Nothing Irritates Me More...

Than when I'm having a conversation with another woman and she says she doesn't like lifting because she's afraid of getting bulky or says to me something along the lines of oh, you're lifting because you're trying to bulk up huh? Excuse me??? NOPE. WRONG.

I had this happen over the weekend and I immediately had to change the subject because I could no longer have a serious conversation with the other person. The misconception with women lifting and getting "bulky" drives me insane. Also, what if I was trying to "bulk up?" That's my business, and mine alone.

I'm lifting to be healthy, have muscle, lean out, burn more calories, increase my metabolism, improve my running, have a nice butt, be strong, look good naked, live a long life, and plenty more reasons.

Rant over.

So I'm curious, what fitness "myths" irritate you?


  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    That is probably the one that gets me the most as well. I have unfortunately got out of the swing of lifting for many reasons (health being one of them) but I LOVED lifting and seeing how strong I was. I NEVER got bulky. I did have to watch how I trained my legs but they were naturally thicker to begin with and tended to get thicker easier. (did that make sense??? :tongue: ) I really do miss having that muscle strength and hopefully when I get all my health things straightened out, I can get back to it!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    If you watch what you eat- you are on a diet and trying to lose weight.

    If you go to the gym- you are trying to lose weight.

    If you are lifting- you are trying to get muscles like a guy.

    I swear, my family thinks I'm anorexic, with thoughts of becoming a bodybuilder. *sigh* :yawn: :huh:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    It irritates me when people think you aren't active if you don't work out in a gym. Or that you don't hike if it doesn't include a backpack and overnight tent stay.
  • drams5
    The one that gets me the most from "fitness-minded" people is that the only thing I should ever consider when choosing a snack is it's potential weight-loss benefits. I had a someone over the weekend tell me I shouldn't be eating fruit with my cottage cheese because it's "pure sugar." I said, "I know fruit contains sugar. I'm also interested in the nutrients it contains." He said, "Honestly, it doesn't contain that much. You're killing your workout plan. You might as well be eating a cup of sugar with your cottage cheese."

    Seriously?? No fruit EVER? And the other annoying little detail....I wasn't really asking for advice. I was just eating.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    The one that gets me the most from "fitness-minded" people is that the only thing I should ever consider when choosing a snack is it's potential weight-loss benefits. I had a someone over the weekend tell me I shouldn't be eating fruit with my cottage cheese because it's "pure sugar." I said, "I know fruit contains sugar. I'm also interested in the nutrients it contains." He said, "Honestly, it doesn't contain that much. You're killing your workout plan. You might as well be eating a cup of sugar with your cottage cheese."

    Seriously?? No fruit EVER? And the other annoying little detail....I wasn't really asking for advice. I was just eating.

    O M G. I honestly just laughed out loud at this one. The ignorance behind their statement is pure comedy.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    The one that gets me the most from "fitness-minded" people is that the only thing I should ever consider when choosing a snack is it's potential weight-loss benefits. I had a someone over the weekend tell me I shouldn't be eating fruit with my cottage cheese because it's "pure sugar." I said, "I know fruit contains sugar. I'm also interested in the nutrients it contains." He said, "Honestly, it doesn't contain that much. You're killing your workout plan. You might as well be eating a cup of sugar with your cottage cheese."

    Seriously?? No fruit EVER? And the other annoying little detail....I wasn't really asking for advice. I was just eating.

    LOL! Especially at "a cup of sugar" :-)

    OP, I agree with yours. My dr. even said to stick with 5-8 lb weights otherwise I'll "bulk up like a man" ;-)
  • ehorn625
    It gets me when people say that all the weight will come back on after I go off my "diet." I'm tired of telling them that I am not on a "diet" and that I am trying to eat and live healthier. And the other, when/if they notice a weight loss they want to know what diet I am on. I just say "calorie deficit." It usually takes a minute before that sets in. By then, I change the subject!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    It gets me when people say that all the weight will come back on after I go off my "diet." I'm tired of telling them that I am not on a "diet" and that I am trying to eat and live healthier. And the other, when/if they notice a weight loss they want to know what diet I am on. I just say "calorie deficit." It usually takes a minute before that sets in. By then, I change the subject!

    I get this a lot at work. I eat a healthy lunch and healthy snacks while I'm at work and people still ask if I'm on a diet. I've been doing this for 4 years, you would think they would get it by now. When I say " if I go back to eating the way I ate before, I'll just go back to how I was before". They look at me like I'm nuts. Apparently eating healthy shouldn't be normal.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Spot reducing! It can't be done, so don't try.

    Don't like your gut? Try reducing calories because those situps won't do!

    Think you have thunder thighs? Try reducing your calories because working your hams and quads won't do it!

    Tired of the flab under your arms? Try reducing your calories because triceps exercises won't do it!

    Don't get me wrong, I support these exercises, but they will not spot reduce. They will help build lean muscle which, and adding muscle adds to your ability to burn calories. So it's all good. But your body is going to decide where the fat comes off.
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    I get that more from men than women actually. My close friends are all male, and they all recommend I stick to cardio, because weights are for men and women should not try and gain too much muscle.
  • emdf7a
    The one that gets me the most from "fitness-minded" people is that the only thing I should ever consider when choosing a snack is it's potential weight-loss benefits. I had a someone over the weekend tell me I shouldn't be eating fruit with my cottage cheese because it's "pure sugar." I said, "I know fruit contains sugar. I'm also interested in the nutrients it contains." He said, "Honestly, it doesn't contain that much. You're killing your workout plan. You might as well be eating a cup of sugar with your cottage cheese."

