Tummy Tucks... was it worth it?



  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I have an initial consult scheduled for Sept 16th with a very good plastic surgeon here in town to discuss fixing my stomach and giving me back my boobs that went missing at the same time.

    I can let you know what this doc has to say to me if anyone wants.

    I'd be interested in what he has to say. I know that the cost would be different depending on each person's situation, but I'd still like to know.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I am hoping to get one next Spring!!!
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Just got home from my consult.

    It was an experience. a very good one.

    I found out I am an excellent candidate for it, weight, height, age and musculature. Was told that mine would mostly involve skin removal. suture of the muscle only enough needed to reattach skin and belly button. In other words my muscles would not have to be messed with, more or less only the skin. No Lipo needed either. Typically the doc told me there are between 2-6 drains inserted, with mine only 2 would be needed.

    due to all of that my down away from work time would be 2 weeks.

    My existing C-section scar would be incorporated into it as well, so no new scars, just a longer version of the one there currently.

    He said typically he advises people to be 10 pounds lighter than they prefer for surgery, but was told with my bone structure, which all got tape measured, that it was not something I needed to do.

    I also had a consult for breast augmentation as well, there would be a discount for the 2 together.

    But if I had them done individually

    stomach: $8000
    Breast: $4500

    together: $10,380

    but no separate recovery for each, just 2 weeks to go back to work on light duty after both.

    Was told push-ups and bench presses are NOT advised for a full year for optimal results on just the stomach surgery, and that depending on the type of placement for the breast augmentation, they are never advised due to capsular contraction and that it can if breast mass has decreased, like with dramatic weight loss, cause severe hardening of the breast and rippling. the horror pics shown were enough to convince me he wasn't kidding around on that.

    Was told I needed to maintain my weight as is for another 4 months before he would even consider booking me for a surgery for either procedure. I have been the same weight as now since roughly February.

    He also advised to track my menstrual cycles and plan the surgery to coincide with it ending and allow recovery before it starts again.

    all things considered, he was a very through doctor, easy in personality and inspired confidence.

    Price is something me and the hubs must talk about and me to continue to think about in addition to the surgery risks itself.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    Sometimes it has less to do with vanity and more to do with necessity. I lost over 300 lbs. And had a massive amount of loose skin and was constantly getting infections and it hindered all aspects of my life. So September 24th last year I under went circumferential body lift surgery and had 17 lbs. of loose skin removed and had my abdominal muscles cinched in 6 1/2 inches.... it cost me 15 grand and was worth every single cent.... I would do it all again tomorrow... I made a website that followed me through the surgery and will be adding my 1 year photos and video and reflection in the coming weeks... www.gettingfit4life.com
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I am a nurse ... so with that being said I am fully aware of the risks.

    whether you are a nurse or not, I'm sure you know the risks. If one woman knows the risk, all women know the risk. but you wanted to hear from those who had done it or considered it. I tell you, if I could afford one, I'd have been right on it. I've only had one surgery and it left me looking like a monster. Doctor did not give me the opportunity to get tucked, he just told me to exercise. 15 years of exercise later I'm still gross.
  • pennyscabin
    pennyscabin Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, I have had one...mine was a "tummy tuck - breast reconstruction" following breast cancer and mastectomy. It is MAJOR surgery. Always weigh the risk with the "perceived" benefits. My body literally looks like a road map. You are much younger than me, but I can assure you I did not plan to have a C-Section, Partial Hysterectomy, Mastectomy, Reconstructive Tummy Tuck, Gall Bladder Surgery and others. Life is what it is...and I have gained LOTS of weight (much of it due to medications for illnesses that I never planned to face). Learn to love your body. If you don't all the surgery in the world will never be enough. You never know what is ahead...and I wish I had spent all of the surgery recovery time enjoying my life instead of fighting my way back to health. That being said, it is YOUR choice...only yours...
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    Sometimes it has less to do with vanity and more to do with necessity. I lost over 300 lbs. And had a massive amount of loose skin and was constantly getting infections and it hindered all aspects of my life. So September 24th last year I under went circumferential body lift surgery and had 17 lbs. of loose skin removed and had my abdominal muscles cinched in 6 1/2 inches.... it cost me 15 grand and was worth every single cent.... I would do it all again tomorrow... I made a website that followed me through the surgery and will be adding my 1 year photos and video and reflection in the coming weeks... www.gettingfit4life.com

