What Happens to Runners in the Winter?



  • glenniscurry
    I live in Georgia too and a few days a year are hazardous but the rest will be just fine. Besides, with all our fear of icy/snowy weather, you will have plenty advance notice. As a general rule, sidewalks ice before pavement, so be careful on them.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I live in the UK so we are allllllll good with bad weather :)
    I just change up my clothing - I do have 'winter' trainers aka gortex and better grip for bad weather/slippy conditions
    The only thing that bothers me is the dark - So I run longer outside during the day at the weekend and the horrible treadmill during week days (when it get's really dark)

    Thanks for the tip for running in winter..... However, do you all still run in the rain? Rain can be the biggest issue here in Wet West Wales!!! (aka right at this very moment!!!)
  • HopeDaleen930
    I was wondering this too. I'm worried the air might be too cold for my lungs. I live in NW PA. How do you handle the cold air?
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    bump. New runner here and winter is coming.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I'm wondering about this myself. I'm in NC and I've been told that running in the winter is SOOOO much harder than in the summer because of the cold air and how it affects your breathing. I have asthma, so I'm a bit concerned. I too just started this summer! Curious myself!!!

    With athsma if it gets too cold, put a scarf over your mouth. Breathing in the humid air is better for your lungs. That's what my doc told me. :flowerforyou:

    This is genius. I always get a sore throat if i try and run when it's cold, so have avoided doing in winter, but this should definitely work! Thanks :D
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    This may or may not apply depending on where you live...

    But in a lot of areas, the wind is a bigger deal than the temp is. 20° is nothing compared to a strong, cold wind. So while it's important to have warmer clothes as the temps drop, it's more important to protect yourself from the wind.
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I live in the U.P. of Michigan and we get about 200 inches of snow, but we still run outside, but if it goes below 34deg and wind chill of minus whatever then I go to the Dome to run in on the campus of NMU.... dress warmer and in layers

    The first 10miler I ran back in April they had to change the route because of snow not melting yet!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    They run in the dark. In layers. Carrying a stun gun.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I live by the beach, running in winter is not possible for me. My whole body, mainly knees do not like cold. So walking has taken over till warmer weather settles back in. Almost time now :)
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Find a safe place to run (i.e. not on dark icy roads) and dress properly. Running in the winter is great because if you're dressed properly you don't overheat like you can in the summer.
  • blackNBUK
    blackNBUK Posts: 58 Member
    I got a pair of YakTrax for walking on the snow and ice last winter and they work really well. Loads more grip and stability than walking without them. I've never tried to use them for running but apparently people do; they even make a special model for running.

    Living in the UK my main thoughts aren't about snow and ice; they are about the rain, wind, cold and general darkness. It's only September and I'm already having to start my run by 6:30pm if I want to run along the paths I love.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,635 Member
    Hi all --

    I just recently started running this past summer and have fallen in love with it.

    My question is, what happens in the winter? Do runners still run? I run outside. What about ice? Is it safe to run outside? Oh, guess I should say this, I live in Georgia and we can have some harsh winters. No snow but a lot of black ice, so roads can be super slippery.

    I like to run on trails too, like hiking trails, is that safe in the winter?

    Or do runners just run on treadmills? Not a big fan of treadmills but will do what I gotta do.

    Just curious.

    Feel free to add me :)


    I have some thermal running gear and run in that. I will not, however, run in snow or ice and on those occasions, I run on my treadmill, indoors.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    We put on another layer and go running anyway. I'm in Chicago and started running last fall, and went all through the winter. Discovered that if it's 15 degrees or above, I'm fine. If it's snowing, I go to the gym. Otherwise, I'm outside.
  • eloisenetball
    Me and the running group I am with switch to road running in the winter, and trail in summer. Don't wear too many layers lol, just makes u sweat more!
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    I just started running this Spring and am in love with it too! I live in NS, Canada and we have lots of snow and ice from late November till March. I'm really hoping for some insights on this too. Will my regular runners cut it or do I need a specialty shoe? My husband bought me an awesome treadmill (hint, hint....'get in shape!') that I might use for interval training on nasty days, but I am definitely an outdoor girl. My local YMCA has a new indoor track which I'd like to try too. I think the key will be finding a solution before the winter starts.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,635 Member
    Hi all --

    I just recently started running this past summer and have fallen in love with it.

    My question is, what happens in the winter? Do runners still run? I run outside. What about ice? Is it safe to run outside? Oh, guess I should say this, I live in Georgia and we can have some harsh winters. No snow but a lot of black ice, so roads can be super slippery.

    I like to run on trails too, like hiking trails, is that safe in the winter?

    Or do runners just run on treadmills? Not a big fan of treadmills but will do what I gotta do.

    Just curious.

    Feel free to add me :)


    I have some thermal running gear and run in that. I will not, however, run in snow or ice and on those occasions, I run on my treadmill, indoors.

    Edited to say, I do not run with a stun gun, mace spray or any other weapon.
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    I live in the UK and run all year round, layers is the best way to go with clothing as you may start off feeling really cold but you will soon warm up. I buy clothes that have refective bits on to make sure I get seen by traffic as I run in the evening when it is completly dark. If you are worried about running at night on your own try and find a local running club which usually have runs for different levels or find a running buddy who you can go with, makes it much more fun and you are less likely to back out due to cold or wet weather if someone else is relying on you.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    Layer up, run anyway! I tend to run in the dark with my munchkin in the stroller, packing heat (not because of people, but because of coyotes). My time gets slower, my body doesn't like the cold at all. Look into some lightweight cold weather gear. When I was in college at Auburn, I found good layers of lightweight cold weather gear was great for running in those conditions.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Just. Keep. Running.
    I'm in the Philly burbs and we get plenty of snow.
    Just wear the right clothes and be careful.
    It can be a beautiful experience running through virgin snow @ 5AM.

    Running through unmarked snow sounds AMAZING. This is a new thing I have to do before I die. Snow run!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hey there,

    A rugged Canadian here! :-)

    Last winter was my first running outside all winter. My first half marathon was a winter run this past Feb.

    First, winter running is lots of fun! This surprised me last year. I was mentally preparing myself for months of cold wet misery.

    If you run outside now, keep with your current schedule. The weather will change gradually, you will adapt as the weather changes.

    The scuttlebutt I have heard is that you should dress for 10 Deg C warmer than the outdoor temperature. To deal with how your body rate increases as you run. Not sure how true this is but I have run in shorts on ridiculously cold days. And been perfectly comfortable.

    The important thing with cold temperature running (in my opinion) is not to over dress. My experience is that over dressing leads to excessive sweating and this leads to being cold the second you stop.

    The offset to this is to invest in some form of face covering that can be taken on/off several times during a long run. It can be hard on the lungs with a cold wind in your face.

    The issue of trail running might be an issue? Be careful there, up here, trails are not cleared. It is hard to run in deep snow and if you are at all off a track that is regularly used? Let people know where you plan to run and for how long.

    I hope that you enjoy the winter running experience as much as I did!