
  • I'm so used to filling the void with food, ladies. Today is a rough one - walked to the train in rain so torrential I was pretty sure I was going to be swept away. Now I'm sitting here moist and shivery and absolutely convinced I have earned a hot chocolate. Bah. I can't wait for the day when I no longer associate foods with moods. Until then - this coffee will replace my need my chocolate.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    So... my scale has not been budging at all. I've only lost 2-2½lbs in the past 2½ weeks. I think I've only had one day of rest, and I know that my snack choices haven't been the best. So, back to "day of rest".... do ya do nothing? or do you go for a mild walk? I'm just getting so frustrated. I'm not going over my calories (and if I were to eat all of my exercise calories back, I'd just gain). Opinions appreciated :)
  • H_82: Are you eating enough? I noticed my body stalled at 12 1/2lb loss for weeks, didn't lose anything, so I switched up my workout routine a bit (more variety) and I actually increased my calorie intake and sure enough! 3lbs off last week! Maybe you're not eating enough? Or taking in too much sodium? I know I bloat a lot if I eat an excessive amount of sodium.

    beesus: I know what you mean about emotional eating. I tend to eat when I'm bored or upset. Aknowledging emotional eating is step 1! Now I always ask myself "am I really hungry or am I just bored/upset?" and usually I am not hungry. Its crazy how the mind tricks you! I think the key to weight loss success is fighting your mind and following what your body tells you (not your emotions). :)

    Welcome all newbies to the group! Thanks for joining us! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    H_82, I'd say it depends on your level of activity generally... I exercise a fair bit and so I usually end up walking. But not SPEED walking or anything. Just giving my body time to recharge. It's up to you. If your scale isn't budging perhaps you need to readjust your goals; how low is your calorie goal, are you eating enough? are you eating too much sodium, sugar or fat? do you need to include more protein and fiber and less carbs in your diet? more water? etc Usually diet is the issue when weight-loss stagnates, not exercise. Check it out and see what works for you. Could be just an issue of your body being "shocked" by the sudden deficit in calories and going into survival mode. If you always hit your calorie goal, occasionally have a treat day where you eat well a few hundred extra cals to keep your body guessing. That's the best I can suggest on such little info :) Hope it helps.

    --To Everyone Else--

    October is NEARLY upon us. Hope y'all are ready to seriously kick *kitten* and reach your goals!! I am sooo excited I'm starting a day early :bigsmile: Circuit train today and start working on those push-ups! hahah Plus a 2 mile run in training for the 10k. So excited. Working tonight though from 11pm-3am at the bar and painting the house for a few hours before that :grumble:

    BIG NEWS: Weighed-in today for my Sept goal (140lbs by Sept 30th) and I MET IT! WOHOO! 139.8lbs -- Just barely but I am there! So fulfilling. These monthly challenges really push you to get moving. I'm so glad Amy suggested it. Perhaps tomorrow we could start a new thread for the Oct challenge folks just to get the ball rolling and have our goals on the front page? If you're on board for that Amy, set one up, since this is your brain child.

    Hope everyones is having a GREAT Thursday!
  • Congrats on making your goal, meagalayne! That's definitely exciting! You deserve it!

    I am definitely in to start a new thread for the October Challenge. Any ideas on what we could call it? Anyone?
  • daniraebug
    daniraebug Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in! I'm 24 (almost 25) and have spent most of my life trying to lose weight. I'm ready for a life style change.. and to be healthy and happy! Thanks for starting this!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Congrats on making your goal, meagalayne! That's definitely exciting! You deserve it!

    I am definitely in to start a new thread for the October Challenge. Any ideas on what we could call it? Anyone?

    "TOO CHUBBY FOR MY TWENTIES! October Challenge"? - Something that will easily by found by everyone that has stated their goals for the month. Anything along those lines will be fine. Anything else in mind?