    Good for you. And I'm sure you were as well educated as anyone telling you the "risks".
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Just got home from my consult.

    It was an experience. a very good one.

    I found out I am an excellent candidate for it, weight, height, age and musculature. Was told that mine would mostly involve skin removal. suture of the muscle only enough needed to reattach skin and belly button. In other words my muscles would not have to be messed with, more or less only the skin. No Lipo needed either. Typically the doc told me there are between 2-6 drains inserted, with mine only 2 would be needed.

    due to all of that my down away from work time would be 2 weeks.

    My existing C-section scar would be incorporated into it as well, so no new scars, just a longer version of the one there currently.

    He said typically he advises people to be 10 pounds lighter than they prefer for surgery, but was told with my bone structure, which all got tape measured, that it was not something I needed to do.

    I also had a consult for breast augmentation as well, there would be a discount for the 2 together.

    But if I had them done individually

    stomach: $8000
    Breast: $4500

    together: $10,380

    but no separate recovery for each, just 2 weeks to go back to work on light duty after both.

    Was told push-ups and bench presses are NOT advised for a full year for optimal results on just the stomach surgery, and that depending on the type of placement for the breast augmentation, they are never advised due to capsular contraction and that it can if breast mass has decreased, like with dramatic weight loss, cause severe hardening of the breast and rippling. the horror pics shown were enough to convince me he wasn't kidding around on that.

    Was told I needed to maintain my weight as is for another 4 months before he would even consider booking me for a surgery for either procedure. I have been the same weight as now since roughly February.

    He also advised to track my menstrual cycles and plan the surgery to coincide with it ending and allow recovery before it starts again.

    all things considered, he was a very through doctor, easy in personality and inspired confidence.

    Price is something me and the hubs must talk about and me to continue to think about in addition to the surgery risks itself.

    Good luck to you, and happiness whatever your decision
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I certainly hope so...11 pounds until I book my consult! :)
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member

    This is a really informative/interesting account from a person only a few weeks post-op, with lots of photos.

    I'd cheerfully kick a puppy to look like her Before....they would need to take 5 to 8 pounds of skin off my abdomen. Watching this thread closely OP.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have just started reading your post and the replies and don't understand why you were/are so defensive at some helpful replies? I did not read anyone lecturing your or belittling your amazing intelligence or education. Why so negative to perfect strangers?

    Agreed. I was thinking the same thing.

    ^^^ I'm sorry, but when you put something out on a general forum on MFP, you're going to get some responses you may not like. That being said,, the only thing I would add is to make sure you're at goal and have the eating/exercise as a regular part of your life before undergoing surgery. I've seen A LOT of people develop addictions to painkillers as the result of cosmetic surgery, as I'm sure you've seen in your profession. You don't wanna go through the pain, narcotics, infection risks, complication risks, etc etc just to be right back where you started in 10 years.

    No, I haven't had a tummy tuck and at this point I will deal with the extra skin on my legs rather than risk surgery, but that's ME. I am, however, somebody who has kept her 70lbs off for over 20 years and working out is just as part of my day as brushing my teeth.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    My mom had 4 kids ( in 5 years!) and was at least my weight when we were young. now she is a super fox. with just hard work. i saw her try on a bikini for her last vacation and I swear I hope her genes are on my side. no surgery or anything. I would like to take the same route she did. there is hope for the future :)
  • karen8873
    karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
    I am scheduled for my tummy tuck on Wed morning! I lost 70lbs 8 years ago, and I have kept it off. I have had 3 C sections. The first 23 yrs ago, and the last 2 most recently- 4yrs ago and 14 months ago. My last baby being just under 9lbs left me with a good size split between my muscles (Diastasis Recti) Diet and exercise will not fix that nor will it get rid of loose sagging skin.

