Man eats 12K Big Macs in 30 years



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have never tasted a Big Mac. It's weird, I know. I used to always get a Quarter Pounder.

    Ditto, actually. I've never had one.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    mmm Big Macs. Noms.
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    The article said 2 Big Mac meals. I'm assuming that means fries and a drink as well.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    "but, 'Supersize Me'..." - anonymous vegan

    Spurlock consumed an average of 20.92 megajoules or 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment.

    9.26 vs. 1-2. -not so anonymous vegetarian (eta: not trying to be too snarky, wasn't sure if you were quoting an anonymous vegan or you yourself are the not really anonymous vegan ;D)

    Also, cals in, cals out. Someone else did a Twinkie diet, and another did an "eat only at 7-11 convenience store" diet and both of them survived. Personally, I like my fruits and veggies ;D

    Or did he???

    ( among many other similar commentaries.)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    "but, 'Supersize Me'..." - anonymous vegan

    Spurlock consumed an average of 20.92 megajoules or 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment.

    9.26 vs. 1-2. -not so anonymous vegetarian (eta: not trying to be too snarky, wasn't sure if you were quoting an anonymous vegan or you yourself are the not really anonymous vegan ;D)

    Also, cals in, cals out. Someone else did a Twinkie diet, and another did an "eat only at 7-11 convenience store" diet and both of them survived. Personally, I like my fruits and veggies ;D

    Or did he???

    ( among many other similar commentaries.)

    Spurlock, Michael Moore, and Goebbels are all cut from the same cloth.

    they are/were PROPAGANDISTS. not scientists. not non-partisan. not intellectually honest.

    unfortunately, critical thinking skills are not taught in public schools and lots of folks reach adulthood without the slightest ability to discern if/when they are being deceived by propaganda. this is especially problematic when that propaganda reinforces that person's closely held beliefs/biases.

    it's no wonder the anti-McDonald's, anti-fast food, anti-meat, etc. crowd LOVES that crap film known as "Supersize Me" and treats it's conclusions as settled science. it reinforces their deeply held prejudices against the sort of food McDonald's serves.
  • I saw this on GMA last week. I want to know where to sign up because I LOVE BIG MACS. I haven't had one in a while. That will be my cheat meal one day. I just don't want to give up that many calories in a day!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    My gall bladder would leave my body screaming bloody murder. I like a Big Mac once in a while, but dayum. You would think he would get sick of them!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I have never tasted a Big Mac. It's weird, I know. I used to always get a Quarter Pounder.

    Ditto, actually. I've never had one.

    me neither. I'm excited to be in such distinguished company :bigsmile:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I love Big Macs :love:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I'm strongly considering a Big Mac today with my lunch instead of my usual Chipotle.

    (Maybe I'll just have one for dessert. Brilliant!)
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I think I'd die.... of boredom.

    Seriously, all nutrition considerations aside, wouldn't you just get sick to death of Big Macs?

    not if you love them you wouldn't. I LOVE pizza and I could eat it every single day without ever getting bored with it. As a matter of fact I love pizza so much I have trouble controlling my portions with it which is why I don't eat it every single day :tongue:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Rosinlof said he thinks the state of his health has to do with calories. He said a Big Mac meal is 930 calories, so if he eats two a day that is still less than 2,000 calories and he doesn't eat much more than that.

    30 years of little other than Big Mac and fries. :sick: :brokenheart:
  • My issue with McD's was never the calories, but the fact it's like salted cancer in a bun.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "but, 'Supersize Me'..." - anonymous vegan

    Isn't Dennis Rosinlof the guy that was in Supersize me? Or is there another guy famous for eating Big Macs every day?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    My issue with McD's was never the calories, but the fact it's like salted cancer in a bun.

    Sounds like an informed opinion
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    Yup I've also never eaten a Big Mac... I got quarter pounders whenever I went to McDonalds, which was rare enough, and yet I'm still sick of them. I like the McNuggets on the rare occasion I go now :P
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    My issue with McD's was never the calories, but the fact it's like salted cancer in a bun.

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Rosinlof said he thinks the state of his health has to do with calories. He said a Big Mac meal is 930 calories, so if he eats two a day that is still less than 2,000 calories and he doesn't eat much more than that.

    30 years of little other than Big Mac and fries. :sick: :brokenheart:

    Well, if he eats 3 meals/day, his schedule would lead to about half his meals being Big Mac meals. If he eats 2 meals/day, about 2/3 of his meals were Big Mac meals. He might be like the "twinkie diet" guy and eat a bunch of vegetables the other meals to make up the nutrition. My guess is nothing but Big Mac meals would lead to a variety of health problems. No veg other than iceberg lettuce and something that was probably a tomato once.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Rosinlof said he thinks the state of his health has to do with calories. He said a Big Mac meal is 930 calories, so if he eats two a day that is still less than 2,000 calories and he doesn't eat much more than that.

    30 years of little other than Big Mac and fries. :sick: :brokenheart:

    Well, if he eats 3 meals/day, his schedule would lead to about half his meals being Big Mac meals. If he eats 2 meals/day, about 2/3 of his meals were Big Mac meals. He might be like the "twinkie diet" guy and eat a bunch of vegetables the other meals to make up the nutrition. My guess is nothing but Big Mac meals would lead to a variety of health problems. No veg other than iceberg lettuce and something that was probably a tomato once.

    Don't forget the chopped veg in the secret sauce
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    He was on that supersize documentary I think. Funny because he is slim! I guess he must not consume many calories in total even though the big macs, or maybe he has a very physical job.