How did you gain the weight?



    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
    I was always big from middle school on. I tried to lose and would lose a little here and there, but always pack it back on. I had my first child in 1996 and gained 85 lbs with that pregnancy. I lost all of it, but it took almost 7 yrs. I would continue to eat and eat, and didn't care. I was a single mother and felt no one wanted me anyway, so I ate to fill the need. The I met my soon to be husband in 2002, and we had our first, my second child in 2003, I had gall bladder issues with this one and actually only gained 5 lbs for this pregnancy. But I started eating again after he was born, I guess becasue I was so sick during the pregnancy, I felt I needed to catch up. Then I got pregnant again, and had my last child in 2004. I gained 50 lbs with him. My husband and kids are trying to be supportive of me losing the weight now. But, they weren't so much when I needed to take it off after the pregnancies.

    I guess all in all I have self esteem issues, that need to be worked on. I have decided I want to do this now, I am logging even on bad days. I am getting a little more exercise in. The support I get from here is amazing. There are some really good people on here, and a few bad that I see from comments that aren't really supportive, but I have learned to just bypass those people and focus on the positive. We all know we need help and we come here for support not critisim.
  • weavemyway
    weavemyway Posts: 24 Member
    How many people attain childhood obesity - by eating crap and sitting too much. Even as I played sports, I was a chubby. I was little until about 1st/2nd grade when I started to gain little bits of weight, and by 4th grade I was chubby, and that got worse in middle school. My kids will not sit around and eat junk!!
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    Simple... I got lazy and complacent.
  • shell3892
    I gained wieght a little at a time....sure I had seriod shots to help heal a back injury,and i also took medication for depression that made me gain...but it seems since i hit 30 i've put about 5 pds a year on thats not comin off. Now i'm 38 and 160 pds.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I put on a little when I got out of the military simply because I was far less active...that was actually a good thing though, I was pretty slender in the military and I could actually stand to put on a little weight back then. I got to a pretty comfortable weight of about 175 (from 145 when I was active duty) in college and just maintained there for quite a few years...I really started putting weight on when I got out of school and started working a "real" job at a CPA firm.

    I worked a ton of hours and was often on the road and pretty in-active. The pounds just piled on from about 30 y.o. to 38 y.o. I really only changed my habits when I started to have some health issues creep up. Now that I've been "good livin" for a year or so, I can't believe I ever let myself get that lazy and un-fit...I really enjoy my exercise and getting my fitness on...I just don't know how I ended up so lazy. Anyway...40 Lbs down and my blood work is back in the desirable or optimal range.
  • kaogirlup
    A combination of long hours at a desk job...then coming home and spending most of my evenings on the computer doing assignments for online college. Throw in the stress eating related to work and school, and I was a disaster. Didn't help that my significant other is a junk-food junkie...although I take responsibility for every potato chip, Hershey bar and quart of Ben and Jerry's that I shoved in my face. Since then, things have calmed down at work so I've had more time and energy to plan healthy meals and exercise. I'm still in school, but have found that actually going to class instead of taking online courses makes it easier for me to avoid long nights in front of the computer. I'm a work on progress...always will be...but I'm happyI'm moving in a positive direction now! Thanks, MFP!!!
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    I was never thin nor very active. I liked reading more than going outside and playing. I had no athletic potential and after a severe ankle injury at 13, walking plain hurt. Running didn't happen.

    The worst thing was, I was very familiar with proper nutrition. My entire family worked in hospital food service, and I worked with a dietitian in high school serving food to long term patients. I just didn't care.

    When I hit 300lbs, I knew deep down it was getting out of hand. It wasn't until I developed painful arthritis in my knees I decided to do something about it. Which is why I'm here. Because if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I ate and ate and ate. I knew I was gaining weight but thought it wasn't that bad. It was only when I started watching shows like the Biggest Loser and such where there were other ladies my height and my weight that I had to face that it was that bad.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I've always been a thicker individual. As a kid, I was never what anyone would consider chunky..."healthy" they called it. Psshh! I just wasn't rail thin like the other kids. I don't know? I guess, I just ate a tad too much and never moved much. I've been dieting since I was 13, and I'll be 35 next week. I've been thin (for me), because I was partying a lot, then fat (my biggest!), because I was instructed to eat more and later quit smoking, then a reasonable size again after taking Meridia, then fat again after having my daughter 2 years ago, despite my efforts to try not to gain too much. After I quit nursing my daughter, which DOES NOT make ALL women lose weight!!!, I decided to really examine what I was doing wrong. It turns out, I'd say it's 1/3 genetics, 1/3 sedentary behavior, and 1/3 eating too much.

    So, 2/3 my fault. Haha! ;-)
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I can't be sure, but I think it was by eating more calories than I burned while not weight training to gain muscle.

