Where will YOU be come Spring 2011?



  • LandonsMom2010
    LandonsMom2010 Posts: 12 Member
    Everyone has such great goals! I agree this time of year seems very hard to keep my motivation up! It's much easier to snuggle up under a warm blanket than getting up and working out! but like someone eles said, this is to important to me now to let this time of year get to me!

    My goal for spring is to be in the 160's by easter!
  • Texemgirl
    Texemgirl Posts: 142
    I will be 30 lbs lighter and will achieve by goal by 7/1/11. I started my journey a long time ago, lost a lot of weight, got side-tracked when I quit smoking and gained 27 lbs back ... now I'm totally ready to finish the weight loss phase. While trying to get back to losing weight, I kept setting up goals of losing 2 lbs or more a week. Well, that's not working for me ... when I fail (or foresee a failure), I sabbotage myself by bingeing. That behavior is over as of yesterday. I've now set up a realistic goal of 5 lbs per month and will see it through to the end. My motivation is two family reunions next summer. Had one reunion this summer ... I had lost 99 lbs for it. I looked okay (size 12), but I still looked a little chunky in the pictures next to all my cousins. Well, I'm now 27 lbs heavier than in those pictures!!! For the reunion next summer I'm bound and determined to still be smoke free and look good in the pictures (size 8 or 6)!

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    By spring I hope to be in maintenance with 100lb loss and have joined Team in Training for either a half marathon or century bike ride. It will be just over a year from my initial start on my weight loss journey. I will also be at the spot if I do or do not want to renew my personal training sessions. I am kind of scared that once I stop going to her I will stop going to the gym as much but I it will be hard on the pocketbook.
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    I want to be at my goal weight and maintaining. Then focus on toning up some!

    I also want train for a half marathon....I would have NEVER thought I would want to do someting like that, but just in the last couple of weeks of working out I have found that I feel a world of difference when I exercise! I can't imagine what training for and then completing something like that would feel! YAY for the natural high exercising gives me!!!
  • pattyg02
    pattyg02 Posts: 11 Member
    My goal for the Spring is to be able to run the Broad Street run here in Philadelphia. I started running back in May and couldn't believe how much I loved it. So in order for me to be able to run 10 miles in May I will have to make sure that I keep my running up all winter long. I really hope this helps me to not fall into my usually Winter rut of not working out.

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  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    I am to be in a wedding in March (early spring), i ordered the dress last week, and my goal is to have the seamstress take it in at least 2 sizes by the wedding!
    I have to get a treadmill soon, though. Once the snow / ice comes, it will be impossible to do anything outside. The sidewalks are not well taken care of here, since it is the responsibility of the homeowners and most are lazy about it, and all the parks/hiking trails are closed after the snow comes because it is near impossible to keep them clear (no parks here have paved paths)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I love hearing everyone's goals, keep 'em coming!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    By December 20, I will be at my current goal weight, so my Spring goals is to maintain (or possibly to drop.... I haven't seen myself at my goal weight for a long, long time, and I've had kids since then!)

    Most importantly, however, is that I need to lose the mental weight that came with having been heavy. I'm still big for my frame, but I'm in the healthy BMI...

    Time for some bouncy music and dancin' so the blues don't weigh me down!
  • Texemgirl
    Texemgirl Posts: 142
    Are we going to be doing a weekly weigh-in to keep us on track? Just wondering. If yes, what day?

  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, Just wondering ..how did you quit smoking ?? You just set you mind to it on day? Did you really gain alot ?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Are we going to be doing a weekly weigh-in to keep us on track? Just wondering. If yes, what day?


    I didn't really have a challenge in mind. Just wanted to know what people's goals were. :smile:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I plan to be at goal and will have started my training for the NY marathon. I'll also be one month away from being approved as an adopter so I sure as hell better be fit and healthy! xxx
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    I am hoping to be at my goal (Or at least really close to it) by spring so I can starning planning to have a healthy pregnancy!! I also like the thought of being in single digit jeans!! :smile:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Spring 2011 I will have turned 41. My weight loss is slow as molasses, slow as turtle and slow as a sloth combined! No more than 2lbs a month. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say... 157lbs.

    If I were to actually have reached my goal of 135 I'd die of a heart attack and that would ruin all my fun!!!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    The single digit jean size is calling my name!! Hopefully I'll be able to fit into them come the spring, and as others have said.. This summer, esp come my bday (July 3rd) I want to wear a bikini for the first time.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    My big goal for next year is: being less than 90kg/180lbs when summer holiday arrives (June/July)

    This isn't my end goal though, far away from my healthy weight, but I guess to reach that one, I need another year at least.

  • I am just starting this today, I joined a gym a couple months ago and have been pretty commited to working out and I've changed my diet. Don't eat refined stuff or potatoes or bread, don't want it either, but I must be eating a lot of good for me calories because I am stuck. Hopefully with the help of his program, I am at 185 in the spring. If I keep track of the calories, maybe I will eat less of them.::happy:
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I will be at my goal weight and fitting into all "those" clothes that I've packed away downstairs because I can't fit into them.....They may be out of style by then....but I'm going to ROCK them anyway!!

    :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    In spring 2011 I turn 24 years old and am looking forward to FINALLY being under 300 lbs for the first time in at least 3 years! I actually set myself a goal of hitting 300 lbs by my birthday based on a weight loss of 1 lb a week from the day I started this diet but my weight loss is going faster than that and I've already lost one stone, to hit 300 lb's I only need to loose a stone and a half more so I'm confident that I shall be able to hit this particular target well before my birthday comes around :)
  • Texemgirl
    Texemgirl Posts: 142
    Hi, Just wondering ..how did you quit smoking ?? You just set you mind to it on day? Did you really gain alot ?

    Chatal36, I didn't plan on quitting. I smoked for 42 years (started when I was 14 yr), so why quit now? I got angry one day ... I had unforeseen expenses (we are talking big $$$) and since I refuse to use credit cards (unless it's an absolute emergency), I couldn't buy an outfit I liked because I bought a carton of cigarettes. It made me mad because it was the last day of the sale and I didn't get my check for another 2 days!!! I quit smoking right then and there on the spot ... cold turkey ... I threw my cigarettes away. So that's how I quit smoking ... I got upset about not buying an outfit. The answer is I gained 27 lbs since July ... so yes, I gained a lot. I used to smoke 1 pack a day; and when I quit, I didn't exactly care what I ate ... just knew I wasn't going to smoke. Finally came to my senses and now I need to finish what I started. I'm finding this time easier because I no longer want a cigarette ... in fact, I really hate the smell of cigarettes now (unbelievable!). The nicotine leaves your body after a few days, but the mental aspect is another thing ... I just recently conquered that.
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