Staying off booze for a month



  • darimarie
    darimarie Posts: 1 Member
    I think I'm ready to quit for a while, also. Last night I went out with some friends and had two drinks (I'm a 5'0" female who doesn't drink a lot... so that's PLENTY for me), and while the alcohol itself has never really been a problem for me, it's what I do AFTERWARD. The drinks fit in my calories, but I'm sure the french fries, mozzarella sticks, and chicken fingers I split with my friends at 3am probably didn't. So I'm ready to go sober for a month too! Let's do it :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Deffnitly helps!! I was a heavy beer drinker... I switched to wine and with that I drank WAYYYY less. (i know its not giving it up compeltely) but I still saw major changes in my body and I felt incredible!!!!

    Sorry Im frozen I cant spell/type today.<3 Goodluck!!
    And for me with my vanity 5LBs I stopped having wine for a month, and lost .5lbs. :-)
    I have it on weekends and special occasions. As with most things: what's sustainable for you is what will work.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    You can either drink, or eat in a caloric deficit, tough to do both. I chose food and feel so much better for it. I do enjoy a little vodka. club soda with lime, while camping. it's not often we camp, so no problem.
  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    I've been off the booze for about a month now (apart from last night - ooops...). I wanted to throw everything at a new effort to shape up and lose weight. To be honest, I am disappointed that there wasn't a noticable difference as I enjoy drinking with friends and it was a significant change to my lifestyle!

    So I think I'm going to add it back in - but as others say, trying as much as possible to keep within my calorie count and not go mental.
  • k1o2r3i4
    k1o2r3i4 Posts: 33 Member
    I've cut back on booze a lot. I now only have a few drinks on Friday and Sat nights. No beer or hard liquor - mostly red wine. I'm not worried about the calories because I count them into my daily calories, but my problem is that if I drink too much, I make bad choices like eating a ton late at night and then end up feeling hung over and depressed the next day and not able to do workouts. I like to have a few drink so I set a realistic limits for myself- so far so good.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Yes, I have, and no, it didn't. As long as the net amount stayed the same it made no difference. I don't really buy into the can't enjoy a night out unless you're wasted ethos so I'm not a serial weekend binger, but giving up an occasional nice wine or a social single malt tasting session forever for no perceivable benefit didn't really seem worth it.

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