    Oh and THANKS!! Feels great to meet your goals :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Ok! If you're in for the October Challenge, here is the thread to post in from now on:

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ok! If you're in for the October Challenge, here is the thread to post in from now on:


    YAY!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Im 21 yrs old 5'1 and weigh 166 DEFINITELY too chubby for my 20s
  • I'm 22, count me in!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i'm 22, currently 141 lbs. i gained 20 lbs this year.. i am hoping to lose all that i have gained and a little more.

    my current goal is to look fit for halloween so i can break necks!

    feel free to add me, i am new here!
  • beesus
    beesus Posts: 30
    Anyone else have a hard time drinking the right amount of water? I can't seem to manage it. I had no idea I was such a camel....
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I always used to have a hard time, but then I started putting ice & lemons in a water bottle & drinking it that way. Now I try to drink as much as possible b/c I found it really helps me out weight wise. And I make myself drink when I'm not even thirsty.
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    I always used to have a hard time, but then I started putting ice & lemons in a water bottle & drinking it that way. Now I try to drink as much as possible b/c I found it really helps me out weight wise. And I make myself drink when I'm not even thirsty.

    I always add slices of lemon to my water bottles. Personally, I enjoy drinking out of my water bottles/nalgenes more than out of a cup. Water in bottle I'll drink, water in a glass I'm less likely. Weird, but it helps me to stay hydrated. I've heard from a friend, an episode on the Jackie Warner show and I believe a Biggest Loser show, that lemons in your water also help you lose weight because it helps you to drink more and I don't really remember the reason but something in them boosts your metabolism I think.


    How often do you all weigh yourself around THAT time of the month? I know we usually have some water weight gain, as well as other gain, so do you feel that affects your scale? I ask because.. I'm just about at that time and I've only lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks. Hey, it could totally just be me, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced that.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member


    How often do you all weigh yourself around THAT time of the month? I know we usually have some water weight gain, as well as other gain, so do you feel that affects your scale? I ask because.. I'm just about at that time and I've only lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks. Hey, it could totally just be me, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced that.

    I weigh myself once a week, regardless of if it's during my time of the month or if I'm not. I actually haven't found myself to be holding weight during my period at all. I'm consistently losing 1-3 pounds a week regardless of the time in my cycle.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member


    How often do you all weigh yourself around THAT time of the month? I know we usually have some water weight gain, as well as other gain, so do you feel that affects your scale? I ask because.. I'm just about at that time and I've only lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks. Hey, it could totally just be me, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced that.

    I weigh myself once a week, regardless of if it's during my time of the month or if I'm not. I actually haven't found myself to be holding weight during my period at all. I'm consistently losing 1-3 pounds a week regardless of the time in my cycle.

    I almost always gained some weight. It's discouraging, but you just have to rationalize it and know that you'll lose it again next week. I usually gain 1-2lbs on the Monday I have my period, and then by the next Monday I am down 3-4lbs, water weight + an extra lb or two if I have followed my calorie goals/exercise. Just try not to give yourself a hard time if you see a gain. It can be very difficult, but stay on track and you'll see progress over the long term :) Good luck!
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    I love that there is a thread for twenties!

    I am 20 years old (probably the youngest in this thread :) ) and I have been needing an outside support group for a while now. I have gained 15 lbs. in college (ironic huh?) because of drinking, junk food, and not working out. I really need help on the weekends. I work out almost every weekday and eat really healthy then the weekend comes and I undo everything I worked on all week.

    I weigh myself every morning. I know I should weigh my self once a week but its a little addiction, and since the scale is right there in the bathroom, why not?
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I know I should weigh my self once a week but its a little addiction, and since the scale is right there in the bathroom, why not?

    Because everytime you drink and haven't peed yet.. or everytime you are ready to use the bathroom, your weight will fluctuate. And a daily weight reading won't be as accurate if you weighed yourself once a week around the same day/time. As long as you don't get upset when the weight comes up one day or 2x in a row, because then maybe it will go back down the next day. I like taking measurements to track my loss. I definitely think they are more telling than a scale. I'd take measurements now, and then not again for another 2-3 weeks.
  • ME02134
    ME02134 Posts: 26
    I love that there is a group for people in their 20s. I need motivation for the weekends! I just started working full time and sitting in a chair all day has really kicked my butt. I have always worked out but I'm hoping by finding motivation here I will make the right choices to get the weight off!
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