I binged today.

I binged on sweets today. I thought I was going to have only one red bean paste bun, but I ended up eating the entire bag of 9.


  • gshields89
    gshields89 Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone slips, just move forward. Tomorrow is a new day :)
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    what is a red bean paste bun? Sounds different.........

    Are you from the US?

    Sounds unusual, hopefully, not high in calories? But good luck as well, it happens ,just make goals that you can work towards and remeber, like the one lady said, tormorrow is a new day.........
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I was only going to have 2 chocolate chip cookies and ate the whole bag....360 calories. going to work up a sweat tonight and do better tomorrow. it happens to all of us don't feel bad
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Everyone slips. Don't beat yourself up about it, and go do some extra workout.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    As long as you enjoyed them its okay!

    Shake it off, move a bit more tomorrow and eat a little cleaner. Dont panic, this is a lifestyle change not a diet xx
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Remember the feeling you have now and use it as motivation to not binge again.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i LOVE these posts :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Don't buy 'em again if you'll binge on the whole lot next time.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    One of my brilliant MFP friends said to me "Let it go - your next meal is your way back".
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    One of my brilliant MFP friends said to me "Let it go - your next meal is your way back".

    wow, what a great saying.............Im going to use this next time it happens to me..............really a profound post........thank you
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Red bean buns ARE tasty. Are they the frozen kind that you have to steam? I know for a fact that they take ~15 minutes to steam so maybe next time just cook two for yourself and put the rest back in the freezer :) if you're finding them pre-made (I've never seen them that way so I apologize if I'm being silly), just get the frozen kind next time and use this method. It's a lot harder to overeat when you have to consciously prepare something to have another portion!
  • kallowat88
    kallowat88 Posts: 7 Member
    I was only going to have 2 chocolate covered almonds from the lady in the nexts offices goodie jar, and helped myself to about 20! Must move forward, its bound to happen! Everyone falls, just have to make sure and pick yourself up and continue on!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I do not want to offend anyone in regard to eating more than planned and definitely do not want to belittle BED. I wanted to ask for quite a while now on the subject of binging and clarify my perception.
    When I studied an MA in Nutritional Science 30 plus years ago I learned that " binging " means to ingest at least 2000 or more calories in one sitting ( about a two hour time period ) on top of what the normal daily calories are. I also learned that for an eating behavior to be called " binging " it has to occur on a weekly basis usually more than once.
    I also visited several times a OA group with a friend and when they spoke of binging they talked of eating 12 doughnuts, half a gallon of ice cream and a family size pizza in one sitting. My friend would eat a pizza, a big bucket of KFC with mashed potatoes, slaw, gravy and biscuits, a carton of ice cream and if that was not enough she would eat a package of cake mix dry with a spoon with a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup or a whole package of instant mashed potatoes. No one in that group ever spoke of binging when they ate just a few hundred calories more or when it only occurred occasionally
    Is the word binging used differently in the US culture ? Has the usage of the word in English changed in general over the last decades ?
    Since I joined MFP I have read a lot about binging in various threads, but no one really binges imo based on what I have learned....needless to say, I am somewhat confused.
  • Just call is a protein/carb load up day and keep moving forward :)
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    There is a great youtube video by Durian rider about emotional eating. Check it out.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    Just one tootsie roll = six tootsie rolls. Just one piece of salt water taffy = 6 pieces of salt water taffy. Yup. We all have days like that. We are only human. Can't change it. Can only move forward. :) Have a great rest of the week!!!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    what is a red bean paste bun? Sounds different.........

    Are you from the US?

    Sounds unusual, hopefully, not high in calories? But good luck as well, it happens ,just make goals that you can work towards and remeber, like the one lady said, tormorrow is a new day.........

    They're a Japanese food (& Chinese too, not sure where they originated) but available in the US at Asian grocery stores :) They're a little bread bun filled with a sweet red bean paste, quite tasty and filling but a bit calorie dense.
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    You learned your lesson! There is no way one can eat just ONE red bean paste anything. Are you kidding?! It´s like saying I´m gonna also eat just one mooncake. Silly girl. At least you had a delicious day today. Eat congee tomorrow, and you´ll be right back on track. Peace
  • I do not want to offend anyone in regard to eating more than planned and definitely do not want to belittle BED. I wanted to ask for quite a while now on the subject of binging and clarify my perception.
    When I studied an MA in Nutritional Science 30 plus years ago I learned that " binging " means to ingest at least 2000 or more calories in one sitting ( about a two hour time period ) on top of what the normal daily calories are. I also learned that for an eating behavior to be called " binging " it has to occur on a weekly basis usually more than once.
    I also visited several times a OA group with a friend and when they spoke of binging they talked of eating 12 doughnuts, half a gallon of ice cream and a family size pizza in one sitting. My friend would eat a pizza, a big bucket of KFC with mashed potatoes, slaw, gravy and biscuits, a carton of ice cream and if that was not enough she would eat a package of cake mix dry with a spoon with a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup or a whole package of instant mashed potatoes. No one in that group ever spoke of binging when they ate just a few hundred calories more or when it only occurred occasionally
    Is the word binging used differently in the US culture ? Has the usage of the word in English changed in general over the last decades ?
    Since I joined MFP I have read a lot about binging in various threads, but no one really binges imo based on what I have learned....needless to say, I am somewhat confused.

    I went to school for psychology and was taught the same thing. You are correct in the technical definition of binge eating disorder, but "binging" can also mean eating in excess against your personal desire or will. Meaning, if you eat something, or a lot of something, that you didn't want to, but you did it anyways to comfort yourself, then you were "binge eating". This is easy to determine based on how a person feels after they have eaten said food.
  • Devastatin
    Devastatin Posts: 2 Member
    I do not want to offend anyone in regard to eating more than planned and definitely do not want to belittle BED. I wanted to ask for quite a while now on the subject of binging and clarify my perception.
    When I studied an MA in Nutritional Science 30 plus years ago I learned that " binging " means to ingest at least 2000 or more calories in one sitting ( about a two hour time period ) on top of what the normal daily calories are. I also learned that for an eating behavior to be called " binging " it has to occur on a weekly basis usually more than once.
    I also visited several times a OA group with a friend and when they spoke of binging they talked of eating 12 doughnuts, half a gallon of ice cream and a family size pizza in one sitting. My friend would eat a pizza, a big bucket of KFC with mashed potatoes, slaw, gravy and biscuits, a carton of ice cream and if that was not enough she would eat a package of cake mix dry with a spoon with a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup or a whole package of instant mashed potatoes. No one in that group ever spoke of binging when they ate just a few hundred calories more or when it only occurred occasionally
    Is the word binging used differently in the US culture ? Has the usage of the word in English changed in general over the last decades ?
    Since I joined MFP I have read a lot about binging in various threads, but no one really binges imo based on what I have learned....needless to say, I am somewhat confused.

    Perspective is everything. A clinical definition usually doesn't translate well to a layman's term.

    Binging is synonymous with overeating. Generally without intent. At least this is my perspective.

    I overeat while on holiday, I binged on a bag of potato chips this afternoon.