Is 150lbs still too heavy for a 5'4" person?



  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    I think it is a very reasonable target weight. You can always readjust your goal if you wish when you get there. Two people of the same height and weight can be so different in their shape/how they carry it. The most important thing is you are both healthy and happy in your own skin.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    i don't get the logic. if you can lose 82 lbs you can lose 100 lbs. 132 isn't even that light for someone 5'4" and female.

    but, you should set a lot of small goals and then work your way from there. try to lose 10 lbs first, then 15, then 22, etc. don't have a goal of 82 lbs right off the bat. you need to build up to 82 lbs. start with 10 lbs.

    once you get to 150, reevaluate your goal of 132. i guarantee when you are at 150 you will know that 132 is a realistic goal (especially since you've lost 82 lbs already).

    you don't get the logic because you haven't factored in body fat percentage. You can't just pick any weight inside the BMI range and expect to be healthy at that weight. It does not take into account frame size or muscle mass (body fat percentage does, as it tells you how much of your weight is fat)

    I'm 5'1" and 130lb, and I'm currently around 22% body fat. My lean body mass (i.e. what I'd weigh if you surgically removed all the fat from me) is about 101lb.

    about 13% body fat in women is essential fat - i.e. you can't lose this fat without health consequences.

    At 13% body fat I'd weigh 116lb - at 13% body fat I'd look like a female bodybuilder, i.e. extreme muscle definition, maybe popping veins, etc. Bodybuilders don't maintain their contest weights year round, because this low level of body fat is not healthy in the long term, it also requires extreme eating and training to maintain. Usually they let their body fat percentage go up to around 17% off season.

    At 17% body fat I'd weigh 122lb - at this percentage I'd look very lean and toned, and still probably have a little muscle definition but nowhere near as much as at 13% body fat

    At 20% body fat I'd weigh 126lb. At 20% women generally look fit and toned, but don't have definition. This body fat percentage is still in the low end of the healthy range. The healthy range goes up to 28%.

    It is possible for me to starve myself enough so my weight is in the low end of the BMI range for my height (the range is 100-132lb) - but given that my lean body mass is currently 101lb, and that 0% body fat equals death, that there is no way I can get down to the low end of the BMI range for my height without starving off at least 20lb of lean body mass. That means letting my muscles waste away and letting my bone density decrease to the point where I'd risk getting osteoporosis. At this weight, I'd look starved and incredibly unhealthy. Given that my ribs stick out already at 22% body fat (because I have a big rib cage), I'd hate to think how much they'd stick out if I weighed 105lb. It's a scary thought!!! And losing that amount of lean body mass is never healthy.

    So what I'm saying is that you can't just say if you can lose 82lb you can lose 100lb.... that's not correct at all. You can lose weight until your body fat percentage is at the low end of the healthy range, after that you would be seriously damaging your health if you attempt to continue to lose weight. BMI is not a reliable indicator of how much you should weigh. A large framed person would be unhealthy in the low end of the BMI range (as I've demonstrated with my own numbers) - a small framed person would probably still be obese (according to body fat percentage) at the high end of the BMI range.

    Which is why everyone should base their goal weight on their body fat percentage, not just pick any random number in the BMI range.

    Here's a way to calculate body fat percentage, they also have a goal body weight calculator, based on body fat percentage <-- I used this to calculate what I'd weigh at the various body fat percentages I mentioned above. You simply put in your weight, current body fat percentage, and what your goal body fat percentage is, and it gives you your goal weight.

    ETA: there are more accurate ways to measure body fat percentage than this, but this method is not too bad to get a general idea of your goal weight, you can always adjust it as you go along. Also, any one method of measuring body fat percentage used consistently will show you your progress, even if the numbers aren't 100% accurate. For more information on body fat percentage, including what women look like at different body fat percentages (so you can see what look you want and aim for the same body fat percentage) see Leigh Peele's blog and free download about body fat percentage.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'4" and lost 125 lbs before joining MFP. I spent 2 years at the 143-148 range. I have recently decided to lose another 10 lbs. any lose skin that is going to tighten up has done so already and I still have quite a bit of flab, so it's time to try to finish this up.

    In regards to BMI, there are lots of issues with this scale, as one size does not fit all. I carry most of my fat in my belly area, which is the most concerning kind. Research that I have done suggests a waist size of 34" or lower for women to not be in any risk categories. So I'm looking to reduce my waist size, and any other inches that want to go along with it. :-)

    So I would suggest, like many others, get to your goal, then reassess. Maybe even consult your dr to see what they think would be a healthy weight for you (although mine went strictly by BMI - meh!)

    Good luck. And great job on your success so far.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Please keep in mind, a lot of people here are looking to wear bikinis and look like fitness models. Not everyone wants to spend the amount of time to achieve that. I certainly don't.

    I'm 5'4". My doctor wants me to weight 170. I'd like to weight 150, since that's how much I weigh to wear a size eight.

    Everyone is different. I think there's WAY too much obession with the number and not enough with how YOU feel. To hell with anyone who says you need to be thinner. You need to take care of you!

