What food can you not have in the house?



  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Chocolate, alcohol and chips.
  • Luwright321
    Luwright321 Posts: 38 Member
    Potato chips and dip! I absolutely can not have Nacho cheese Doritos! I will eat the whole bag in minutes!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Ruffled chips and French onion dip, cause that'd be gone in 30 minutes tops.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Bacon. Delicious, salty, fatty bacon. :sad:
    Nut butters and peanuts. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds ... these are kept at the boyfriend's house.
    Baked goods & ice cream.
    Skinny Pop popcorn, apparently. I need single size servings of popcorn and then I can manage.
    Chocolate. I keep my bag of 72% chocolate at my boyfriend's house.
    Cold cereal.
    Cheese of any kind except parmesan & cottage cheese.
    I can't have jam AND cottage cheese in the house. They will find each other and it will not be pretty.
    Nutella. :sad:

    It's just easier not to have them in temptation's grasp. Less stress.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I just have to rely on will power with others in my home needing quick (usually unhealthy) snacks all the time. Cookies, chips, pop, ice cream, and other stuff are readily available and I have just to pretend they're not there. I just make sure there are always a lot of healthy choices like fresh fruits and veggies, yogurt, hummus, and cottage cheese available to snack on.
  • rawxiehorror
    Meat, fish and dairy.

    Love this answer! and i agree!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Nuetella and pumpkin chocolate chip bread is out for me. I lose all will power if it is in the house.:noway:
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Nut butters.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Dairy milk, gone in minutes, no matter the size ;)

    I thought I was the only one!!

    No dairy or bread (not just for weight gain, but for my general health). Or any kind of sweet. Both my husband and I try to eat really clean so we try to keep our house free of processed foods. We still have them as treats when we're out, but our kitchen holds no extra temptation
  • sheilahealth167
    Lays potato chips, classic and dip. I don't buy it ever, but I often come in contact with it at my mother-in-law's house and at my part time job. When I see them, I go straight for them.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    Ruffles plain chips ... I never have eaten them much because they are so freaking expensive .. But since I have a digital scale and they were on sale (B1G1 FREE) I couldn't resist. So I ate one oz and then another and before I knew it ... I had eaten my entire allotted calories for lunch just sitting in front of the TV and was still hungry ... OMG ... Finally I stopped myself and went and took my veggies out of the freezer and stir fried them with (calorie free cooking spray) about 60 calories in the whole bowl ... So that filled the hungry spot >>>>WHEW<<<<< that scared me to death ... NO MORE Ruffles plain chips in the house for ME!
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Chips of any flavor. I saw Heinz Ketchup flavored chips at the grocery store and I turned my head and started walking faster. I don't even go down the chip/cracker aisle at the grocery store.

    No sweets allowed either. I bought a bag of sugar free chocolate chips to keep in the house to curb cravings and ended up eating them all and it made me sick. It doesn't even have to have sugar, just sweetened with a sugar substitute, and I cannot control myself.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I have no such list. If I want something I buy it. I currently have 30 boxes of pop-tarts, 12 jars on nut butters, a freezer full of ice cream and cookies galore. It's called self control.
  • jermaine1082
    jermaine1082 Posts: 7 Member
    Cookie's chocolate chip to be exact. I can ignore all others but chocolate chip with milk cant stop for long. I normally don't drink too much milk unless the cookies are around.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Ruffled chips and French onion dip, cause that'd be gone in 30 minutes tops.

    Absolutely this... we had some leftovers from a party and I forced myself to toss out a perfectly good container of dip so that I wouldn't eat the entire thing for dinner.

    Crunchy Cheetos are another -- although now I'm finally able to buy the single-serving bags and limit myself. It also helps when you have someone much taller than you put them on a high shelf so that you can't get to them easily! :laugh:
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Ruffled chips and French onion dip, cause that'd be gone in 30 minutes tops.

    Absolutely this... we had some leftovers from a party and I forced myself to toss out a perfectly good container of dip so that I wouldn't eat the entire thing for dinner.

    Crunchy Cheetos are another -- although now I'm finally able to buy the single-serving bags and limit myself. It also helps when you have someone much taller than you put them on a high shelf so that you can't get to them easily! :laugh:

    A dangerous 15ft rickety climb wouldn't stop me from getting French onion dip :laugh:
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm not really banning anything from my house but if we have some of the following, there is a high chance I'll start munching on it:

    - cantuccini
    - dark chocolate (I have to have it at home, cannot go without it, so not sure if it counts here)
    - ice cream
    - freshly baked and still slightly warm baguette a l'ancienne or flute or smth similar from the breadilicous food selection
    - dried fruit cake or banana cake
  • bethweathersbee
    bethweathersbee Posts: 19 Member
    with fitness pal isn't it okay to eat what you want as long as you keep below your calorie limit?
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Dr. Pepper and chocolate chips

    That's it. Everything else is safe from me
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    with fitness pal isn't it okay to eat what you want as long as you keep below your calorie limit?

    true for sure, but alot of people are choosing to eat healthier as well as keeping to their calories, eating foods with nutritional value , not empty calories. also some people will binge if certain foods are in the house and will destroy their calories for the day, I am guilty of that with nut butters