Getting up early to workout

So I think now that I'm back in school for the semester, on Thursdays I'll have to get my workout in before I go to work because I leave right from work at 6pm to go to school and don't get out of class until almost 10.

So I need some advice, for those of you who get up early in the morning to workout.....any tips to actually getting out of bed in the morning? I'm SOOOO not a morning person and I usually hit my snooze button a few million times before dragging myself out of bed and into the shower. Any suggestions?


  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I would like to see others advice as I'm having the same problem!
  • katthomas
    katthomas Posts: 22 Member
    I have NEVER been a morning person - until I started working out in the mornings. It took about 2 weeks of my FORCING myself to get up at 4:30 am but now - - - I LOVE IT! I even get up early on the weekends when I don't have to. I love getting my workout done early - and if I have time later I may get in another workout but.......if not.......I've gotten it in for the day.

    You just gotta make yourself get up early by reminding yourself WHY your doing it
    and having clothes ready the night before helps me out to.

    Good luck!
  • Banner1375
    Banner1375 Posts: 25 Member
    Well the first thing may seem kind of obvious, but go to bed a little eariler the night before. This seems simple, but it took me awhile to get it. One other little "trick" is I set my phone alarm for 10 min before I need to get up and then set it at the right time. The first bell is a "get ready to get up" alarm.

    Once you do it for a few days your body will adjust and it won't be so hard.

    Good luck.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    LOL! Great question. And one hard to answer from a morning person's perspective since I'm not usually prone to hitting the snooze button (but sure am tempted!).

    I just view it as something I *have* to do every day - must check it off my To Do List. So I might as well get it over with as soon as possible. Or, remembering the feeling I have after I'm done waking up and eager to get that feeling early on the day. Or just rolling out of bed, eyes half shut until I get through the warm ups of my routine.... I eventually wake up and start feeling good (sometimes not even till I reach the halfway mark in my workout).

    It's definitely not something I *want* to do every morning... but once I'm done, I'm always glad I did it.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Remember that an adult's sleep runs in 90 minute patterns. Go to bed allowing yourself 30 mins to fall asleep (women take longer to fall asleep than men normally), then try and allow yourself a number of blocks of 90 minutes. The theory is that at the end of a 90 minute sleep period, your sleep is lighter so it's better to wake up and you'll feel more refreshed than say if you were woken after 45 mins. So you could go to bed at 11.30pm and if you set your alarm for 6am you'd have had 4 90 minute blocks and should wake up fresh as a daisy!
    For children the periods are 45 minutes.

    Remember it's only a theory though! External factors like children and noisy neighbours are not accounted for. :laugh:
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Remember that an adult's sleep runs in 90 minute patterns. Go to bed allowing yourself 30 mins to fall asleep (women take longer to fall asleep than men normally), then try and allow yourself a number of blocks of 90 minutes. The theory is that at the end of a 90 minute sleep period, your sleep is lighter so it's better to wake up and you'll feel more refreshed than say if you were woken after 45 mins. So you could go to bed at 11.30pm and if you set your alarm for 6am you'd have had 4 90 minute blocks and should wake up fresh as a daisy!
    For children the periods are 45 minutes.

    Remember it's only a theory though! External factors like children and noisy neighbours are not accounted for. :laugh:
  • zcostilla
    zcostilla Posts: 23 Member
    The two best things I can think of are
    1. Make sure you wind down before trying to go to sleep. And turn off the TV. You want proper rest, not just a number of hours with your eyes closed.
    2. Go to bed a half hour earlier than you think you need to

    I have my clothes ready before bed. If I don't get enough sleep, the pump from working out keeps me going, but I try to get a cat nap after work.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Sometimes I hit my snooze button without even realizing I'm doing it, like I"ll be dreaming about an annoying sound and then it just goes away. Maybe I need to move my alarm away from the bed.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    sorry don't know why that posted twice!!
  • autumnleann
    autumnleann Posts: 15 Member
    Well, I only work out twice a week in the morning before work. The only way I hold myself accountable is to meet my faithful workout partner! We keep one another on the ball and that really helps...

    Other than that, I really don't know how I'd do it... because I hate mornings! :)
  • sheenmarie3
    sheenmarie3 Posts: 38 Member
    I am not a morning person at all either....for the last week I've been trying to get up early to workout and just have to make myself. Its getting easier and easier. The first couple days I wore my workout clothes to bed...but now I just have them ready so its a lot easier. The less effort you have to take will make it a lot will get easier and easier each day and you will feel great. I just have to remind myself that I will be done and don't have to think about my workout for the rest of the day :) And go to bed at a reasonable time :)
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I've been doing it for 1 1/2 weeks I've been getting up at 5am every morning except Sat. and Sun. I made it my challange every week day for myself. When my alarm goes on at 5 I sit up and thank God I made it to another day then I think of why I have to get up and workout. Don't get me wrong I'm not a morning person but I want to feel and look good. :happy: I'll be hard the first few days but you'll get use to it.

  • aythakay
    aythakay Posts: 26 Member
    Here is a trick I do (mental) that helps me the nights before marathon days long runs (when I have to get up at 4 am) I sleep in my running clothes! I like to move as little as possible in the morning until I wake up and it helps if I am already dressed :)
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    I wouldn't skip work by sleeping in, that's how I look at getting up early to workout, like I don't even have a choice in the matter:bigsmile:
  • aythakay
    aythakay Posts: 26 Member
    I am also an assistant coach and run with a running group so I kind of HAVE to show up.....
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I think this was just posted or something similar. I get up before work and go the gym. I lay my clothes out (gym & work) so that everything is ready to go. I set my alarm and DO NOT hit snooze, get up and get going. I also try to plan to go with others as then I am less likely to be lazy.
  • johnthefatman
    A really bright light helps kickstart the day - especially if its one of those SAD daylight lamps.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    My key,
    Is to get your feet on the floor,if your getting 8 hrs sleep its just discipline. AM workouts before breakfest are very beneficial,all calories burned are from stored reserves vs. cals eaten before workout are taken from food consumption.
    Good luck, if you want it bad enough will not be a major problem.:noway:
  • raven58
    This would be hard for me since I get up at 5 to get out the door by 6 to be at work on time and I shower the night before. But, I do plan my clothes the night before, my husband usually makes my lunch and leaves it in the fridge, so I only have to dress, accessorize and makeup, pack the lunch, kiss the cats (hubby is still sleeping) and go play in traffic.

    Actually I don't usually get home until 7:30 pm so I've been having trouble finding time to work out. I am trying to sneak it in. I park a little farther away, take the stairs instead of the elevator when I can, and then do long walks on the weekend.

    Good Luck!
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    I set my alarm to radio instead of the buzzer- i SET IT LOUD, and my alarm clock is not were I can reach it, so if i am gonna turn it off i gotta get up. I Get up at 4:00 am , so far i am on week 2.