Hands up, who logs daily??



  • I log daily, now 350 days now :smile:
  • apart from snacks , I log my breakfast lunch, dinner the day before as soon as my wife decides what we are having for dinner, I then work out the cals and plan the other meals to fit and add my snacks as I go, I find having the day mapped out foodwise its easier for me to stick to.ive also found keeping a record of my own recipes simplifies things..monday week im away for a golf holiday in Tenerife with my pals and wont log for the week, plan is try and eat similar to usual and hope not to put o more than a couple of pounds
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Yup, I log! As of this week over 1300 days in a row! I log the Good, Bad and Ugly days and have been able to see when I'm good, bad and just plain ugly! :happy:
  • I Will be!! Feel free to add me everyone x
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
  • I sure do! I love the app and couldn't do without it. I'd like to make some new friends too if anyone would like to add me. Only been doing this for a few weeks but going well.
  • gawx
    gawx Posts: 52 Member
    i log daily! feel free to add : )
  • xkaylaxmichellex
    xkaylaxmichellex Posts: 18 Member
    I do! I'm at about the same day as you too!
  • tommorow will be day 1 and i hope i can do half as great as some of you guys. im excited.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I was at 700 days of logging in today. Have been very active and motivated on here since starting over on June 3rd. I am a binge eater but have been binge free for all but 5 days since June 3rd. I am always looking for a few more friends. Please feel free to add me if you think we would be a good fit. :-)
  • I do.. I do!!!! I think it's day 442! :)
  • 130 days and counting!
  • i do! :)
  • bacn60s
    bacn60s Posts: 33 Member
    Been logging on since April of this year, 2013. Add me as a friend if u wish.
    Stay Focused...
  • I started just yesterday, and I am logging in regularly and will do in the future :)
  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    200 days today! And I have a friend who's just hit 965 days!
  • I just started, but I plan on checking in every day. I'm bloviating a little bit on the blog part, but they'll get shorter as things come along. :)
  • I do! I even logged in on a bad day. idk how im gonna do saturday and sunday. Im gpnna go away any advise on surviving that?
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    Daily logger here. I find it is the only way for me to stay on track with my weight loss
  • baseballs4me
    baseballs4me Posts: 3 Member
    I log every day, every thing.!:tongue: