Girls who don't sweat? How?

I don't understand it when I look around at the gym or at yoga and see girls who are working hard and NOT sweating. It's just not fair! I start sweating buckets like, within the first five minutes of working out. I feel like people must look at me and think it's gross! Girls who don't sweat, how is this possible? Is it relative to fitness?


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It has been my experience that it isn't related to fitness. I produced a lot of sweat when I was unfit, and I still sweat a lot being fit.

    While it can be an indicator of effort, it is still a very individual thing. Some people sweat more than others. Period.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Genetics are a *****.
  • DevynPrice
    DevynPrice Posts: 15 Member
    Sweating is a good thing! I wish I could sweat. I want to feel like I'm doing something. All I get is really hot and really red. At least sweat works to cool you off.

    Also screw people who think girls don't sweat. That's some outdated idea that women are supposed to be clean and weak and quiet and out of the way. Give me sweat any day!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    OMG. I get sweaty. Genetics is my vote.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I feel ya! It makes me look like a wimp, because I'll start sweating even when I'm not going hard.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I pour sweat!!! Like a pig in a sweat shop!!!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    I didn't sweat until I was 20. I prefer sweating. Cools me down. Lets me know I'm working.
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    Sweating is a good thing! I wish I could sweat. I want to feel like I'm doing something. All I get is really hot and really red. At least sweat works to cool you off.

    Also screw people who think girls don't sweat. That's some outdated idea that women are supposed to be clean and weak and quiet and out of the way. Give me sweat any day!

    Agree ^^.

    The only time it's ever come in handy was when I lived in an extremely hot climate, and I didn't sweat through my work clothes on a daily basis like my work mates did.

    Any other time, it sucks. I get a sweaty forehead and that's about it, yet I go super bright red and overheat. I'd love to sweat!
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm not a sweaty person. At most I get a little sheen, but never drippy sweaty. But I over-heat really fast and have had heat exhaustion three times. Dr says nothing is wrong with me physically, has checked everything, it's just the way I am.
  • stefanieprice07
    stefanieprice07 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm one of those girls who doesn't sweat that much, unless it's really hot or humid outside. I worry the opposite though, that people will think I'm not trying hard because I'm not sweating that much. I swear I'm pouring my heart out, it's just air conditioned in the gym!!
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    I used to sweat soooo badly, like I'd walk up some stairs and I'd be moist. Now, after losing so much weight I'm lucky if I even get warm. If it's really hot or humid out and I'm running, I'll sweat a tiny bit on my neck under my hair, but that's pretty much the most of it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I'm one of those girls who doesn't sweat that much, unless it's really hot or humid outside. I worry the opposite though, that people will think I'm not trying hard because I'm not sweating that much. I swear I'm pouring my heart out, it's just air conditioned in the gym!!

    Nah, I'm just looking at you, cursing you under my breath out of envy because I am drenched, you aren't and we are giving the same effort.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I drench many a shirt, and I think it gets worse the better shape that I'm in. It is however very anoying when you can't keep a grip on your yoga mat because it's slick with sweat....
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    It's not related to fitness at all. Some people just sweat more, others don't. I'm one of the ones who doesn't. When I first started going to the gym I kinda had an inferiority complex about it. I felt like it looked like I wasn't working as hard because I wasn't sweating like others. Not the case though.

    ETA: I also abhor hot weather because I get overheated. I think it may be related to the fact I don't sweat much and my body can't cool itself off.
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    I hardly sweat... I get warm and glow though
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    I WISH I could quote ALL the posts above!! I too am a bucket sweater! I sometimes sweat just as bad if not worse then most of the men at the gym. Usually after I work out I head to work to shower before I clock in, most of the guys I work with are awesome about complimenting i.e. good job, keep up the good work, etc. There are a few that ask what the hell happened to you!? But when I answer there is usually no comment after.

    I also find that I am not worried about other people at the gym, as long as they are working too. The thing that bothers me the most is when someone is there and they are sitting, standing, or walking around more then they are working out. I know it shouldn't matter to me, it's their money and time that is being wasted. But here I am busting butt for and hour and I think you have only lifted 2 reps of 10, and I can SEE that its NOT a lot of weight! LOL

    Keep up the good work and blame genetics!! :bigsmile:
  • lunaflora
    I could drown in my sweat puddle. I may someday. It doesn't matter what size I am. Or how fit I am. I just sweat.
  • lunaflora
    I drench many a shirt, and I think it gets worse the better shape that I'm in. It is however very anoying when you can't keep a grip on your yoga mat because it's slick with sweat....
    I'm actually afraid sometimes, that I may slip on my sweat pools.
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    I sweat and it is ****ing sexy.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    I don't sweat from my head or face, so many people think I don't at all. I haven't sweat as much as I do since I started running this summer. My arms, neck, back and legs drip sweat like you wouldn't believe! When I get back from a run, my car seat is very wet!!