October Weight Loss Group



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Welcome to all the newbies and Jake we have had males in the past glad to have you jump right in everyone has there own set day they weigh in but we do ask that you check in at least once a week with your weight but feel free to stop in often as you like with up dates on your running and training for the triathalon we will be sure to root you on!! I think your goal is ambitious but very attainable so I say go for it!!!

    Jessica the challenge is being put on by Succeedin2 add her as a friend or inbox her with the your email and she will send you out the packet of info it starts this Sunday!!
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    im in. Im going to work on resisting temptation and portion control and going to go for 15lbs

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
  • wendytobin
    Hi guys, back in again for october only lost the 1lb last month, the weight seems to be staying steady, i think as i am so close to my goal weight these last few pounds dont want to budge, but i have noticed a difference in clothes i bought just recently they are getting too big!! :smile:

    have been quite busy recently in preparing for half marathon's, i done my first one last sunday with what i think was an incredible time of 1hr 51min :happy: , i was expecting to be around 2hours so was really pleased i was under. i have another one next sunday, its funny because it will be all the 10's...... 10th october (10) 2010 and starting at 10:10am!!!!

    good luck to everybody for the october goals

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
  • betterchoices
    Count me in!!

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    so i am starting out with a bang...doubled my exercise today! and doubled calories burned =) ...now to make some smart choices for lunch!

    usual workout treadmill 30 mins 200 calories burned
    today 60 mins 420 calories

    Goal 7lbs by Nov 1
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    Hi, I'm new here, but would like to join this challenge. My aim for the week (starting Monday 4th October) is no food after 8pm at night. (I saw that in one of the success stories). My goal for October is to lose 8lbs.

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
  • AlexD3
    AlexD3 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new to the program and would like to join in on your challenge. If you approve, then my goal is 10 lbs for October. I will cut out the tortilla chips (excess carbs) from my diet choices. Also, I will be adding in weight resistance this month. ~Alex
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
    kizzy_muss - lose 5 ibs (sw: 180.4 gw: 175.4)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I'm new to the program and would like to join in on your challenge. If you approve, then my goal is 10 lbs for October. I will cut out the tortilla chips (excess carbs) from my diet choices. Also, I will be adding in weight resistance this month. ~Alex

    There is no approval process, you just join the group. This is a good group but not a challenge......:-) Welcome Alex! I added you to the list below.

    ********* UPDATED **********

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 363, GW 356)
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
    kizzy_muss - lose 5 ibs (sw: 180.4 gw: 175.4)
    AlexD3 - lose 10 lbs
  • Tiffaniisdetermined
    So y'all decided to bump me off the list. No hard feelings. I will add myself back on tomorrow. Too sleepy to do it. My goal is to lose 10 pounds.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    So y'all decided to bump me off the list. No hard feelings. I will add myself back on tomorrow. Too sleepy to do it. My goal is to lose 10 pounds.

    It happens. You are on the list. Good luck!

    ********* UPDATED **********

    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 361, GW 356) - 2 pounds lost! :heart: :heart:
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
    kizzy_muss - lose 5 ibs (sw: 180.4 gw: 175.4)
    AlexD3 - lose 10 lbs
    tffnrod25 - lose 10 lbs
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 360, GW 356) - 3 pounds lost! :heart::heart::heart:
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
    kizzy_muss - lose 5 ibs (sw: 180.4 gw: 175.4)
    AlexD3 - lose 10 lbs
    tffnrod25 - lose 10 lbs
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Morning ladies (and gentleman!) How are we all doing with our first week of goals? I am proud to say that I have not caved and I have been successfully sugar free since Friday. It is a yucky rainy day here, which makes things the most challenging for me, as all I want to do is curl up with a cup of coffee and a snack and a book! I never feel like working out when it rains!

    I had a very exciting thing happen over the weekend. I used to wear this one pair of black Reebok workout pants allllll the time. They were a size XL, and I just loved them because I could throw them on and run to the store, go for a walk, or lounge comfortably in them. I had bought them at Costco about 3 years ago. That same day, I also bought a pink pair. But, the pink ones were awesome and almost sold out, and I had to buy a medium in those. I got them home and when I tried them on, of course they were way too small. I put them in my drawer with the vow that I would lose weight and be in them one day. Well, the black pair I out-shrank back in the spring and could no longer wear, and the pink ones were still way too tight. This weekend we got some chilly weather, and I pulled them out (tags still on them!) and slipped them on. Not only do they fit, but they're too big!! I'm wearing them anyway today. I am gonna strut my butt around in my too big pants till I feel I got the $14 out of them that I spent, LOL.

    I also discovered that out of the probably 15 pairs of jeans that I have hanging in my closet from various stages of fatness and thinness, almost every darn pair is too big! A blessing and a curse since I am broke AND hate jean shopping!
    JAYDENSMAMAS Posts: 19 Member
    Tattoodfreek - lose 2 pounds (1.4 from goal!) (SW 141.4)
    Dounia Goal to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month- CW (10/1/2010) = 123
    EboniA - to lose 3 pounds
    cnbethea to lose 10lbs (SW 161.2)
    janna674 to lose 7lbs (SW 152)
    Tiarapants - to get below 150 (SW 156)
    Trusunshine to lose 5lbs (SW 189.6)
    Jacqueline0821 to lose 4 lbs (SW 144.4)
    Stellcorb- lose 6 lbs (Monthly) 1.25 lbs a week (average)
    roonmom to lose 5lbs
    kar74 - lose 6 lbs.
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds (SW 363, CW 360, GW 356) - 3 pounds lost!
    HerbieSue - OK, lost 5 in Sept, going for 3 in October!!
    Fawnie - to lose 7lbs
    Aisha- to lose 10 lbs
    mountainmanjake - 16.8lbs woooh!
    rojo40 to lose 15lbs sw 232, cw 230, gw 140
    wendytobin - to lose 3lbs
    betterchoices - to lose 4 lbs
    janna674 - to lose 7 lbs
    carolww - lose 8lbs
    kizzy_muss - lose 5 ibs (sw: 180.4 gw: 175.4)
    AlexD3 - lose 10 lbs
    tffnrod25 - lose 10 lbs
    jaydensmamas- lose 12lbs cw216
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Morning ladies (and gentleman!) How are we all doing with our first week of goals? I am proud to say that I have not caved and I have been successfully sugar free since Friday. It is a yucky rainy day here, which makes things the most challenging for me, as all I want to do is curl up with a cup of coffee and a snack and a book! I never feel like working out when it rains!

