Negative effects of weight loss - your experience?

We all know the positives FAR outweigh any negative, but sometimes weight loss leads to unwanted issues. Did this happen to you?

In my case, the only thing I ended up with is this pinched nerve in my left thing, an issue known as 'Merlagia Parasthetica', and it normally actually happens to people who GAIN weight fast, but sometimes when you also lose fast that layer of fat protecting some vital nerves disappears and makes you more prone to injuries.


  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    The only negatives that i have found is more with people then with anything physically wrong with me. When I first started losing weight all of my friends were really supportive. Then when we would get together they would be very critical when I wouldn't want to go in on a very unhealthy appetizer or when I chose not to get dessert ("just do it... it's only one meal"). As I have continued to change my lifestyle to be healthier, a lot of people have offered "advice" as to why what I am doing is right or wrong for me. It has showed me who my true friends are and who I can no longer count on to support me through the rest of this journey. That is why I am so glad that I found MFP 3 years ago. It has given me an outlet for support that I have struggled to find in my life.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Because I'm less padded (ha), some chairs which seemed comfortable before I am uncomfortable sitting on ;p
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    The only negative i have experienced in loss in breast volume not cool for someone who already had a small pair but hey there is always surgery right :)
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Having to replace 80% of your clothes with no budget for it.

    Sitting on non padded bike seats hurts.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    I have had a problem with hair breakage. I have been told that will go away after a while.
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    People think its ok to break out the 'I cant believe you were so fat' stories. I might be smaller, but my feelings are still the same.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Wardrobe replacement and alteration
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I've gone from morbidly obese to "normal" sized. The world is a very different place for someone who is morbidly obese vs someone who is normal sized. Very different. I am not having an easy time making the adjustment. I feel like I'm living in a stranger's body, not in mine. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, or in pictures. I presumed that as I lost weight, I'd think "yay, I'm smaller" and that would be that. But that isn't what has happened at all. Psychologically, it's an enormous shift and I applaud those who can make it with ease. Maybe it's different if you've been smaller at some point and you're just returning to that smaller size? Idk, but I'm struggling a great deal with adjusting to life as a normal sized person.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    Having to replace 80% of your clothes with no budget for it.

    Sitting on non padded bike seats hurts.

    I hear you! It was 100% in my case and it cost a fortune. But the flipside is that now that you spent that much on new stuff, you can't possibly have more of an incentive to continue losing/maintaining! :)
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    I've gone from morbidly obese to "normal" sized. The world is a very different place for someone who is morbidly obese vs someone who is normal sized. Very different. I am not having an easy time making the adjustment. I feel like I'm living in a stranger's body, not in mine. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, or in pictures. I presumed that as I lost weight, I'd think "yay, I'm smaller" and that would be that. But that isn't what has happened at all. Psychologically, it's an enormous shift and I applaud those who can make it with ease. Maybe it's different if you've been smaller at some point and you're just returning to that smaller size? Idk, but I'm struggling a great deal with adjusting to life as a normal sized person.

    Sorry to hear that. I was morbidly obese too, had a BMI of 39 at one point!! Made the shift to what I am now, BMI 25, smack on the normal range, so like you I had to deal with that rollercoaster ride of emotions. But it was all positive to me, the more I went down and looked better the more I now feel bad about who I USED to be and never want to go back to being that person again. That person was insecure and didn't even know, new me is filled with confidence and pride!! :)
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    Loss in breast volume, and now my stomach REALLY looks like a butt - I had surgery done in 2008 with a vertical scar from the belly button to public bone, now all of my loose skin makes the scar look like a butt crack.....I am not impressed.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I've gone from morbidly obese to "normal" sized. The world is a very different place for someone who is morbidly obese vs someone who is normal sized. Very different. I am not having an easy time making the adjustment. I feel like I'm living in a stranger's body, not in mine. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, or in pictures. I presumed that as I lost weight, I'd think "yay, I'm smaller" and that would be that. But that isn't what has happened at all. Psychologically, it's an enormous shift and I applaud those who can make it with ease. Maybe it's different if you've been smaller at some point and you're just returning to that smaller size? Idk, but I'm struggling a great deal with adjusting to life as a normal sized person.

    Thats like living in one house all your life, then moving to a new home which is prettier, but yet it lacks what you're used to.. Try not to let that be the step to regaining all the weight back because your new body is different. I wonder too what that will be like when i turn into the regular weight.

    I think - celebrate! celebrate the new you. Buy a special fabulous wonderful piece of clothing that you look good in.. then admire how the new you looks. Do something that you couldn't do when you were obese, and then enjoiy that. I think if we start doing positive things with the new figure, it can help... maybe even do something ceremonial like a goodbye to the old you.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Loose skin on my tummy. I look like I was in some horrific accident. It's so embarrassing.
  • Shellerini
    Shellerini Posts: 57 Member
    I lost half of my hair within 2 months :(
  • Flabulousss
    I don't know if this has ever happened to anyone else but last time I was at my thinnest I had more facial hair. Lol Could have just been all the processed veggie burgers I was eating at the time, which supposedly messes with your hormones (I have no idea) but it wasn't pretty, whatever caused it! Oh and my boobs....sigh.
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    Loose skin on my stomach that hangs down when I am in plank position. It doesn't show when I am standing.
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    Because I'm less padded (ha), some chairs which seemed comfortable before I am uncomfortable sitting on ;p

    Ditto. Sitting down on the metro is excruciating now. Also, bewbs. Or lack thereof. :frown:
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    People thinking that if they compliment me on my loss ("You look good!") then that gives them the right to ask how much I've lost. And then not being satisfied with a vague answer like "a lot." It's embarrassing enough that I got to the point that I needed to lose as much as I have. I'm sure not going to give specific numbers out.

    Wardrobe - I went from size 18/20 in November to 6/8 now. And, OMG, the cost of sports bras as I've changed sizes.... :sad: I actually need to replace all 4 sports bras I have right now, but can't afford it at the moment so I'm making do.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Because I'm less padded (ha), some chairs which seemed comfortable before I am uncomfortable sitting on ;p

    ^^^ This, plus feeling the cold much more.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm starting to see myself as a viable a real person, which I haven't felt in a long time. When you start to feel like a part of society again, it can bring up a lot of insecurities that seemed insignificant before. All of those little imperfections that didn't matter as much because I was fat and felt like no one was looking have suddenly become more important. I always feel the need to look cute now, whereas before, I was generally happy to pull my hair up into a messy bun, throw on some stretchy pants and go. Not to mention, with the loss of the weight, I am quickly starting to look my age, and I'm mad at myself for all of the damage the extra weight did to my skin. I find myself wondering more now what I would look like at 40 if I had never been fat. On the plus side, I would have spent a lot more time in the sun, so I would probably have a ton more sun damage. Silver linings, I guess.