In need of some major support...



  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    you are awesome!!! 4 lbs is amazing! Celebrate your successes.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    You can do this... Keep will get there..
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    have you considered weight loss surgery?

    This!! i had weight loss surgery 2.5 years ago, lost 130lbs. I'm trying to get that last 20 or so off, but it gave me a boost to get the first 130.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I read this recently "what others think of me is none of my business" - while I know it isn't this straight forward I kind of liked it, it reminded me that I can't change what people think - but then I'm not doing this for those people.

    Good luck - feel free to add me.
  • krmullig
    krmullig Posts: 43 Member
    Good for you!! All that matters is your heading in the right direction and doing this to better yourself! Just remember that this is for YOU and no one else. Feel free to add, I love new friends and I'll be here to chat if you need :)
  • Missourian high five! Added you. I'll be your supportive friend!
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    You are beautiful and strong!! You've got this girl!!
  • Great job on getting started and making up your mind! I read a lot of these posts and they are all very good and very true. My thought for you AND me is persistence. Every day, Every day. Do the best you can every day. If I can figure it out, I'll send you a friend request. What are you "plans" for eating?
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    have you considered weight loss surgery?

    It sounds like it might be more helpful to the OP to make a lifestyle change before leaping into surgery, don't you think?
  • Sorry for the long diatribe, but I've had some success and want to help if I can. You've already decided to listen to yourself, you just need to listen to others a little less. Some weeks you will lose 4 pounds, some only one. Some weeks I actually think I gained a pound or two. I found that it helped to visualize the weight I'd lost by picking up a 4 lb roast and the grocery store and knowing that I was no longer lugging that roast around my stomach.

    Unless they ask, don't talk to your family about the weight loss. I found that the people who were most helpful were people that were also trying to lose weight. Pick one or two people at home, at work or on this website that you can check in with that will celebrate your loses and support you if you gain

    Also, keep that diary -- it's especially helpful for binge eating! If you know you'll have to put it in writing, it will discourage you from starting. Also, stay away from food in bags and boxes that you can eat without really keeping track. To compensate for the binge eating you are not going to do, you can do something else. I always kept a hundred or so calories for the end of the day when I would treat myself to some skinny cow ice cream or other sweet (my achilles heal). Finally, set both a final goal range and some short term goals. Good luck.
  • ahopefulloser
    ahopefulloser Posts: 33 Member
    @tdugger_resa, I'm 25 years old and I have the same weight loss goal as you do. I've lived a sedentary lifestyle my whole life up until 4 1/2 months ago when I decided that enough was enough. I've lost 64 pounds in that short time span and I plan to lose at least another 109 pounds. If I can do it, anyone can. The key for me has been discovering the truth about the food I've been feeding myself. I've done a lot of research on nutrition and my new found knowledge and has made eating healthy immensely easier and unexpectedly enjoyable.
    Another roadblock that we all face is our own negative mentality. We have a long road ahead of us and it's easy to get discouraged. I find that keeping myself immersed in positive fitness blogs and communities like MFP helps keep me on track and motivated. I also listen to health/fitness podcasts whenever I can.
    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Friend request sent!
  • Hey, congrats too you for starting. That's the first step and usually the hardest. I recently joined and I got to be honest I am so glad I did. Not only do you get great motivation from the people, but its an awesome site to log and track your fitness/diet. You can add me as a friend if you want. I try to log daily and keep an open diary. I also try to give motivation when I can. So good luck on your journey. I have faith you can do it.
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Hi & welcome! Good for you for starting your journey and great job on picking MFP! I am a sahm to 3 girls (13, 8 & 3) and while a little older than you, I can commiserate with so much of what you said! I don't need anyone reminding me I am overweight, I can see the mirror, pictures, and feel how my clothes fit. In May of this year I decided to do it and didn't really tell but a few very supportive friends & my husband. It is not always easy and it won't be a short or easy road, however, it's a journey to a healthier & happier me!

    When I started I decided I wanted to lose 150lbs to get to 180 which is the higher end of the weight chart for my age/height. When I get there I will see how I feel/look and make a decision. I've been doing this since May as I said, I am down 26lbs and while sometimes I think that 26lbs is nothing, it is. It's perspective. My 3 yr old, quite small for her size due to a birth defect, weighs about that, and I think to myself when I pick her up, she's pretty heavy. I lost her weight. To me that is amazing!

    It can be easy to get depressed when I think of how far I have to go, how much easier/faster someone else is losing weight here and in my life, but it's not a race. It's just getting to the end of my journey, to see the goal I set, while it's a number, my main goal is to be around for my kids, grand kids etc. I want to play with my kids without getting out of breathe, for them to see that I can do this for myself. I don't tell them I am on a diet, they just know I am eating healthier & exercising because I want to live a long time.

    Feel free to send me a request, just add a short note, so I know who you are :) I log daily (good or bad) and check in on my friends at least every other day if not more. Good luck on your journey!
  • I read your profile and sent you a friend request. In your profile note you said, "I want to have my outside match my inside" I can totally relate to that and I think that issue caused me a lot of heartache. I was sitting steady at a size 18/20. I couldn't find clothes that looked or felt like me. When I looked at pictures I wanted to scream or die because I just didn't feel like the person in the picture. Now, I am sitting quite steady at a size 12. It has been a very slow process with a lot of exercise and a lot of plateaus but now I feel so much better about who I see in the mirror and in pictures and in the fitting room at the store. I can still remember feeling like, "I don't look like who I am." Now, I feel a little heavier than I want to be but I definitely feel like me! Energetic, busy, fun!
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    look for motivation and support in yourself.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Hey there! I'm so glad and proud that you are taking this big step towards good health. I just want to remind you that you have to do this for yourself. Do not always listen to what others have to say, they don't know and they do not want to know. Weight loss is a very personal journey, and though it can be achieved with as much support as necessary, you should always remind yourself that you are the most important element in this situation. You will receive a lot of bad or weird advices, because everyone has their how 2 cents to give about weight loss and fitness. Take the information that fits you, do not let anyone pressure you into gimmicks and fads. You can do this. You have everything it takes.

    I will add you.
  • My wife and I are starting our weight loss program today so we can go on this journey together. ignore all the negative people as hard as it my be and turn to the people who will support you. Keep your goals and successes to that support circle and when the weight comes off all those doubters will take notice.
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    I am in the same boat as you I had the same problem with Family and I am also 26 feel free to add me I restarted as of last Tuesday
  • baiye1
    baiye1 Posts: 27 Member
    you can add me. I love the MFP support system, it's great. There's always someone else out there with the same issue, who is feeling unmotivated or discouraged or overwhelmed. And there's lots of positives, too! Lots of members who have lost big time, who have maintained for ages. And there are those (like me) who are just repeating to themselves every morning "I don't have to do this forever. I just have to do it for today." And "If I screw up today, it's not going to undo what I did yesterday, as long as I get up tomorrow and do better."
  • skinnymama74
    skinnymama74 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that, some times they just don't get how words can hurt, My mom would tell me another diet again! well I finally lost 35lbs and have kept it off for 3 years, I'm trying to loose another 15-20lbs...So it is possible but you have to hold yourself accountable for what you eat its as simple as that, what helped me a lot was not buying stuff that I knew I couldn't resist if you dont' see it you dont' want it. :D You can so do this, I know it might seem a long time but hey next year you can be at this same place right now, or not! you can be 100lbs! lighter its up to you....Which one is going to be?