Really do not want to track



  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    I don't want to either. I wish I was one of those people who can intuit how much to eat, listen to every last tiny bodily signal, or just effortlessly maintain my weight.

    Wishing did not make it so.

    Thus, here I am.
  • nicoleisback
    I actually find the tracking on here really easy. If you eat something regularly, save it as a meal and you can add it to any day in just 2-3 clicks. as for embarrassment, why would you feel embarrassed writing things down? Isn't it more embarrassing to put the stuff in to your mouth in the first place? There is nothing embarrassing about trying to get healthy, and the logging teaches you where you are going wrong and how to fix it.
  • cjclark99
    Yeah, i get the "i don't want to", but in my experience tracking is THE most important thing. No matter what system I've used, when i track it works, when i "play ostrich" (and hide my head in the sand) and pretend it doesn't matter... well, weight loss doesn't just magically happen... So, to make it more palatable, promise yourself you'll track for one week. Try to make a game out of reaching your goals (although i certainly had my problems this week!) and know that tracking is probably the best thing you can do for yourself.:tongue:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Good luck with that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    If you don't want to track your food, why are you here? Tracking is what it's all about. And it's for YOU, not others on here. Tracking teaches you how to eat. By learning the nutritional values of foods, and knowing your limits, you train yourself how to eat and along the way lose weight. I've been at this for more than two years now. While I can size up the calories and carbs in a meal just based on experience, I still track my food and have no plans to stop. Try it. It works. Or don't try it. Up to you.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Um, it might encourage you to eat properly if you're aware your food choices are embarrassing.
    I don't get the whining on here. I understand lots of people need support and some encouragement, but declaring you just don't want to do something seems pointless. Are we supposed to convince you otherwise?
    If you can't do something as simplistic as jot down your calories, I think you're not ready or willing to lose the weight.


    You'll never know if you're at a deficit if you don't track.
    If you really want to lose weight you'll do what it takes. Simple.
    If you're not ready that's fine, come back when you are.
  • zophiel67
    You can set it so that you're the only one to see your diary. It holds you slightly less accountable, but I know that the embarrassment of looking at it myself was enough for me in the beginning.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Um, it might encourage you to eat properly if you're aware your food choices are embarrassing.
    I don't get the whining on here. I understand lots of people need support and some encouragement, but declaring you just don't want to do something seems pointless. Are we supposed to convince you otherwise?
    If you can't do something as simplistic as jot down your calories, I think you're not ready or willing to lose the weight.


    You'll never know if you're at a deficit if you don't track.
    If you really want to lose weight you'll do what it takes. Simple.
    If you're not ready that's fine, come back when you are.
    yup. For the most part, weight loss is a math equation. You're trying to figure out how to create an equation where you lose weight. If you aren't tracking and not losing weight, the answer is simple. As it stands now, you're trying to add cats and tube socks in a hope to wind up with dinner plates. Replace those with usable data and complete the process.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    Some really good answers here and the usual "tough love" or is it just tough? crowd. Tracking is a pain, especially at first until it becomes a habit -- then you'll feel guilty if you DON'T track. Until then think of it as the work you need to do to change your health and your life for the better. You'd be willing to do a lot of work, I'd bet, if someone promised it would guarantee you'd win the lottery. Well, gaining good health, a more youthful feeling and appearance and probably living a longer and healthier life with the energy to enjoy every day is like winning a lottery. Maybe better. The food tracking works because it educates you and only you how to control your weight. You will start to notice patterns, learn to budget your calories, improve nutrition, even learn what kind of exercise you can do and enjoy and how to build it into your lifestyle. Because it is such a powerful learning tool it's worth the effort. And the huge success rate on MFP shows that this method, unlike most of the fairy dust and snake oil methods out there, works. Stick with it kiddo. You'll be happy you did.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, don't track. Keep eating whatever you want, in whatever quantities you want, and see you back here again when you weigh 50 more pounds.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I want to save money, but I don't want to record what I spend or balance my checkbook. Does that sound like a good plan? I'm pretty sure it works as well as not logging what I eat while trying to lose weight.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I don't count calories, and I'm successfully losing weight anyway. I mainly joined this site for the discussion forums. I imagine I could be losing weight more efficiently if I worked out all the math, but I'm simply not willing to be that obsessive about food for the rest of my life. That said, if you're one of those people who believes, "But I eat healthy! I don't understand why I can't lose weight! Must be poor metabolism!", then I think it would be very beneficial for you to write down everything you eat and figure out the calories, at least for a little while. Because when people say those things, the problem is almost always that they're eating way more than they think they are. Showing yourself that will help immensely. It will make weight loss more straightforward, less mysterious. Me, I have no delusions of that kind. I know I ate too much before. I eat less now.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I ate 4199 calories yesterday. I was way over goal. I tracked it all. If I don't log through thick and thin how will I recognize patterns for the long term.