    Some people have better skin than others, But I'm not one of them. So this is the best choice for me. I have done my work, I eat right and workout and I have maintained a healthy weight for the past 8 years even after 2 more pregnancies. I deserve to be happy with how I look!
    I would be happy to share my upcoming experience with you ! Sending a friend request now .
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I haven't had one, but I definitely hope to eventually. I would take a scar (and the pain/risk) over hanging skin any day.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I am scheduled for my tummy tuck on Wed morning! I lost 70lbs 8 years ago, and I have kept it off. I have had 3 C sections. The first 23 yrs ago, and the last 2 most recently- 4yrs ago and 14 months ago. My last baby being just under 9lbs left me with a good size split between my muscles (Diastasis Recti) Diet and exercise will not fix that nor will it get rid of loose sagging skin.

    Some people have better skin than others, But I'm not one of them. So this is the best choice for me. I have done my work, I eat right and workout and I have maintained a healthy weight for the past 8 years even after 2 more pregnancies. I deserve to be happy with how I look!
    I would be happy to share my upcoming experience with you ! Sending a friend request now .

    Good luck. I dare say you probably won't feel too sore. My 2nd c-section had very little pain and I've heard tummy tucks are nothing compared to a section. I hope all goes well for you.

    edited to add: after my 1st section i can barely feel anything in my lower abdomenal area from the surgery that is why the 2nd one was easier heal time.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies to the OP.

    I am having one done on December 19 and although I realize the risks involved, I know it will change my life.
    I got up to 280lbs in 2005 when I was pregnant with twins, and I am now down in the 160's and my stomach is shot.

    I am taking 2 weeks off work (had to use holidays to get this done) and I am hoping it is enough. I have 2 friends who have had them and they think this is realistic time. Both said the first week sucked but it got better after that.

    My surgeon told me I will have a drain for 1-2 weeks, I will stay overnight after the procedure (some here do a day surgery), and that I will have to wear an undergarment for 2 months -- also can't do much more than walk in this time frame.

    I also realize it is not for weight loss and my surgeon won't operate on you if he doesn't think your weight is decent at the time. So I feel good about that. He said 'sure you can lose more weight, but you weight now is ok for the procedure' Unfortunately summer found me 10 lbs so working hard to get that off.

    Anyways once I have had it done I will post before/after pics.

    good luck

    eta: I have the separated ab muscles too, so those will be sewn back together... no amount of gym time will correct that or an apron. Some people just need to opt for it.
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member
  • fultimers
    fultimers Posts: 153 Member
    I read somewhere that some insurance companies would even pay for all or part of a surgery if the person had lost the weight and kept if off for at least one year.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    Its not just some "loose skin" .. if someone has enough of a low hanging stomach, that can cause severe rashes, and messed up skin underneath it.. getting rid of that can be for health reasons, not just so they can look prettier. That apron of skin can also interfere with walking and everyday movements.
  • Buffy2point0
    Buffy2point0 Posts: 31 Member
    I just had a Tummy Tuck after a loss of 111 lbs. Like yours, it was mostly skin, with a little muscle damage from two pregnancies. It has only been 3 days, I can't do pics yet. I had been around 100 lbs overweight for most of my adult life, and although some skin looks better after the loss and life changes, the "apron" (the hanging lower stomach) deflating only made me want to gain weight back because it looked better before it looked like a balloon that had been blown up and deflated over and over again.I plan on putting together a photo spread of the last 4 years of my journey, which will not be completely over until January after Brachioplasty (arm lift). Good luck to you. Find an excellent surgeon, get lots of references.