  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    PM snacking...............I'd eat well the entire day - come home and work out for an hour - eat a good dinner - then sit my butt down and eat like CRAP for two hours..........................multiply that by a few years - and it caught up to me.....................!
  • LoudVexation
    I was never able to gain any weight before, no matter how hard I tried. I was and had been more active most of my life. The last two years I lived with my parents, my activity stopped. Still, I could not gain the weight I wanted. I met my husband and by then I didn't care about gaining any weight. I had started birth control after we got married as well as became even less active (not very active for 4 years total). That's when I started gaining weight. I had gained 30lbs. Going from a 120--125 lb fit person to a 155 lb not so healthy person drove me nuts. I started working out as much as possible at the time. Which was only 30 mins a day. I got down to 150 lbs. I had even lowered my calorie intake. I don't like blaming others or other things for my issues but the birth control was keeping the extra weight on me. After I stopped it to get pregnant I went down to 145 in only one week and 142 in the second (didn't even work out!). I got pregnant soon after and am back at 158 after losing about 30lbs of baby weight. I lost it fast. Now I'm kind of stuck. I don't really want to stick to counting numbers as I have gained quite a bit of muscle back. I just want to lose some of the fat around it and be at a healthy weight. I also want to eat as healthy as possible. I also have a moderate risk of diabetes.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Up to having my 2nd child, I never had a weight problem. Could always eat whatever I wanted & it wasn't healthy. After my1st child I lost so much weight that the doctor was wanting me to drink 2 milkshakes/day to help maintain or gain a little. But after my 2nd, I never lost the last 10 lbs, & kept eating the way I always had, so it kept creeping up, in spite of a lot of exercise. But I'm actually glad I had to start watching what I eat, & eat healthier, because I know it's better for me than when I weighed less, but ate junk.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Depression & too much liquor!!
  • angdod
    I had lost 50lbs and maintained it for quite awhile. I started to gain my weight back with the stress of my aunt dying (moms twin sister) AND I stopped drinking my water! *ugh* ... Now I have 47lbs to get off and back to where I was. That doesn't mean I want to stop there - that's JUST to get back to where I was. I've recently discovered that I'm grain and starch intolerant. When I eat anything with grains or starches I bloat up to be like the Michelin Man. I'm very much a 'salty' junk food aholic.

    I've started back on MFP today. I'm taking baby steps at this point and will be working my way back up to drinking 3L of water/day. I'm increasing my 'GOOD' fats and proteins and lowered my Carbs (I've always lost weight this way).
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I gained with each pregnancy and never lost it afterwards. I ate pure crap food and was comfortable enough in my marriage that I thought it was okay. Clearly it was not.
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    I was always 'overweight' but very active and 'fit', until college. At 18 years old I finally got out of a very abusive relationship, became very depressed, moved out, went to college, worked 4 jobs. 2 of which were bartending so it was bar food and lots and lots of alcohol. From 18-20 I gained about 75lbs. Drank very heavily and was extremely depressed. Switched to an exercise science major in college and dropped about 30lbs. I never thought about nutrition. In high school I was in tennis, basketball and ran track and ate junk but stayed at a weight I was fine with. Take away all the activity and add alcohol well, there ya go. 75lbs. Then in the midst of losing weight and graduating college (2008) I got pregnant, gained about 30lbs. Finally took control of my weight and dropped 44lbs from 2011-2012. August 2012 - Pregnant again. Gained about 22lbs. Now here I am, trying to lose the baby weight and for the first time I am really focusing on nutrition. Nutrition, exercise and really changing the way I look at myself (in more of a postive way) I know I will reach my goals. Maybe not tomorrow, but I WILL reach them. :smile:

    Edit: I suppose I should add that I am an emotional eater and used to be an emotional drinker. I get stressed, upset or even to celebrate I would go out with my friends and eat and drink. I no longer 'drink' when I am happy, sad, or stressed but every now and then when I am feeling sorry for myself I will turn to chocolate. I am not perfect but I am better than I was. To me that is progress.
  • alayne7
    alayne7 Posts: 1 Member
    I got very overwhelmed during my first year of grad school. I stopped working out, sleeping well, eating well, and grabbed whatever was quick and easy to eat (i.e. prepackaged, process food and pizza, lots of pizza). I also felt hungry all the time due to stress and lack of sleep. Over the summer, I overhauled my eating and exercise habits I lost most of the weight I gained. I am now in my second year and making healthier choices. I am getting up extra early to work out, and I snack on fruit or veggies if I need a quick and portable meal. Still not sleeping well, but I'm working on it! Good luck to everyone!
  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    Eating more than I needed and not moving enough. My love of all things deep fried also figured in somehow I am sure.
  • emeretta
    emeretta Posts: 13 Member
    Got into a relationship
    Then got in a car accident (at work)
    Same day of the accident the car i had just bought was delivered to me
    So i got comfortable, got to drive everywhere instead of walk and take the bus, and got terrible rehab from my accident.
    I even worked with a trainer before, but i was in so much back pain i didn't want to do anything as just working was painful.

    It took a second car accident (and much better rehab this time), and a sisterly idea to run a 5k to get me really back up and at 'er
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