Constipation help?



  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    I eat black beans in water(drain water) nearly every meal time. Oat bran by mornflakes 100% oat bran high fiber,where as oats gave me constipation.

    Failing this I would go for "Fybogel" which is Ispaghula husk also there is "senokot hi-firber" another Ispaghula husk.

    and then there is "psyllium husk"

    Failing these there is "castor oil" and Lemon juice with luke warm water.

    Figs and prunes.

    these are all natural health foods to help you ease constipation if these all fail then I would see your DR.

    Happy bowel movements :)
  • Morn66
    More fat. Cook with olive or coconut oil.

    Ditch dairy entirely.

    Get your calcium from greens instead, which will give you fiber and vitamins and minerals, too. Dried fruits like prunes, raisins, and apricots are also good for that, as well as giving you a decent dose of potassium.

    Eat whole grains for more fiber.

    Occasionally swap out meat for beans/lentils or quinoa for a good protein + fiber hit.

    Balance your fiber intake with enough water (but not too much; yes, it is possible to drink too much water), and make sure you're getting proper amounts of electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

    If this doesn't work and the problem persists, see a doctor. A change in bowel habits, especially if it's come on suddenly, can be a sign of something nasty.
  • Hairhacker
    Hairhacker Posts: 174 Member
    I have the same problem. The two things that have helped more than diet ( adding fruits and veggies) is WATER and WALKING!! It's been like a miracle for me. I have upped my water intake daily and started walking daily (4-6 miles), and now I also poop daily :) Unless you have had serious issues with this you could never understand how happy this makes me! lol
  • likleylad
    likleylad Posts: 30 Member
    I take brown linseed seeds , I mix them in
    My porridge on a morning , they are great
    Can't do without them
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    I have taken up the habit of using colace only on the weekends to make sure I am emptying my bowels at least once a week. I usually go more but it keeps me from feeling bloated and backed up.

    I have the issue at times because of my medications, and the use of colace is a safe option for most people. I would talk to your doctor though. Sometimes they'll advise you over the phone.

    Sometimes, also, and I know this sounds gross but... Sometimes peristalsis gets stalled and you just have to trigger it to start. Inserting a finger into your rectum could trigger the outward push for your poo.

    This worries me - you can potentially cause yourself a vagal problem... not something you want to do and pass out on the pot, and hurt your head or something. PLEASE DON'T do this unless instructed to and trained the correct method by your healthcare provider! Many of the above methods are super, natural and should be tried first. Food, Miralax, stool softeners etc, are not thought to cause dependence, are safe, and may take a while before they work. For a true impaction, see your doc.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Activia yogurt might help?
  • XxAngry_Pixi
    XxAngry_Pixi Posts: 236 Member
    1 Tbs of olive oil, works a charm and will up your healthy fat intake.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Okay, I can see a serious problem occurring here!
    Please stop reading everyone's advice on here and go see a doctor, seriously.
    There are some medical conditions in which side effects include constipation. There are some of these medical conditions, in which, if you follow the advice of people on here you are going to make it worse.
    For example, if you have IBS-C and you follow the advise given "eat more fat" and several other comments given here of food that should not be eaten with IBS-C you are going to make things worse.
    Please do yourself a favor and do not follow ANY of the advise given here until you have talked to a doctor. I don't know where you live but in most places, with a little research, you should find a doctor that'll only run you around $50. Money well worth investing in yourself!!
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    you could have a serious problem and you should talk with your doctor

    preferably before you try fingering your butt or eating mexican food
  • julieawill
    I agree on making sure you are taking in the proper amounts of fiber and water. ALSO, consume your healthy fats. VERY important to have a good balance. I haven't looked at your diary, but one of the main things our fitness guru says about nutrition is to limit your protein shakes to just one or two scoops per day, and make sure the rest of your diet comes from foods that you eat. Try to avoid packaged foods with 27 ingredients, and use actual foods to create your own meals. This way you can make sure your body gets everything it needs and nothing that it doesn't.
  • Morn66
    Okay, I can see a serious problem occurring here!
    Please stop reading everyone's advice on here and go see a doctor, seriously.
    There are some medical conditions in which side effects include constipation. There are some of these medical conditions, in which, if you follow the advice of people on here you are going to make it worse.
    For example, if you have IBS-C and you follow the advise given "eat more fat" and several other comments given here of food that should not be eaten with IBS-C you are going to make things worse.
    Please do yourself a favor and do not follow ANY of the advise given here until you have talked to a doctor. I don't know where you live but in most places, with a little research, you should find a doctor that'll only run you around $50. Money well worth investing in yourself!!

    Well, we've only got what the OP says to go on. IIRC -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- IBS tends to cause a good deal of pain and discomfort along with constipation and/or diarrhea, yes? The OP says that this has been going on for years, and if one has been in a good deal of pain for years, I'd think that one would mention it. The OP also seemed more concerned about the constipation affecting weight loss, I assume because of the weight of the bunged-up poo. Again, if I were suffering pain from IBS, I wouldn't be worrying so much about weight loss.

