Nausea in morning. NO, not pregnant



  • Candicejoy1988
    Candicejoy1988 Posts: 14 Member
    r u taking a vitamin in the morning?? a lot of multi vitamins can make u feel that way... especially if you are not eating before u take..
  • If you're taking multivitamins, that's the reason for your nausea. If you don't want to eat extra calories, eat an apple when you wake up, not pretzels.
  • MelliJoon
    MelliJoon Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I get this too, I am looking for a solution but none of these responses helped me! I too get nauseous every morning, especially when I am experiencing stress/anxiety. It doesn't make any difference the time I eat before and snacking on something dry (like toast or pretzels) works some of the time but if the nausea is strong there's nothing to stop it. I have also noticed that getting in/out of bed in early morning (like to go to the bathroom and then go back to bed) makes the nausea ALOT worse. For now, the only thing that has helped my nausea is smoking cannabis in the morning before I get nauseous, otherwise I will end up vomiting and on a weekly basis. I went to the doctor about this once before and the answer was inconclusive, I was prescribed an anti-nausea medication usually given to cancer patients. It cost $300 for one month-generic. It did work, and it did help my body get used to not being nauseous for a while. But as soon as my life became stressful, the morning nausea came back and hasn't gone away since. I need a long-term solution and a proper diagnosis, vomiting like this is surely harmful to my health and my teeth too. I'll have to arrange seeing a specialist, something i've been putting off for the past 2 years but can finally do now, honestly thanks to obamacare. I'll finally have an insurance plan i can afford and that covers me really well! I've never had this kind of coverage i'm almost excited to go to the doctor. Until then if anyone knows other good ways of killing nausea, please post it :)
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I can't eat first thing in the morning because it made any nausea feelings worse. I would have a small glass of water, then a cup of green tea / coffee. About 30-60 minutes later I'm ready for breakfast. If I wouldn't have time for this because of an early start at work, I'd make sure I have a banana. They're mushy and easy to digest :) Hope you find what works for you soon.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Maybe some acid reflux?
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    I think this may be a combination of low blood sugar and hormones. I used to be this way every morning and it went away after I had kids. So weird!
  • Try having a ripe banana, ice cubes and 2 ounces aloe vera gel ground up in a magic bullet before you have your coffee or tea in the morning. I have a bit of acid reflux, which causes me to be nauseous in the mornings sometimes and this does the trick. Aloe Vera gel has all sorts of other immunity benefits in addition to coating your stomach lining. I also agree with trying to sleep on your left side, which is better for digestion, as your stomach empties on the left, and it helps with reflux.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Try having a ripe banana, ice cubes and 2 ounces aloe vera gel ground up in a magic bullet before you have your coffee or tea in the morning. I have a bit of acid reflux, which causes me to be nauseous in the mornings sometimes and this does the trick. Aloe Vera gel has all sorts of other immunity benefits in addition to coating your stomach lining. I also agree with trying to sleep on your left side, which is better for digestion, as your stomach empties on the left, and it helps with reflux.

    great first post on a zombie thread....
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I used to get incredibly nauseous some mornings, like it would be so bad that I would be shaky, and would have to sit down in the shower because I thought I was going to pass out. This is when I was a teen and didn't have good eating habits. I didn't eat regularly and then I'd eat too much junk, so my blood sugar levels were probably all over the place.

    I found eating a snack about 30 minutes before bed helped, and now that I eat regularly throughout the day it doesn't happen anymore. I also have to eat within 30-45 minutes of getting up, or else I feel awful.

    ETA: whoops didn't realize this thread was so old! :laugh:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Okay but the first question is ALWAYS are you pregnant? laughs. Seriously, iron in a multivitamin does this to me horribly.