any one lost 100lbs in a year, with out surgery?



  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    100 pounds, as of today! That's since December 22nd last year, so well within the year. No surgery whatsoever, all diet and exercise.

    Still got another 60 or so to lose I'd say, but not sure exactly as I want to be a healthy weight whatever it is with enough muscle to be fit but not overly-muscular.
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    It's possible, but probably not a good idea. 2lbs a week is definitely gonna cut into your muscle and you certainly don't want to lose any muscle. I suggest aiming for a 500 calorie deficit with a proper exercise program including strength training, cardio and proper nutrition with enough protein to sustain your muscle mass. If you do things right you will see results in the mirror that amaze you.

    Therefore perfectly possible....... 2lbs a week x 52 weeks in a year = 104lbs..... maybe you get your birthday and Christmas off???!!! Tee hee :wink: :laugh:

    I'm sure most places you look.... 2lbs a week is the recommended amount... or am I being silly??? :noway:
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    my sister law did it. YOU CAN TOO!!!! she lost 150 lbs in about 18 mo. it gets slower in the end. she had a personal trainer and carefully watched her diet (she kept a log of everything that went into her mouth) I think having a goal is what made the difference. I watched her yoyo for years now she has been healthy for 2 + years.
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    my sister law did it. YOU CAN TOO!!!! she lost 150 lbs in about 18 mo. it gets slower in the end. she had a personal trainer and carefully watched her diet (she kept a log of everything that went into her mouth) I think having a goal is what made the difference. I watched her yoyo for years now she has been healthy for 2 + years.
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    my sister law did it. YOU CAN TOO!!!! she lost 150 lbs in about 18 mo. it gets slower in the end. she had a personal trainer and carefully watched her diet (she kept a log of everything that went into her mouth) I think having a goal is what made the difference. I watched her yoyo for years now she has been healthy for 2 + years.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    YES! It IS possible! I did it. I was huge and unhappy, around 310 lbs. One day something in my head just shifted, and I decided that I was going to stop making excuses and become the person I always wanted to be. I started exercising like a mad man, but nothing happened. When I finally committed 100% and made the dietary changes that needed to be made, the weight started falling off. Once I had a taste of success, I just got more and more motivated. More dietary changes, more cardio, sometimes around 2 hrs/day, had me losing up to 1 lb/day when I was around 250-275 lbs. Things kept getting better and better until I reached 100 lbs. lost within 12 months of when I started.

    The last 20 lbs. or so are usually the hardest, but it is 100% possible. If you eat like the person you want to be, you WILL become that person eventually!
  • LosingLbsAndGainingConfidence
    It's possible, but probably not a good idea. 2lbs a week is definitely gonna cut into your muscle and you certainly don't want to lose any muscle. I suggest aiming for a 500 calorie deficit with a proper exercise program including strength training, cardio and proper nutrition with enough protein to sustain your muscle mass. If you do things right you will see results in the mirror that amaze you.

    That's where a lot of people get it mixed up..2-3lbs a week is fine for someone who is considered "obese" ..that rule of thumb is for a person who is about 170 or less..which when you're around that size it's hard to lose that much a week anyways..And that information has came from multiple Dr's of mine..but anywho

    I've lost 53lbs in 3 months..So i'm sure 100 in a yr is very possible..I hope to lose 80 by Jan 1..which will be a 80 lbs in a total of 7 months I defiantly hope to hit 100 (...hopefully more) by my year
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    100 pounds, as of today! That's since December 22nd last year, so well within the year. No surgery whatsoever, all diet and exercise.

    Still got another 60 or so to lose I'd say, but not sure exactly as I want to be a healthy weight whatever it is with enough muscle to be fit but not overly-muscular.

    Congratulation on the big 100!!!!!! you are great!!!!!
    : )
  • andermt
    andermt Posts: 5 Member
    Has anyone out there lost 100lbs with our having surgery? I have a goal of that, and I want to know if it is realistic or not.

    As others have said, yes it is. (see ticker below)

    I started my diet/ lifestyle change on the 6th March this year, all being well I'll have lost over 100lbs in the next week or so.
  • GrayJohn
    Yes it's totally possible. I did it through hard work, determination and sweat. Lots of it!! Totally do-able. Kick those nasty fat cells!!
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    I'm there too. I was told about the surgery and there is a possiblity it may still happen. I have a few comorbitities with my obesity. My BMI is 36. I've learned that it's not just about loosing the weight. It's about loosing it and keeping it off. Keeping it off is the hardest part, even after surgery (so I'm told). You have to restructure your life to accomodate your healthy eating goals. Also find out why you eat the foods you do and what are your triggers. I write in the notation box to keep track of my feelings. I'm an emotional eater. I just need to learn to tame that carb monster in me that gets me into so much trouble! I'm with you....we can do this.

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  • squishyfishy
    Wow what a thread, well done everyone and if this thread isn't inspiration I don't know what is. Very impressed!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Put me on the list. No surgery and 100+ in less than a year and maintained for last 4 months.

    Going to run my first 5k race in November
  • michaelsdavies
    michaelsdavies Posts: 47 Member
    I've lost 110lbs since Jan 17 this year, so maybe 8 and a half months. Everyone loses at different speeds, but I'm sure it's possible for anyone to lose 100lbs in a year. Good luck, and keep us all posted!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Well I am at almost my 6 month mark of this weight loss journey and I have lost 47 I do think it is possible.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I think it's possible - it's all about how committed you are. I'm not there yet, but 95 days into mfp and I'm down 42 lbs - pretty good start I think. Good luck!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Check out the Black Team thread.......we have 3 or 4 ppl who have lost 100-150 pounds with MFP diet and exercise alone.

    One competed in a triathalon last year
    One just did a 10K and the other did a 1/2 marathon!!

    It can and has been done with dedication. Little by little. Pound by pound.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I did, February 1, 2010 , I weighed 341, and had hi blood pressure

    I did, October 4, 2010, I weighted 239 and am getting off the blood pressure medicine, its now normal

    You can do it and I had no surgery. Now, what to do with the 19, 000 I saved by not having any surgery........mmm, Lots of ideas

    I wish you the best, just stay focused. I did it for health reasons, not so much to look the ultimate, I was kinda in a fight for my life...that high blood pressure was really scarry.........Also, diabetes 2 is out of control in our society ,fortunately, I dont have any problems, my sugars are excellent, but, the city I live in is now # 1 as far as costs of dealing with Diabetes 2..........thats enough to "motivate me"

    Ive never been healthier in the last 10 years or so, I feel awesome and its a feeling you cant imagine....I love it, I love it.....

    You can do it, just log in every day and take an interest in the rest of your life.............Good luck, Lloyd
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I lost 105 in a year. The first 60 fell off and then the last bit took a while. I just had to keep going till the end.
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