

    I'm pretty new to all of this so any advice would be most appreciated. :D

    No, you're not starving yourself but you're very close.

    At that calorie level you're at the level of treatment given to patients who are in a closely medically supervised plan to avoid life threatening obesity.

    I would not intentionally eat at that calorie level, ever (and this is from someone who had a superb weight loss experience while eating 800 to 1k cals/day net.)

    We can lose weight very safely at the 1200 calorie level so you might want to use that as your minimum level.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Some days I like 2,500-3,000 calories. Some days, I eat like 1000. I go by weekly numbers, not daily, cause that is what works for me.

    So long as your weekly deficit isn't more than 1-2 pounds (3,500-7,000 calories) you are fine.


    Calories in Calories out. A body doesn't loose a pound in a looses over the course of a week or 10 average is acceptable if isn't too low. The OP is obviously young and as the mother of a 18 year old I know that one day will not look like the next in the life of a young person. They just have too darn much going on to be consistant!

    Congratulations on starting MissRaven...that is the first step to meeting your goal. Good luck to you!
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    My lord, how did the human race survive without calorie counting?? Of course you can only eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full, what a question! I know there are lots of "rules" out there when it comes to diet, especially in this community, and if you are new here it can seem confusing. But a little common sense goes a long way. Good luck.
  • MissRavenD
    Some days I like 2,500-3,000 calories. Some days, I eat like 1000. I go by weekly numbers, not daily, cause that is what works for me.

    So long as your weekly deficit isn't more than 1-2 pounds (3,500-7,000 calories) you are fine.


    Calories in Calories out. A body doesn't loose a pound in a looses over the course of a week or 10 average is acceptable if isn't too low. The OP is obviously young and as the mother of a 18 year old I know that one day will not look like the next in the life of a young person. They just have too darn much going on to be consistant!

    Congratulations on starting MissRaven...that is the first step to meeting your goal. Good luck to you!

    Thank you very much, I really appreciate your words. :)
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Has anyone actually looked at the OPs diary before responding??? :huh:

    Never mind yesterdays 600-odd cals day, plenty of days before are well over 3500+ with single meals over 1800+ cals.

    What is your reasoning behind this?:noway:
  • MissRavenD
    My lord, how did the human race survive without calorie counting?? Of course you can only eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full, what a question! I know there are lots of "rules" out there when it comes to diet, especially in this community, and if you are new here it can seem confusing. But a little common sense goes a long way. Good luck.

    I have common sense... -_-

    I just thought it would be a good idea to reach out to the "community" and see what others have to say. Others that are more experienced than me.

    Eating when you are hungry. And not eating when you are not, is a given.

    If you read what was asked- you would have noticed that I was asking a question in regards to my body getting what it NEEDS.

    Perhaps I wasn't specific enough.
  • MissRavenD
    Has anyone actually looked at the OPs diary before responding??? :huh:

    Never mind yesterdays 600-odd cals day, plenty of days before are well over 3500+ with single meals over 1800+ cals.

    What is your reasoning behind this?:noway:

    Did you read previous posts?
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Be as consistent as you can, and stay as close to your calorie goal for each day as possible. Some days, we all go over or under to an extent, but just get back on track. Each day is a new day. If you want to eat more, burn more calories through exercise. Take it one day at a time too. It has taken me almost a year to lose 35 pounds. Some lose it much quicker than I do or longer than I did, but we each are on our own journey.
  • MissRavenD
    I do believe I've learned my lesson from reaching out to the community. LOL
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I was NOT being critical of you, sorry if you misunderstood - It is the nature of this online community and other dieting websites, with all the misinformation and quasi-science, that makes newbies think that if you eat below your BMR for one day or even 3, somehow your body just shuts down and goes into "starvation mode". Don't let anybody scare you into thinking that a few days without perfect macros, or a perfect calories count (calories being a questionable way to account for energy intake anyway) will throw you off your diet. You WERE being entirely rational when you suggested that you should just eat when you are hungry. It is the rest of the noise that is making you question that - I was basically just saying, go with your instinct here. If you aren't hungry, don't force yourself. Your body was designed to withstand all sorts of variance in energy intake.
  • MissRavenD
    I was NOT being critical of you, sorry if you misunderstood - It is the nature of this online community and other dieting websites, with all the misinformation and quasi-science, that makes newbies think that if you eat below your BMR for one day or even 3, somehow your body just shuts down and goes into "starvation mode". Don't let anybody scare you into thinking that a few days without perfect macros, or a perfect calories count (calories being a questionable way to account for energy intake anyway) will throw you off your diet. You WERE being entirely rational when you suggested that you should just eat when you are hungry. It is the rest of the noise that is making you question that - I was basically just saying, go with your instinct here. If you aren't hungry, don't force yourself. Your body was designed to withstand all sorts of variance in energy intake.
