Those last few pounds



  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    The final 2-4kg (5lbs+) that were really hard to shift at the end of a 30lb or so weight loss are the same 5lb or so that I still gain and lose repeatedly in maintenance.

    I think sometimes your body knows you've reached the right weight.

    I still have some work to do reducing body fat % and generally staying on top of overall fitness. And that work is ongoing, something that's easy to overlook when you have your sights fixed on a weightloss goal.
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    I went through this same thing a couple of months ago. I was doing fine until I had about 3lbs to go. Then I would jump up and down in weight never quite losing them. This went on for about 6 weeks. I had recalculated my calories as mentioned before in this thread and it took about 50 calories off my daily goal. In trying to keep under that goal, I would end up hungry and frustrated with no weight loss.

    In response to a suggestion I UPPED my calories by about 110 per day and those last lbs finally came off. Now, I know this may not work in every situation. I am just relating my story.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If you think about this as FOREVER - i.e., you go from a deficit to maintain - you're here already. You just keep slowly losing - or not - at the end.

    BTW - on age. I never thought I would be but I am 54 and back to my age 20 weight. I expect I'll get lower, although I might not if I build muscle instead of just losing. I'm still losing inches, just not weight.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Hey, u have done really well. Like many others on this post I am also nearly at goal weight. If u don't mind me saying 20 is near to the lower end of a healthy bmi so I think u must be about right. I also understand the whole bmi thing about muscle weighing more than fat, there was a guy who posted on another thread and he had an obese bmi but was very hench and muscular, he weighed loads because of his muscles! So please don't get hung up on bmi.

    Anyway, I have recently been successful with eating like a pig at the weekend and the being good in the week, it seemed to work nicely and someone told me it worked because my body was used to its usual calorie intake and then got shocked by my splurge of yumminess. I guess it was my version on a 5:2 diet thingy.

    I hope this helps!!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    LoriVaughn69, I looked in your diary, and you are consistently eating under 1200 cal/dayl. Also, you skip breakfast. You need to eat more, and eat the most important meal of the day!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    The last pounds are the absolute hardest. But I know, for me, my problem is my diet and not working out as much as I should. I have let myself slip up and I know it could be worse. I am still counting but my decisions aren't the best at the moment. I need to kick my butt back into gear and not give in so easily to temptations.. getting married in May and I have let myself get way to comfortable pigging out with my fiance ;)
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    LoriVaughn69, I looked in your diary, and you are consistently eating under 1200 cal/dayl. Also, you skip breakfast. You need to eat more, and eat the most important meal of the day!

    Nope, not going to eat breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning, I enjoy my two cups of coffee and that keeps me full until lunchtime. Instead of breakfast I have a late night snack consider that my breakfast! :-)

    As for my calories...I know, I know. I seem to be stuck in panic mode about my food intake. I enjoyed August too much and now that my goal is in sight I've gotten really fanatical about reaching it. I'm petrified to eat more. And then there are weekends...I often save my calories during the week for the inevitable drinking that seems to occur. The problem is if nothing occurs, then I've saved my calories for nothing. I know I have a problem and the pendulum has gone too far the other way now....I've got to bring it back to center.
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member

    1. Change your workout routine. Particularly if you aren't incorporating lifting weights. Lifting, particularly heavy lifting, does more to help the fat loss process than almost anything else you can do.

    2. Eat more food. Most people that are stuck are better served eating more than less. Not always, but if you are very low, and have been eating low for some time, you might help the process by eating more not less. Find out what your TDEE is if you have not already, and compare it to your current daily goal.

    3. Change the cardio workouts you have been doing. When exercise routines get stale you are better served to find something that energizes you. The more enthusiastic about your exercises, the better. We spend less time talking ourselves out of exercises we like.

    4. Eat more protein. Again, this is a generalization, but most people eat far too little protein in their diet. And this can have a big impact on the "final product" as many people find they lose weight but lose a lot of muscle as well in the process.

    5. Have a Protein/carb drink (or meal) within 30 minutes of your exercising, particularly hard exercising. Help your body by giving it the fuel to rebuild the muscles you've been tearing down in your workout.

    6. Find friends, or a group, where you will get real feedback. Text people who know what they are doing and pick their brains. The info is out there, and you are close!

    THIS!! Everything. You guys need to up your calories and give your body more than a week to change at this point. I'm in the same boat as you. Up your calories so you get closer to your maintaining weight calorie goals. Your body needs more fuel, not less.