How did you gain the weight?



  • Flabulousss
    College, being poor, eating lots of ramen, $5 pizzas for lunch, daily binge drinking, inactivity, soda, stress, poor sleep, avoiding the scale... I've pretty much changed all those those things and have lost 10lbs... 15 more to go!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I love going out to dinner. Portion sizes are grossly inflated, and after spending years being told to clean my plate, I started doing so. And I stopped exercising so a ton of calories going in, not so many going out.

    I am a fomer bulimic who still has binge tendencies. The food was a panacea for the emotional pain of the crazy state of my life. Now I am focusing on being healthy and happy in ALL aspects of my life!
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    had to do with being unhappy in several areas in my life including marriage...
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I was really active in high school...i worked out 5 days a week and I was a flag girl in i was always doing some sort of exercise....well i got married and didnt know how to cook very well we were busy...i worked and was in we ate a lot of processed junk...we also went out to eat A LOT!!....i gained a bunch of weight and then i got pregnant with my first and gain a lot of weight....then i lost half of the weight and got pregnant again...they were very close pregnancies...i had two under body didnt really have time to recover....and now i am trying to lose the weight i gained before and after pregnancy.
  • spookscheer
    Life from the course of 2 years caught up and I didn't handle it very well when everything finally set it. It was horrible to watch all the hard work I had done last year just diminish.
  • TheRealBruceWayne
    It was intentional for me. I was always athletic and in great shape and then I started to train and compete in Powerlifting where it was a scenario where the bigger I got the better I go. Now I just want to go back to being athletic and looking good. Ive been in a gym 5-6 days a week for my entire life, I've never been sedentary. It's almost easy to cut because there were many times gaining the weight when I had to force food into me just because I knew it would make me a better lifter and that was far harder than just saying no to something I want.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have always been overweight, since I was 7 years old and in 1st grade. I was always one of the biggest kids (tallest girl for many years) and I didn't like much outdoor activity, was into reading and drawing and schoolwork. Also a crazy perfectionist, so I didn't like trying sports or athletic activities because I didn't know them inside-out from Day 1 and have mad skills ;-)

    My parents had what I'd call a pretty typical middle class 1980's American household of Lunchables, Pizza Hut, candy, and the occasional salad thrown in for "good measure" (which obviously was not). Almost everything we ate was heavily processed. I'm not a religiously clean eater now, but I was well into my 20's before I even knew what the majority of raw/fresh veggies tasted like!

    In my teens, my diet was strictly junk food, but not much of it. So I wondered why I stayed fat on few calories and figured I was just cursed to a lifetime of obesity. I had a spider bite treated with steroids which packed on more weight.

    I learned to cook for myself right after college, and lost most of the weight, getting to an all-time adult low.

    Then I married a man who was a big eater (also obese) and a huge fan of restaurant meals and alcohol. We lived quite indulgently, and although I always considered my indulgences minor compared to HIS...the amount of calories I consumed was pretty erratic. I look back and think that most weeks I had 3-4 days of under 1,000 cals and then 3 days of over 3,000 cals. I thought that was normal but I'm pretty sure that's how I kept so much weight on!!!

    By my 30's, I was topping out at 300 lb. I started to get worried about my health, but again my competitive and perfectionist side reared its ugly head and I stubbornly refused to make a real effort at getting healthy and eating better because all of the people I knew who were doing so, with any rate of success, were trying to get from 160 to 125. Not 300 to 225.

    Finally I started exercising RELIGIOUSLY (just long speedy walks, but daily)...and got down by about 35 lb. Plateaued for a very long time, then stopped eating beef, pork or chicken and added more veggies and other lean protein sources. Only lost 9-10 lb. Joined MFP in March and now have beat my previous all-time adult low of 227 and working down toward 200 and beyond.
  • organic0gf
    organic0gf Posts: 87 Member
    Just like everyone else. I ate more calories than I burned.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    by getting knocked up
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Ate too much, stopped going to the gym on a regular basis, had a couple kids and put them first and my own fitness took a back burner. Now watching what I eat, working out regularly again, because I want to be healthy for my kids as well as feel better about myself.
  • madaleingericke
    madaleingericke Posts: 49 Member
    Beats me... I walked outside an average of 5 miles per day, since forever. I used a stationary bike, averaging 30 mins per day whenever the weather was inclement. I consulted a dietitian. And followed the prescribed diet. Years ago, I even did the self-injections spiel. I joined Weight Watchers, later left. I started tracking everything, and reading blogs on this site. Then, I joined a local gym. Nowadays, I average 60 minutes at the gym, 6 days per week. And? Still gaining weight! Hormones? Age? Genes? Who knows? Who cares? (I do.) Any ideas out there?
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    I was always really active in high school.. so I never really had time to eat.. After high school I guess I had lots of time. LOL

    No, really, I think I got bored and drank a few beers.. Which led to pizza.. and the next morning the "hangover fixer upper" aka Taco bell AND arby's. SHEESH..

    And I had one lame *kitten* excuse after another why I couldn't work out. LOL. Excuses are over. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I sat on my butt and ate junk, simple.
  • emobarbie7
    Not thinking I was ever going to gain weight, so I ate what I wanted all the time. Everyone else was doing it so I did it too. Never got fat but got chubby quick without even realizing.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Hmmm, I don't want it sound like a bunch of excuses, but I guess it's going to.

    First, it was comfort eating, and I was always about 25-30 lbs overweight as a teen.

    Then it was depression after my mom died and my family life turned upside down.

    Then it was PCOS going out of control when I stopped birth control pills because birth control pills + college stress was making me throw up every morning and every evening. The 10+ years of untreated PCOS did the rest with continuous gains, and I could not drop weight for anything until I was finally diagnosed and properly treated.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I liked eating and I didn't like working out. My favourite past time was munching on something (anything!) and watching TV. I would maybe lost 5-10 kilos and then put them on again with more to spare. Surprisingly, I haven't gained much (maybe 3 kgs?) since getting married but I still haven't lost a significant amount.
  • iamtahicha
    iamtahicha Posts: 16 Member
    I love food....
  • AKAMrsR
    AKAMrsR Posts: 45 Member
    I always struggled with weight, but was fairly healthy. College didn't help, marriage didn't help. I realized I had to do something a couple years ago and lost 30 lbs through MFP and felt great. Then I got pregnant. I told myself that I would stay healthy during pregnancy and get back to my goal quickly, but instead I went crazy. I ate a lot of Chef Boyardee ravioli and other crap. Gained about 65 lbs total (basically the expected baby weight plus the 30 lbs I had lost). So, now I'm at my heaviest and haven't done anything about it for 8 months, so "I just had a baby" doesn't cut it. So, here I am again!
  • Froggie1979
    Froggie1979 Posts: 1 Member
    I hated cooking after working in hospitality so I was living off all the bad foods. Takeaway, potatoes, toast etc. Ate way too much of the bad stuff and was doing less and less walking in my life.

    I have now moved away from all the bad foods, and am living in a small town where i really cant justify driving anywhere.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i was kidnapped by aliens and all kinds of weird tests and probes were done.....
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