Did you "give up" anything?



  • TheLung
    I've been a fan of video games since I can remember. I have all the current systems, but over the past few months my video game playing is at an all time minimum. But I've come to realize that if I'm going to run/workout on a daily basis, video games have to be put down.

    Have you had to give up anything in the name of fitness?

    You need to toss the new stuff and get an original Nintendo and a power pad. Now that is a workout. World Class Track Meet really gets the blood flowing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I gave up the idea that I had to give up anything.

    ^This and the excuses and "reasonings". I'm currently working on giving up ALL my fears, doubts, insecurities and self-negative thoughts/images.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I've been a fan of video games since I can remember. I have all the current systems, but over the past few months my video game playing is at an all time minimum. But I've come to realize that if I'm going to run/workout on a daily basis, video games have to be put down.

    Have you had to give up anything in the name of fitness?

    You need to toss the new stuff and get an original Nintendo and a power pad. Now that is a workout. World Class Track Meet really gets the blood flowing.

    So the Kinect that uses body movement is not as hard as the power pad? beg to differ.
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Only what doesn't fit into my calorie limits
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    I gave up about 70 pounds. That's all. I still make time for all the activities and foods that I've always loved, as they aren't the reasons I gained weight.

    I guess I associate my video game playing with being overweight.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I gave up about 70 pounds. That's all. I still make time for all the activities and foods that I've always loved, as they aren't the reasons I gained weight.

    I guess I associate my video game playing with being overweight.
    hundreds and hundreds of hours of bf3 here. It's just a stereotype.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    I gave up about 70 pounds. That's all. I still make time for all the activities and foods that I've always loved, as they aren't the reasons I gained weight.

    I guess I associate my video game playing with being overweight.
    hundreds and hundreds of hours of bf3 here. It's just a stereotype.
    I dunno, back in the day when I got off work I would hit up some GTA 3 and a few hot pockets right before bed haha.
  • TheLung
    I've been a fan of video games since I can remember. I have all the current systems, but over the past few months my video game playing is at an all time minimum. But I've come to realize that if I'm going to run/workout on a daily basis, video games have to be put down.

    Have you had to give up anything in the name of fitness?

    You need to toss the new stuff and get an original Nintendo and a power pad. Now that is a workout. World Class Track Meet really gets the blood flowing.

    So the Kinect that uses body movement is not as hard as the power pad? beg to differ.

    I have never used it, I just know that the Power Pad is a workout.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Sleep. To get my workouts in, I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning after having gotten home from work at 10:30 at night the previous evenings. Tough to wake up, but after the workout, I'm always glad I did.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I gave up being carefree about intake. I used to just eat whatever I wanted when I wanted it without much forethought and without considering whether it would take me over my maintenance calories. Now everything is planned out and pre-logged. I guess I also gave up my ignorance about how many calories were in my favorite foods.

    That's really pretty much it. I still eat all of my favorites and I still do all the same activities as before.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    I gave up tons of professional clothes. Most were in excellent shape, so they went to a charity that gave them to women in shelters that needed professional clothing to job hunt and start over. My wonderful husband suggested I do that. What wasn't taken by that charity went to Purple Heart to help servicemen and their families.

    I also gave up a lot of time that would have otherwise been spent surfing the internet for inane things like politics, celebrity fashion, and other ever-changing obsessions. I lost most of my weight simply walking. I lost close to 60 pounds just walking.

    Other than that, I just ate smaller portions.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I gave up tons of professional clothes. Most were in excellent shape, so they went to a charity that gave them to women in shelters that needed professional clothing to job hunt and start over. My wonderful husband suggested I do that. What wasn't taken by that charity went to Purple Heart to help servicemen and their families.

    I also gave up a lot of time that would have otherwise been spent surfing the internet for inane things like politics, celebrity fashion, and other ever-changing obsessions. I lost most of my weight simply walking. I lost close to 60 pounds just walking.

    Other than that, I just ate smaller portions.

    Oh, I forgot about clothes. I gave up a whole wardrobe, even shoes.

    That's awesome that you donated yours! I'm holding onto mine for now.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I gave up eating too much, and moving too little.

    In return I look better, feel better, and get to eat ice cream with a regularity that is frankly obscene for anyone on a 'diet'. It was a good deal.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    I gave up being carefree about intake. I used to just eat whatever I wanted when I wanted it without much forethought and without considering whether it would take me over my maintenance calories. Now everything is planned out and pre-logged. I guess I also gave up my ignorance about how many calories were in my favorite foods.

    That's really pretty much it. I still eat all of my favorites and I still do all the same activities as before.

    I hear you (and others) about giving up carefree choices. My wife and friends don't seem to understand why I log everything, but it's helped me the most. That and getting off my butt.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't feel like I gave up anything... I just added MORE.

    I added more nutritionally dense foods, which means I ate less foods that were not so nutrionally dense. I still have pizza, just less often than before. I still have pasta, but with a pile of vegetables mixed in. I typically get my chocolate fix from a protein bar instead of a candy bar.

    I added more exercise. This really isn't a big time suck. It's about 30-60 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week. I spend more time than that watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Since I lift weights at home, I can do that while watching tv, and sometimes read a few pages or play a round of Candy Crush or Words with friends between sets.

    I still drink diet soda. I just drink one or two cans a day instead of drinking ONLY diet soda. The rest of the time, it's water.

    The only thing I gave up at all were some clothes that got too baggy to wear. :drinker:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I gave up about 70 pounds. That's all. I still make time for all the activities and foods that I've always loved, as they aren't the reasons I gained weight.

    I guess I associate my video game playing with being overweight.

    I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours logging into World of Warcraft (I was think I was just shy of 1200 hours when I deactivated). The games didn't make me overweight, eating too much did.
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    Beer. Cut down from 3 bottles a day to perhaps 3 a week. Probably a good thing, but I really miss it. Try having a kid, you wont have any time for anything.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I gave up about 70 pounds. That's all. I still make time for all the activities and foods that I've always loved, as they aren't the reasons I gained weight.

    I guess I associate my video game playing with being overweight.

    I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours logging into World of Warcraft (I was think I was just shy of 1200 hours when I deactivated). The games didn't make me overweight, eating too much did.

    There are a large number of people in the gaming industry (including pro-gamers) that are in great shape.

    When it comes to it....moderation as someone else said.
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    As far as food goes, I gave up nothing from it. It is all in moderation for me..but I agree, my relaxation and lazy time has been cut in half. I spend most days working out 2 hours a day between getting in my runs and any fitness programs I am doing and maybe even things in between.
  • Casie2323
    Food and money. Money if I get a gym membership. But I know it will be worth it!