Southern Chicks/Guys United!

Hello all!

I am in the process of dropping some and just everyday life has packed on the pounds--I definitely packed on more than the "freshmen 15" and I am here to chunk all those pounds away...please feel free to add me!

Oh yes, I am from down south so we all know how southern cooking is :( haha


  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Bama girl here :)

    Um, I've been out of nursing school for almost two years, and I'm still trying to loose the "more than freshman 15"...long process! I gained like 60lbs during not cute. I'm getting there though!

    Feel free to add me & good luck reaching your goals!
  • Georgia here...feel free to add.
  • Funky_Mabel
    Funky_Mabel Posts: 17 Member
    south kakalaki
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all! Sending requests now! :)
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    I'm in Nashville southern cooking :smile:
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    haha! that is one of the perks from being from down south! It is a double edged sword for sure!
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    Bama girl here :)

    Um, I've been out of nursing school for almost two years, and I'm still trying to loose the "more than freshman 15"...long process! I gained like 60lbs during not cute. I'm getting there though!

    Feel free to add me & good luck reaching your goals!

    I completely understand! I packed on a good 40lbs! glad we are friends on here!
  • I am not from the south, but am from the good ol' Midwest! Anywho, if you want to add me feel free. I log daily and I chat, support, challenge etc. Good luck to you all!
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I'm from TX and I loves me some chicken friend steak and greens, mmmm.

    I'm gonna add you :)
  • Good ol' Bham AL !
  • Welcome and feel free to add me! I've taken the attitude of no excuses! Any anyone who has healthy versions of southern cooking pleeeease send them my way!! No, seriously, I am definately begging, lol! :)
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    I'm not from here but like my momma says "I got here as fast as I could."

    Married a good ol' southern boy and man, did I pack on the pounds. Love to add!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Alabama here! Originally a yankee though. :( Do I still count??? Lolol. :happy: :drinker:
  • Alabama here! Originally a yankee though. :( Do I still count??? Lolol. :happy: :drinker:

    We love to have ya, but if you've been here that long you already know the answer :)
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Georgia Girl now (But I'm Canadian)......not sure if this applies since I don't eat the Southern Fried anything, lol!
    Even KFC has a different menu here.....Say whaaaaaaaaaa?
  • Spent some time in CA - you guys don't have mac and cheese OR good biscuits at kfc in NL. wth? How is that even possible.
  • Mississippi girl here! Just starting out on my weight loss journey. Long way to go, and alot of determination to get there!
  • I'm in the dirty South & it's nuthin but Southern Fried or Authentic Mexican.....God Help Me!!!!! Lol I'll add U:)
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    Originally from Humble, TX and the navy brought me north. I'll always be a southern girl at heart though :)
  • Texas here, after having my first baby I went back down to pre- baby weight like bam, I was also in the military... As soon as I got out of the Army the weight started showing up and I have gone up and down for years,. Then after baby #2 I just stayed at high 180's got up to 200 with him and never gotten below 170 after having him,. Now after baby #3, my most def last baby, I'm motivated and ready to get my sexy back. My husband is currently stationed in South Korea and I plan to get back down to 140 by the time he comes home for good next Oct, but drop a lot before his surprise visit in Nov. I have already lost 24 Pounds since I had my daughter 8 weeks ago ... I'm ready to get back to being the me that's inside and showing my babies what a healthy lifestyle is like!!