What foods/drinks/habits have you given up for your 'diet'?



  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I've always figured that if I just gave up the junk food I wouldn't have a weight problem, but I was never willing to give it up.

    I gave up most junk food about 12 years ago.

    I promptly lost 20-25LBS and have kept it off.

    Best decision I ever made.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    Soda was a bit thing. I used to be able to drink an entire two litre in one day, or sometimes two. I've also cut down on my consumption of sweets in general - but I have not completely cut them out.
  • eksero2k
    eksero2k Posts: 83 Member
    Not given up anything, I eat what I please as long as it fit's my daily intake :)
  • stephiehampshire
    Ive cut back on bread and generally have it once a week maximum as a weekend treat

    Ive cut back on diet pepsi and now try and drink pints of water instead

    Ive stopped eating crisps as a snack and now only eat them if I am at a party or as a Saturday treat, I replaced them with rice cakes instead

    Ive stopped eating cakes and pastries (we have a starbucks at work, this was not an easy step I used to have them daily!)

    Ive cut back on pasta and try to eat wholewheat rice instead

    Ive stopped buying deserts and switched to sugar free ice lollies or home made smoothies for pudding

    Ive cut back on chocolate, it is a saturday treat now not a daily occurance

    I havent really cut anything out 100% just gone from eating it daily / when ever I want to a special treat
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    I drink coffee in the morning, but then the only other thing I drink is water with lemon.

    I don't need to drink my calories. And I've had cancer once already. Don't need to put artificial sweeteners and colors in my body.

    I don't consider that much of a sacrifice.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've always figured that if I just gave up the junk food I wouldn't have a weight problem, but I was never willing to give it up.

    I gave up most junk food about 12 years ago.

    I promptly lost 20-25LBS and have kept it off.

    Best decision I ever made.
    I was never willing either. :smile: And then I did. Now I don't even like the taste of most of it. The thought of a snickers (my old favorite) makes me kinda nauseous. I have plenty of snacks now. They just aren't as calorie dense AND they aren't packed with sugar. Sugar begat sugar for me. Eating sugary snacks made me crave more "fast" carbs. Not really an issue any more. For years the only time food cravings happened was just before aunt flo visited. And I'd munch on something yummy (but not starchy/sugary) and be done with it.
    Giving up packaged junk food may not be a sustainable choice for some, but for me it has been. And made keeping the weight off much easier.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Over the many years that I've gained and lost weight, then gained more, I tended (when dieting) to cut portions, keep cakes/cookies/desserts out of the house, focus on whole foods, and do the usual things. As time crept up on me, I found it harder and harder to lose weight even using these measures, so this time (year and a half ago), I eliminated bread from my diet. I've eaten it a few times over that period, but I don't buy it and keep it around the house. My weight loss became steady and consistent from that day. I have also become more active, so it's hard to isolate just one variable of course. I did have the occasional dream about bread, but actually don't miss it. Especially when I associate eliminating it with the success I've had during this time...
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I've given up nothing other than consuming more energy then I expend. It's delicious this way.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I've given up nothing other than consuming more energy then I expend. It's delicious this way.

    That's partially a function of eating 3000 calories/day. I'm running close to that and the choices are insanely easy.
  • iheartmy1dog
    I had given up bread products, cheese, pop, coffee creamer, sweets/desserts, fast food, take out, peanut butter, beans, nuts, milk, lattes/cappuccinos, chips, crackers, pretzels, potatoes...... Basically everything that was higher in calories for about a yr. Now I eat pretty much anything I want but in moderation.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I have decided to give up most dairy products,most grains like breads and pasta, processed foods, fast foods, sugar, regular salt, any junk foods, juices, sugary drinks, products with artificial sugars, etc. I am not sure if I want to start eating them again after I lose weight. Those foods are how I got here in the first place. Plus I feel a lot better when I do not eat them. I hope that once I am finished I will not crave or want them at all.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    alcohol b/c I'm pregnant. Other then this, nothing. I still have my chocolate bars, candy, donuts, my daily iced capps, McDonalds, etc. So long as it fits into my allotted calories and I am still getting the right amount of nutrients to properly feed the babies, then I can eat the junk too and enjoy every lip smacking moment of it.

    Remember, success is about moderation.
  • JCES10
    JCES10 Posts: 37 Member
    I've given up the habit of overeating and being a couch potato.
  • addicted2cola
    addicted2cola Posts: 43 Member
    Soda (cola in particular), but not completely. Mostly because I just had nearly ALL my teeth fixed, and don't wanna EVER go through it again, and I think soda was a big cause of my tooth problems. I'll still have it periodically though, and other than that, I haven't given up anything!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Habits? Cereal for breakfast and a snack before bed every day. I still eat it before bed occasionally, but not like before.

    Other than that - nothing. I still eat burgers (homemade and In-N-Out - yum!), pizza, ice cream, drink alcohol, etc. I drink sodas sometimes, but it's the natural Hansen's stuff made with real sugar.

    Life change, baby. I'm not going without my favorite foods for the rest of my life, so I've changed my habits to enjoy them in moderation, eating healthier the majority of the time, and being more active. :drinker:
  • krysmck317
    Dairy, Gluten and Caffeine. However, I "gave these up" for more reasons than "diet".

    I started having migraines when I was 18. I tried (poorly and unsuccessfully) to pin-point my triggers and avoid them. Caffeine seemed to make them worse (I've worked in a coffee shop for 7 years), so although I was never a coffee drinker, I stopped drinking espresso based beverages a few years ago. This seemed to help. More recently, I've been experimenting with reducing wheat grains in my diet and eating a gluten-free diet. I've done it 80/20 for a year and 100% the last two weeks. I am also lactose intolerant, thus avoid it as much as possible, regardless of my "diet" and have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Making these diet changes have helped tremendously with how I feel. I am no longer bloated (feels like a 20 lb weight loss!) and my migraines have been significantly reduced - I can almost tolerate their presence in my life).

    For my current weight loss goals, I haven't "given" up anything in particular. I still eat out (avoid gluten and dairy at all cost) and I still snack on snickers and ruffle chips more often than I should. But I 'm taking a multivitamin (yay new good habits!) and staying under my daily/ weekly calorie goals!