    Seriously?? No fruit EVER? And the other annoying little detail....I wasn't really asking for advice. I was just eating.

    Love it! Great response too! I guess we just need to eat styrofoam then. Thanks for the laugh.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I ride horses and am training for eventing. What gets me is when people ask why I need to be fit to just sit on a horse. And then argue when I try to explain there is much more than sitting on a horse, especially when you have to do the rising trot and we won't even get into the strength it takes to jump a 4 foot rail or cross country jump. They tell me I'm full of bologna.
  • ThatHarleyChick
    The one that gets me the most from "fitness-minded" people is that the only thing I should ever consider when choosing a snack is it's potential weight-loss benefits. I had a someone over the weekend tell me I shouldn't be eating fruit with my cottage cheese because it's "pure sugar." I said, "I know fruit contains sugar. I'm also interested in the nutrients it contains." He said, "Honestly, it doesn't contain that much. You're killing your workout plan. You might as well be eating a cup of sugar with your cottage cheese."

    Seriously?? No fruit EVER? And the other annoying little detail....I wasn't really asking for advice. I was just eating.

    OMG! Yes, yes, yes! People get a "little" knowledge and suddenly they're the expert. I constantly get advice though I don't ask for it.

    Nothing irritates me more......than people that follow a strict program of exercise and nutrition and believe that it is the ONLY WAY to lose weight/stay fit/get strong/increase mobility, etc. etc. etc. If something works for you, that's great; keep it up. But stop trying to shove something down my throat when I have already said its not for me. My body is different. I have issues that you don't have to deal with. And just because you have some kind of certification behind your name doesn't mean that you know what you are doing; it simply means that you had the money to attend a training seminar or "weekend". I'm not going to be potentially paralyzed by an amateur coach.....

    And please don't take it personally when I find another program to try or gym to go to. Cause guess what? It seriously has nothing to do with YOU; its really all about ME and what is best for ME. It doesn't mean that I think you're crazy, or that you don't know what you're doing. It just means I know I only have one body and I have to do what's best for it.....and me.

    Okay. My rant is over.
  • roseagra
    What a brilliant thread! I'm only back on track again but it does amuse me the attitude towards women lifting anything regarded as weighty! I'm very lucky to have a great female friend who loves her lifting and looks amazing, yep she has great defined biceps etc but she's by no means big! (she actually managed to get me from using about 70kg for an assisted dip down to 50kg in about 5 minutes, she just kept saying 'thats too easy for you, you can still talk!' and she was right!).

    The thing I'm struggling with right now is people pushing bad foods under my nose. I'm generally living by the motto 'everything in moderation and a little bit of what you fancy' but my boss (I work p/t in a cafe) keeps asking me to taste cakes, scones etc. He knows I'm working to lose weight and get fit but there was a piece of chocolate cake under my nose again today! I need to keep reminding myself 'lose weight in the kitchen, get fit in the gym' and put my foot down.
  • jazzerciseN
    It seems that most people know what's best for everyone else. LOL! I get unwanted advice on the daily but just brush it off. I'm surprised i've lost nearly 100 pounds without asking permission to eat and drink everything daily. ;) The thing I dislike the most is when people point out the sugar free option when we go out. Pretty much everything at the store has a sugar free variety and most women think that is how they are going to lose weight. Because I'm trying to lean out even more, people always say, "Oh hey! Look there's a sugar free one!" I'm like, "Enjoy it! I'm not eating that s***."
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Nothing irritates me more......than people that follow a strict program of exercise and nutrition and believe that it is the ONLY WAY to lose weight/stay fit/get strong/increase mobility, etc. etc. etc. If something works for you, that's great; keep it up. But stop trying to shove something down my throat when I have already said its not for me.

    Agreed. I know what works for me (running/lifting/cross training) but that doesn't work for everyone!!!! I wish more people would keep that in mind. Also, most of the time, I'm not ASKING for someone else's advice. If I want your advice or opinion, I'll directly ask for it.
  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    What a brilliant thread! I'm only back on track again but it does amuse me the attitude towards women lifting anything regarded as weighty! I'm very lucky to have a great female friend who loves her lifting and looks amazing, yep she has great defined biceps etc but she's by no means big! (she actually managed to get me from using about 70kg for an assisted dip down to 50kg in about 5 minutes, she just kept saying 'thats too easy for you, you can still talk!' and she was right!).

    The thing I'm struggling with right now is people pushing bad foods under my nose. I'm generally living by the motto 'everything in moderation and a little bit of what you fancy' but my boss (I work p/t in a cafe) keeps asking me to taste cakes, scones etc. He knows I'm working to lose weight and get fit but there was a piece of chocolate cake under my nose again today! I need to keep reminding myself 'lose weight in the kitchen, get fit in the gym' and put my foot down.

    'lose weight in the kitchen, get fit in the gym'

    That's the best thing I've read today. Thank you.
  • jennybennypenny
    jennybennypenny Posts: 90 Member
    If you watch what you eat- you are on a diet and trying to lose weight.

    If you go to the gym- you are trying to lose weight.

    If you are lifting- you are trying to get muscles like a guy.

    I swear, my family thinks I'm anorexic, with thoughts of becoming a bodybuilder. *sigh* :yawn: :huh:

    OMG I get the same BS! My family was visiting last weekend and I was putting my potential order into MFP (I was planning to order pecan pancakes!!) and my mom was like, "Are you starving yourself? You're already too thin."
  • drams5
    Soooo spot on. This guy does happen to have a new "certification." This thread has made me feel much better. Great OP.