What is shakeology?



  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    There is nothing wrong with Shakeology--but it is just one of many ways you can get your diet on track. It has vitamins. It has protein and carbs in equal parts. It costs $4 a meal. Can it help you get healthy? Yes. Is it the only way to get healthy? No. Are the coaches who pimp it all over the place annoying? Yes.

  • Shakeology is very good if you are trying to be healthy and loose weight. SHAKEOLOGY IS NOT A PROTEIN SHAKE! It's a bunch of vitamins and fruit from all around the world. Sure there's protein in it, but there's protein In milk as well. Shakeology is something that you drink once a day ( best to use in the morning). It is the healthiest meal of the day, and just because you had shakeology in the morning doesn't mean you should go and get a Big Mac after! If you want to change the way you look drink shakeology,eat healthy the rest of the day and EXERCISE! Shakeology isn't only something you can drink, YOU CAN ALSO COOK WITH IT. I bet after that 5 mile run your in the mood for some brownies. guess what? There is a chocolate flavored shakeology that you can make brownies with and there is much more. Just because you drink shakeology it doesn't mean that your going to loose weight.. You have to exercise and watch the way you eat. It basically speeds things up
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Shakeology is very good if you are trying to be healthy and loose weight. SHAKEOLOGY IS NOT A PROTEIN SHAKE! It's a bunch of vitamins and fruit from all around the world. Sure there's protein in it, but there's protein In milk as well. Shakeology is something that you drink once a day ( best to use in the morning). It is the healthiest meal of the day, and just because you had shakeology in the morning doesn't mean you should go and get a Big Mac after! If you want to change the way you look drink shakeology,eat healthy the rest of the day and EXERCISE! Shakeology isn't only something you can drink, YOU CAN ALSO COOK WITH IT. I bet after that 5 mile run your in the mood for some brownies. guess what? There is a chocolate flavored shakeology that you can make brownies with and there is much more. Just because you drink shakeology it doesn't mean that your going to loose weight.. You have to exercise and watch the way you eat. It basically speeds things up

    And people wonder why we dislike people pushing it. Worst sales pitch ever.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
  • I just checked out the Shakology website and wow it's expensive! Why not invest in a Vitamix or Blentec blender and make your own shakes from scratch?
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    Shakeology is pretty much just a vitamin drink. And, a crazy expensive, not very tasty one at that. Yes, it can help you with weight loss ... but only because it helps you create a routine based around eating nutrient dense stuff. It's a shake, under 2-300 calories (I don't remember and am too lazy to look it up) and they use it to replace a meal. Easily replaced by drinking a chocolate milk and downing a multivitamin.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Beachbody, I'm in the middle of P90X3 right now and I love that I can drop a dvd in and get to my workout. I actually enjoy working out with Tony Horton. But, all the "products" just aren't necessary if you've already got a structure in place to make sure you're eating the right amount of calories and the appropriate macro percentages for you (and are getting a good variety of vitamins and minerals from wherever you choose to get them).

    Oh, and let me warn you right now: I actually tried the stuff because I was trying to eat more, had excess cash, and hadn't yet figured out what worked for me so I was trying everything. The vegan Strawberry was delicious (to me, I gave a sip to my partner and she thought it was dreadful) but I have a full bag of that Greenberry crap sitting in my cupboard that I wouldn't give to my worst enemy ... it tastes like sickly sweet mutant weeds.
  • How do you know what it does? You dont even take it!!!
  • Keep buying starbucks at $6.00 a day!!! 6*30=$180.00 per month But people have no problem spending that kinda of money on coffee!!! Whats more expensive? Starbucks everyday or shakeology?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Keep buying starbucks at $6.00 a day!!! 6*30=$180.00 per month But people have no problem spending that kinda of money on coffee!!! Whats more expensive? Starbucks everyday or shakeology?

    You're assuming people that complain about the high prices drink Starbucks ever, nevermind everyday. Anyways, tagging so I can come back and read all the fun that might ensue from this thread, the sales pitches, the name-calling, the hair pulling, and whatever else. Assuming it hasn't been nuked by the time I get out of work.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Meh, it's a 2 year old thread. Not very exciting. Just the usual. Blind defenders trying desperately to justify the expense of the over priced, low quality product in an attempt to line their pockets.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    But is it supposed to do anything? Besides be protein powder.

    Yes it makes them a huge profit
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,156 Member
    Imagine a covered wagon with a guy waving a container around and a monkey.........:wink:
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Dance, monkey, DANCE.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    But is it supposed to do anything? Besides be protein powder.

    Yes it makes them a huge profit

    I use a protein shake because I like how it tastes and it gets me some extra protein, but I do not use shakeology or a meal replacement shake. It's not magical, and if you notice that at least one response that was long about all the wonderful benefits has coach in their username. AKA, he sells the product. I hate sales people, and I really don't think that most of the products that are pushed by sales people (think Avon) are "better products", they just have people actively pushing it down your throat.

    The protein I buy is about a third of the price (and I thought mine was expensive...), has more protein, and has fewer calories. And considering they sell it as a "meal replacement", I'd consider the calories too low. It doesn't really have a nutritional breakdown to support being a standalone as a meal, and as I said, there are far cheaper and better options for just protein shakes.

    ETA: I use Trutein, and I LOVE the cinnabun flavor. Super tasty even made with just water.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Keep buying starbucks at $6.00 a day!!! 6*30=$180.00 per month But people have no problem spending that kinda of money on coffee!!! Whats more expensive? Starbucks everyday or shakeology?

    Why is this always the pitch?
    I don't drink Starbucks, so this argument is invalid. I don't eat fast food everyday, so that argument is invalid.

    Is there another items you would suggest I cut out of my life so that I can fit in an overpriced vitamin drink?
    I have used Shakeology for a two month period in the past. It doesn't taste so great............don't buy the "add peanut butter, it tastes like a Reese's cup (it doesn't). The main goal of Shakeology is to create a calorie deficit, which gets you to lose weight, which makes you think you need more..........what's that, I can save money by becoming a Coach..........well, sign me up.

    Oh, I can wind up paying for my Shakeology by bringing on more Coaches..........yeah, I'll do that (and the cycle continues).
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I've tried Shakeology once, because a friend of mine bought it and gave me a sample pack of the chocolate flavor. It tastes good, but at $100 for a container, it's a HUGE waste of money in my opinion! Garden of Life makes a RAW Meal Replacement powder which doesn't taste as good as Shakeology, but pretty much has the same health benefits (I actually think it's healthier...) and only costs $30-40 depending on where you buy it for 2.7 lbs, which is the same amount of servings as a 30-day supply of Shakeology.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I bet after that 5 mile run your in the mood for some brownies. guess what? There is a chocolate flavored shakeology that you can make brownies with and there is much more.

    While 3.1 miles has been my furthest run to date, I don't know that I've ever been in the mood for a brownie after one of my runs, much less have the desire to go to the kitchen and make said brownies.

    And I love brownies.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Or you can try to replace Subway/McDs/BK with whole foods for cheaper.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    FitFunTina wrote: »
    I bet after that 5 mile run your in the mood for some brownies. guess what? There is a chocolate flavored shakeology that you can make brownies with and there is much more.

    While 3.1 miles has been my furthest run to date, I don't know that I've ever been in the mood for a brownie after one of my runs, much less have the desire to go to the kitchen and make said brownies.

    And I love brownies.

    I just googled Shakeology to see what the fuss was all about and this thread came up.....truly hilarious !!! (1 year on haha )
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    taso42 wrote: »
    The study of shakes.

    LOL this is what i thought it was going to be! :p