    So, in the absence of clear indications of other IBS symptoms, it makes sense for people to advise dietary changes to see if this alleviates the problem the OP is having. And most also advocated seeing a doctor if the problem persist after logical dietary changes of increasing fat and fiber intake. Even if the OP has IBS, increasing fat intake to see if it helps constipation isn't going to kill them. Might make them (more) uncomfortable, temporarily, yes and that won't necessarily be pleasant, but it won't kill them. And it could actually be diagnostic in the sense of pointing them at what might be the problem if they do a little research. It could also help a doctor diagnose them properly, if they subsequently see one. Which, again, most of the people responding advocated.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I would be off to see a doctor first of all. There could be underlying issues going on there. Get some professional advice and then go from there.
  • wintersand87
    wintersand87 Posts: 6 Member
    yucky! ive had many nights of the mag citrate, nasty salty taste in my mouth with foamy feeling guts..I have chronic constipation too .I have been hospitalized for it many times with pains that feel like either my gallbladder or appendix is going bad with the way the cramping gets to me. what helps me is..... starting my day with plain black coffee, trying to eat 1 salad everyday. whether its breakfast lunch dinner or snack eat a salad. I do get tired of a salad everyday but I think of it as my medication because it works! probiotic yogurts ( banana is my fav), eat a couple prunes through the week and yes drink your water!! its very important for constipated ppl to drink their water. when u get sick of drinking plain water add just a little lemon or a splash of koolaid just for some flavor! these are just suggestions. I hope u find what works for you. if your going to eat fiber tabs drink even more water. too much fiber with not enough water can make matters worse!!
  • mellieinkc
    Thanks everyone! Just so you know this has been going on for years and I have been to several doctors with no help at all.

    I tried the coconut oil that several of you suggested and BOY did that work! I couldn't believe it! It actually worked a little too well which is just crazy because NOTHING does that. I am shocked and amazed and grateful. I hope it lasts! Now I just need to find the right amount.

    Again, thank you to everyone who responded with advise and concern. I cannot believe after years of suffering I might have found and easy natural cure. I am tickled pink!! :happy:
  • Kimsoontobe
    Kimsoontobe Posts: 110 Member
    I drink green tea daily.
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    These are some great suggestions!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I know this is really personal, but I am really struggling with constipation and the only thing that works is Magnesium Citrate in a bottle that you drink before surgery! I have tried supplements, more fiber, more water, more activity even laxatives and NOTHING works. I do not want to take something that is addictive. I think this is also part of the reason my weight lose has stalled which is making me really discouraged. Does anyone have any long term advise? I have had this issue for years and I need something natural that can help me be truly regular. Thanks for any advise you can provide.

    Just had a wee look at your diary and you eat almost no vegetables. The apples are nice but apples can be binding. so can bananas. ie they're something you give to a kid with diarrhoea. :D

    You need to medicinally have 2 cups of coleslaw every evening. Yup. Three even. No, just 2. And if you haven't started coming back online by the end of 3 days I'd say you have a serious medical issue eg prolapsed bowel, etc. I've never known the cabbage attack to fail.

    If you hate cabbage, try to work out what you do like. Vegetables are really very enjoyable once you get to know them. Carrots can be eaten just grated, with orange juice. There are things you can do to enjoy them more. I like raisins in my coleslaw by the way: cabbage, carrots, raisins and coleslaw dressing.

    Otherwise, two whole kiwifruit a day. You really do need to avoid chemicals, and just give your body enough bulk to push things through. If you eat concentrated foods they shrink down to nothing in the bowel. Eat some unconcentrated ones. :)
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Definitely try two Kiwifruit a day one in the morning and one at night. My doctor told me to do that a couple of weeks back when I was having issues and it really is working well for me. I prefer to gold ones but either will do the same job.
  • shenson2522
    shenson2522 Posts: 45 Member
    Have you tried prunes?
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I know this is really personal, but I am really struggling with constipation and the only thing that works is Magnesium Citrate in a bottle that you drink before surgery! I have tried supplements, more fiber, more water, more activity even laxatives and NOTHING works. I do not want to take something that is addictive. I think this is also part of the reason my weight lose has stalled which is making me really discouraged. Does anyone have any long term advise? I have had this issue for years and I need something natural that can help me be truly regular. Thanks for any advise you can provide.

    When I had this issue awhile back I went to the health food store to pick up lunch and decided to look around for some 'smooth move tea' which I couldn't find, so I bucked up and asked an associate of the store to help me with my 'issue'. She recommended taking Magnesium supplements (not citrate like b4 surgery) 2xs a day ... I take a 750mg supplement in the morning with my other breakfast supplements and one at dinner time. Works wonders!

    BTW ... eating from fiber (veggies and fruits) should help as well. BUT stay away from the 'flower' veggies (ie: Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, etc) as my doctor said that over eating these types of veggies will cause constipation.