    I had a very exciting thing happen over the weekend. I used to wear this one pair of black Reebok workout pants allllll the time. They were a size XL, and I just loved them because I could throw them on and run to the store, go for a walk, or lounge comfortably in them. I had bought them at Costco about 3 years ago. That same day, I also bought a pink pair. But, the pink ones were awesome and almost sold out, and I had to buy a medium in those. I got them home and when I tried them on, of course they were way too small. I put them in my drawer with the vow that I would lose weight and be in them one day. Well, the black pair I out-shrank back in the spring and could no longer wear, and the pink ones were still way too tight. This weekend we got some chilly weather, and I pulled them out (tags still on them!) and slipped them on. Not only do they fit, but they're too big!! I'm wearing them anyway today. I am gonna strut my butt around in my too big pants till I feel I got the $14 out of them that I spent, LOL.

    I also discovered that out of the probably 15 pairs of jeans that I have hanging in my closet from various stages of fatness and thinness, almost every darn pair is too big! A blessing and a curse since I am broke AND hate jean shopping!

    Jessica that is AWESOME!!! Keep up the good work!!!:flowerforyou:

    As for the challenge for me I fluncked alreay but not giving up. This is the 2nd day of no fried foods for me. I started over yesterday......:-) No more starting over, but I am marking the days I did not comply. NO more this month. It is so automatic I totally forgot about my vow. I had an option of baked too. On here I have been working in the fried foods but I know I need to eliminate the fried foods to almost never and I am starting this month. This will help me tremendously.
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    My weekend didn't go that well food-wise. My husband & I went out for his birthday dinner Saturday night so I made sure to get on the treadmill for a couple hundred more calories. Unfortunately, I went a little overboard. Instead of 1460 calories, I ate closer to 1700. Then yesterday I had a baptism party to attend and ate some high calorie foods there. I'm up 2 pounds as of this morning, but back on track today. I WILL hit my goal by month's end. Who know - maybe I'll hit my 6 lb. loss sooner and keep on going. That would rock. :)
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    so on friday i drank the last glass of wine in house and pledged no more alcohol for the 7days...and i did succeed and exercised all weekend too...I did fab on my diary and still lost nothing...my hubby said dont worry soon it will fly off..but still it bummed me out. I am still motivated though and will lose the 7lbs this month. I heard on a forum about HIIT (high intensity interval training) which you can do on a treadmill or with any exercise ...its 3 mins regular walking and 2 mins really fast walking repeated 5 times so its 20 mins...someone said Dr. Oz said it will blast through belly fat. So I am going to start doing it tonite! Wish me luck!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Morning ladies (and gentleman!) How are we all doing with our first week of goals? I am proud to say that I have not caved and I have been successfully sugar free since Friday. It is a yucky rainy day here, which makes things the most challenging for me, as all I want to do is curl up with a cup of coffee and a snack and a book! I never feel like working out when it rains!

    I had a very exciting thing happen over the weekend. I used to wear this one pair of black Reebok workout pants allllll the time. They were a size XL, and I just loved them because I could throw them on and run to the store, go for a walk, or lounge comfortably in them. I had bought them at Costco about 3 years ago. That same day, I also bought a pink pair. But, the pink ones were awesome and almost sold out, and I had to buy a medium in those. I got them home and when I tried them on, of course they were way too small. I put them in my drawer with the vow that I would lose weight and be in them one day. Well, the black pair I out-shrank back in the spring and could no longer wear, and the pink ones were still way too tight. This weekend we got some chilly weather, and I pulled them out (tags still on them!) and slipped them on. Not only do they fit, but they're too big!! I'm wearing them anyway today. I am gonna strut my butt around in my too big pants till I feel I got the $14 out of them that I spent, LOL.

    I also discovered that out of the probably 15 pairs of jeans that I have hanging in my closet from various stages of fatness and thinness, almost every darn pair is too big! A blessing and a curse since I am broke AND hate jean shopping!

    Jessica that is AWESOME!!! Keep up the good work!!!:flowerforyou:

    As for the challenge for me I fluncked alreay but not giving up. This is the 2nd day of no fried foods for me. I started over yesterday......:-) No more starting over, but I am marking the days I did not comply. NO more this month. It is so automatic I totally forgot about my vow. I had an option of baked too. On here I have been working in the fried foods but I know I need to eliminate the fried foods to almost never and I am starting this month. This will help me tremendously.

    I try to bake alot of chicken at once so I have it on hand a all times...try marinating it in some Lawrys or Mcormick...its great
  • Tiffaniisdetermined
    Congrats to everyone who is sticking to their weekly goal. Thanks Mollie for adding me. I was to tired to do it that night. Mollie I have failed too I had I candy bar on Saturday , but I am back on track. We all can do this so lets get it done.