Girls who don't sweat? How?



  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Depends on the individual, I personally sweat more when I'm fitter, remember, the more you sweat the more heat your body can dissipate!

    High five to anyone else who turns embarrassingly red like me! =)
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I dont sweat easily, which means I can feel overheated and ill if I go hard. But then if I push past that, I start to sweat so it's all good again. I guess my body has an all or nothing attitude. This may be why I like HIIT. With running, it's the wierdest thibg, I dont really sweat until I am done and back in the house, then I just pour while I'm getting my protein drink ready.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    chicks don't sweat, they perspire....
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    chicks don't sweat, they perspire....

    Yeah and pregnant women glow. :laugh:
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Tell me something... When you see the classic sexy workout woman shot.. Is she dry or do they have her all glistening and covered with what looks like sweat?

    Yeah typically they oil her up or spray water on her so that it beads..


    Cuz sweat is sexy.

    Own it. I do. :-D

    This completely reminds me of those terrible shows, Hercules, Xena and the Beastmaster and others like them. For the most part they had very attractive casts with terrible acting skills. But I always used to say that you could tell if you were supposed to find the character attractive by how moist they were.

    Moist = sweaty = sexy
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Tell me something... When you see the classic sexy workout woman shot.. Is she dry or do they have her all glistening and covered with what looks like sweat?

    Yeah typically they oil her up or spray water on her so that it beads..


    Cuz sweat is sexy.

    Own it. I do. :-D

    This completely reminds me of those terrible shows, Hercules, Xena and the Beastmaster and others like them. For the most part they had very attractive casts with terrible acting skills. But I always used to say that you could tell if you were supposed to find the character attractive by how moist they were.

    Moist = sweaty = sexy

    Call me the Angelina Jolie/Meghan Fox/Marilyn Monroe of fitness. :drinker:
  • sweating is necessary for your health! It's your body's way of cooling off and avoiding overheating. If you didn't sweat you wouldn't be able to workout as hard, and long runs would cause nerve/muscle damage and possible kill you. As someone who is drenched after 5 minutes of running, I try to embrace it. Even though it is kind of disgusting.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Its an interesting topic and all of the comments and replies are good also!!

    I've never been one to sweat ..
    Not for many years and i'm wondering if it was due to poor circulation
    or smoking (gave up almost 3 years now) or just lack of enthusiasm in general physical activity ..

    For the first time in my life I am more active than ever ..
    I got a mountain bike several months ago
    and would ride 20kms (12 miles) and still not sweat ..
    I started walk/running and doing Jillian Michaels and finally I break a sweat..
    I even sweat riding the dirt bike now and have noticed I feel a lot better for it

    For me it feels healthier to sweat :))x

    great topic:flowerforyou:
  • I'm one of those girls who doesn't sweat that much, unless it's really hot or humid outside. I worry the opposite though, that people will think I'm not trying hard because I'm not sweating that much. I swear I'm pouring my heart out, it's just air conditioned in the gym!!

    It takes a lot for me to sweat! I exercise three times a week and there really isn't much sweat off of me. I am tired and I drink loads of water whilst exercising. I find though I pass urine a great deal right after.
  • madaleingericke
    madaleingericke Posts: 49 Member
    I read somewhere that some people have more sweat glands than others. And the they sweat more than others.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    This is interesting. I will get sweaty but not to the point where my shirt gets wet. My face gets super red, I overheat very easily, and I will start to smell sweaty.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    I sweat like whoa. It sucks because I'll walk a couple blocks in hot weather and start pouring sweat for just no reason. It makes me feel like a wimp, sweating like that when I'm not even exerting myself!

    Although, I tend to tolerate extreme heat well. It's been in the high 90s, low 100s this summer, and I managed not to die or pass out. :smile:
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member
    People use to observe that about me in the gym. They'd say why don't you sweat. I can tell you workout hard. A trainer asked me if I drank water. Well, I didn't drink water. As soon as I started drinking water, I started sweating. But I also have noticed, the more in shape I become, the less I sweat. But sweating is the body's way of cooling off. That is why they tell pregnant women not to train too hard cardio wise because the baby can't cool off. So it's natural and it's a good thing.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I could sweat in a damn blizzard! :grumble:
    I always hated to sweat in public and it's one of the reasons I avoided physical activity for most of my life. (besides laziness :embarassed: )
    But to hell with what someone else thinks of my sweat. Bring it on!
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    I sweat so much at the gym that I look like a drowning elephant. Seriously, it's disgusting. My face, hair and clothes are soaking wet, and I'm sure it doesn't help that I go to a crossfit gym with no AC in South Florida. The people at Costco love me when I decide to drop by after working out....haha
  • I almost never sweat. Never bought or used deodorant in my life, nor have ever experienced the "gray-shirt-sweat-stain" phenomenon. I think it's genetics? That said, if I exert myself in baking weather, yeah I'll sweat a bit above the mouth, near the temples, etc.
  • I always sweat and always have. Even when I was young and a size 3. It sucks because I feel dirty constantly...if I get dressed nice to go somewhere, I'm sweaty and gross by the time I get there. It doesn't matter if I'm in air conditioning or not. Most of the time I change shirts at least twice a day. And I'm constantly carrying a towel in my car because as soon as I get in my face, neck, back, and chest just start pouring sweat. I used to play tennis with a friend of the 90 degree weather with super high Southern Illinois humidity and she would not have one ounce of sweat on her. I would have to peel the clothes off of me. :(
  • Sweat is just a sign that your body's cooling system is working well!
    So congratulations on a good cooling system, or else you'd probably end up red and really hot.
    It's no sign of your fitness.

    I sweat like crazy, after just my warm up and i've been working out at least 4 days a week for 5 years.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm one of those unlucky people who sweat buckets. By the time I'm done with my workout, it looks like I just hopped out of the shower.

    What's worse is how awful I smell. I decided to nix the shower one night and just head home, and my husband had to put the windows down the smell was so bad.
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    I hardly sweat as well. I turn really red. My face is glowing red, and I am really hot. It sucks because when I don't sweat I get concerned people talking about how red my face is, and asking if I am ok.

    If it is really hot/humid then I will start sweating really bad. I still turn really red and people are still concerned. I'm just not sure why I turn so red. It is a little embarrassing.