    Good luck!
  • JennNH12
    JennNH12 Posts: 56
    I am 5'2. My goal is 145. I am very muscular and really want to maintain my muscle. I need this bulk of muscle for all the hard jobs I do. Plus, I love being strong as an ox. If I set my goal for the "healthy" weights that they say someone my height should be I would be to thin and not very strong. At my height they are saying between 101lbs and 136lbs. Since I grew to be my tallest in high school I have weighed anywhere from 108 to 220. Neither of these extreme numbers fit me :) I think I would rather be 220lbs than 108 infact! Its all in your body type I would say. I look at my Mom and Sis. One is 5ft the other is 5'1". They both have small bone frames. I think even they would look silly at 101lbs!! LOL. I have a bigger bone structure than them. I am a GIANT compared to those two. For my medium bone structure and height and the fact that I want to maintain my muscle I think 145 should be perfect for me. So, saying all that.......I guess it depends on your body structure. Are you small, medium or bigger boned? I would set your goal more on how you feel and look when you get closer to 150lbs. I am going to do the same. Considering how much muscle I want to keep, even 145 might be to little for me.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Although the thread is 2 years old, going to share my 2 cents in case others are this height and asking the same thing.

    I'm 5'4 and in the last weight loss got down to 145. I still felt chunky but I was doing mostly cardio and not focusing on building muscle. It's still considered in the overweight category by BMI, but the average doctors I had seen previously to losing that weight had always been happy if I got down to 160. I had never been "thin" so I didn't know how I'd feel at that weight, and still felt like the "fat girl".

    It's definitely how you feel at that weight. I'd be happy myself this time around and then looking at toning. If I got down smaller great, if not it's okay too. I was mostly fitting in 10s and some 8s. That time I was still wanting to go lower just was a long road. This time around that size I'd be happy to be back at.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It really varies based on body type. The range can be quite wide.
    My wife is 5'10. She weighed 125 when I met her. And she did not look skeletal. But someone with a different frame would.
    As other point out it comes down to what we are comfortable with.
    Same holds true for dudes.
    I looked skeletal at 165 and 6'. But I've some 6' dudes that look ripped at 145.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I'm 5'5 and the doc says I need to be like 129. I have never been anywhere near that small and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
  • cristina_marie
    I don't think 100 lbs in unrealistic at all! As long as YOU put in the work, commit, and stay consistent, there is NO reason why you can't reach 132 lbs. NO REASON! However is is smart to go for small goals to help us reach the bog one. For right now, worry about losing 5 pounds. 5 pounds at a time will get you that 100. Plus, this will help you from becoming discouraged. It will take time and patience, hard work and determination, but YOU CAN DO IT!
    I think (and this has been working for me, and helped my mom and best friend lose 60 & 75lbs) do 5lbs at a time(goal) with a larger goal of getting into the hundreds, then go 10 lbs at a time until you reach 150, then from there go back to 5lbs until you get to about 140-135.
    Find your soul mate workout (I started with ChaLEAn Exetreme and lost 13 inches), eat clean, lean and green, lower carbs and you'll get there!
    You CAN do it!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    At 5'2" and 135 lbs I had rolls of fat (muffin top) and was too big. I can't imagine what I might have looked like at 150 lbs.
  • klhessling
    klhessling Posts: 48 Member
    I've always gone with the formula of 100lbs for 5' tall plus 5lbs for each inch in height above that. I'm 5'7" and feel best at 135lbs. Works for me and I have a medium sized frame.
  • Yvonnem7
    Yvonnem7 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 150 and 5'4, I do not like my weight in my opinion I look much better at 130 or lower. Clothes look better on me at a lower weight. Good luck, its a hard road to get there but it can be done.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Set the goal where you believe it should be. If you've not recently been anywhere near the goal weight, *be willing to modify it* when you get down there. You may find at 150 you're completely happy and don't want to be any thinner or you may find that you need to drop a few more lbs. Listen to your body.

    According to BMI your end weight should be somewhere between 108-145 lbs. Those are "normal weights" for someone of 25 years of age and 5'4" tall. Of course yours may be slightly higher or lower than those specified based on body shape and muscle mass (especially as you move towards your goal and train for things like tough mudder.)

    Edit: For what it's worth you run a mile 4m faster than I can get through a mile. ;)
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Small steps. Work in 10% goals and as you get closer reassess how you feel. I'm 5'6 and about 137pounds and I'm not where I want to be yet.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Im 5'1" & I started out at 167 & put 132 as my goal weight (highest weight in healthy bmi) then I plan on working from there. I set something realistic so I don't get too discouraged. You're doing great! And 150 is very realistic!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I am 5'5" & aiming for either 150 or 140.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    lol exactly! I always think.. i'm just 150 and being told i'm at risk for disease.... really? just 4lbs off from being "normal" weight....?? c'mon!

    Man tiff, you're a necromancer.
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    I think 150 is great. Like one other person said earlier, get there and re-evaluate. Also, you are the best judge of whether your bone structure and inherent frame work is slight or large. I am 5ft 2" and weight 128 lbs. And yet I look as if another 5-8 lbs can easily be lost, as I have the misfortune of having larger shoulders and wider waist. So depending on your overall structure, you will be able to assess where you should be with your final goal.

    But great job so far! :) 18 lbs lost already. You are the right track...
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 150 lbs is my goal.

    I'll know once I get there if it's still to heavy for me.
    Really depends more on my BF% and body composition.

  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    I'm 5'3" (f) and my doctor wants me to hit a range of 155-165, even though the charts say anywhere from 111 to 147.