    like they all say - You do it or you don't and only you can look within yourself to provide the motivation.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I track for me. You can set your diary to private for a while until you get into a habit and you can banish the embarrassment...but I also have to say, I don't go through peaking through diaries and judging people unless someone asks, they are a friend and I know they are struggling with something, or ...well that is it. There is not enough time in a day for me to monitor your diet along with my own so don't worry that people will look and judge...unless you ask questions that people looking will give them insight to help you, or you whine and complain a lot and spew a lot of wisdom about how much you know but you are incorrect about..then people might go see what you are eating to see if you are making stuff up or living what you preach.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    The embarrassment from your eating habits should be motivation enough for you. Either you want to lose weight, or you don't. Don't think there's an easy way out, because there's not. Stop being lazy and get it done. Nobody is going to coddle you or hold your hand. It's up to you to make the changes.
  • njbh86
    njbh86 Posts: 38 Member
    Smartphone app nukes your "lazy" excuse. I've found it pretty easy - if you're actually weighing your food and taking it seriously then the inputting into MFP is a breeze.

    In the end, if you don't do it, you'll likely see poor results. So do it.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    The embarrassment from your eating habits should be motivation enough for you. Either you want to lose weight, or you don't. Don't think there's an easy way out, because there's not. Stop being lazy and get it done. Nobody is going to coddle you or hold your hand. It's up to you to make the changes.

    ^^ This - Right on

    Straight facts - No unicorns, ponys, rainbows, and kittens.

    Another point:

    find groups to join etc. Build your own supportive community here! Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you doing on a calorie tracking site then?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I just signed up. I don't want to write down everything I eat out of embarrassment and laziness. Help and motivation appreciated , new so please add me! Thanks

    You don't actually have to open your diary. Or you can open it just to friends, or you can have a code that you give to select individuals.

    But until you do log what you're eating - that and measure and weigh everything - you're not in control of your food. I'm not a researcher, someone else can quote you the science, but I think that it has been proved that people who keep food diaries do better with weight loss and healthy eating than people who don't.

    And the MFP food diary has excellent tools to help you - you can enter recipies to work out the calories - if it's high you can see why and think about substituting ingredients to lower it cals. You can save regular meals to save time. And it adds it all up for you, so you can clearly see your daily calorie budget and what you can afford each day, and how much exercise you need to do to earn more calories.

    I started on here by downloading the App to my Android phone - that's how it worked for me, my phone was constantly at my fingertips, it was sooooooo easy! I never would have written it down in a book or logged on to the website every day. That worked for 4 months till my phone died, so I no longer have the app, but it worked so well, and the weight fell off, so I continued on my laptop. It's just a habit, and when you get into it you'll never remember what it was like when you thought you couldn't!

    I've learned a lot too by logging my food - I've learned a huge amount about where the calories are, where they aren't and portion size and how to keep enjoying my favourite things in moderation without piling on weight. I couldn't have done that without logging my food. I kept my diary closed to start with - when my phone died and I started on the website instead, I started looking at the forums, made more friends, and decided to open it.

    I eat rubbish still! Yesterday was a horrible slobby day, nothing of much nutritional value at all! But I'm not embarrassed - everyone else is like me! They have virtuous days where they eat lots of healthy stuff and they have slobby days where they indulge.
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