anyone up for a New Years Challenge?



  • SarahxNicole
    SarahxNicole Posts: 8 Member
    MEEE!!!! I want to try and lose 25lb by then....
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    ok, weighed myself today 203.0...that's 18 pounds to go.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    In! I need to set a number though.
  • I'm in....I have been dieting since April and have lost 25 lbs. Need to lose 10 more!!!
    So what do I have to do to keep track with all of you?
    SW :165
    CW: 140
    Goal: 130

    My weelky routine at the gym:

    I Run 2- 3X's per week ..4 miles
    Spin 2x's a week
    Yoga 1x a week
    In between I strength train 2x's per week

    Just turned 52 and feeling great:)
  • queeny1
    queeny1 Posts: 7 Member
    I want IN!! I have 14 lbs to loose and at about a lb a week New Years would be a great goal date! Is everybody going to log in daily?? I want the accountabillity with one another and NEED IT!!
  • My initial goal was Christmas, but I can easily give myself one more week to meet the goal. I am currently 323.4 (was 326.8 last week when I started). My goal is to get to 299 lbs by New Years. I have been weighing in on Mondays, but can easily change it to Friday's to make it match the last day of the month as well!
  • Count me in! This sounds great....just what I need!! I have 17 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight.

    We can do this y'all!!!! Good luck everyone!!
  • roxie_belle
    roxie_belle Posts: 45 Member
    oooooo can i join too???? i would like to lose 20lb by new year!!!
  • I want to join. This is the added push I needed. I want to lose 35 more pounds from now until new years eve!! My goal by new years eve is to weigh 195 or less. I weigh in on wednesdays and I am committed to posting an update every week.
  • honeybee709
    honeybee709 Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in as well! I've got 20lbs to lose by New Year's to keep up with my goals! Let's do it :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Today is my first weigh in- i have started last friday :) .
    So far i'm proud of myself- i have been logging in everyday, watching my kcls- worked out 5 days in the past week - burned a lots of kcls .. so i'm -2.5 for the first weigh in..

    how's everyone else doing ?
  • Hows everyone doing on their weight loss journey? I weigh in on Wednesday. I am excited, Ive been pushing myself this week, including 2 classes back to back one day at the gym. I had 1 day of pure mess up eating not good (yesterday), but I got up this morning and went walking for 90 minutes at 3.0 mph with a friend. New years will be here before we know it......
  • OMGG
    OMGG Posts: 44
    ME!!! new here, will update with weight etc..................... hopefully i will find this topic when i next login................. WOULD like to loose 14lbs But have loads to shed ...
    BE GOOD all:wink:
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to hit onederland by New Years.:bigsmile:
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    I am in too... I really am focused this time and need some support. I need to lose 38 pounds and have had a really hard time staying motivated. I started doing the P90 DVDs this week. Day one I thought I was going to pass out but yesterday was better...Drinking water seems to be hard for me too and I have switched out water for half my diet cokes (a huge accomplishment for me). My goal is to stick to water, move more and chart my foods everyday (this really is helping with my choices- I never realized how many calories I was eating in lunch alone)!
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    I am new and would like to join in the New Years challenge! I would love to lose 15 lbs by New Years.

    42, female
    CW: 176
    New Years: 161
    GW: 140

  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Okay it was TOM so no loss this week but I drank my water and made it to the gym:

    Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday for an hour each day

    I walked Monday and Friday..

    this week so far:
    Zumba this morning
    gym tomorrow
    gym Tuesday
    gym Wednesday
    gym Friday
    gym Saturday

    Rock on!!!

    How's everyone doing?
  • Count me in! I need the motivation to stay focused. Just starting to exercise tomorrow, going to try the C25K, not sure this big old body can take it but I really want to try!!!

    Goals: Drink MORE water!
    Eliminate Diet Soda
    Exercise 3x a week, min!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I am a tiny bit late :P

    Current weight: 74.5kg
    Goal weight: 80kg by 15/12/10

    Plan: 2700cals per day, 1g protein per lb BW.
    exercise: mma sessions x 2, resistance training x 2, HIIT session x 1 (possibly add some sprints depending on my knee)
    no alcohol until work xmas party on 10th Dec.
  • Count me in. Want to lose 18 lbs by New Years.
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